Champions League Final tickets

kieran1984 said:
I agree that the allocation of neutral tickets is a joke as most just go to corporate sponsors who leave seats empty while real fans get scalped by touts for hundreds of quid. In the World Cup final for example over 30% of the tickets will go to sponsors and the like. If i was an Arsenal fan i'd be annoyed at tickets being handled like this for what could be the biggest moment in a fans life.
A large percentage of neutral seats at the CL final do not go to corporate sponsors and the like but to fans of European football who entered through the UEFA lottery. Sure, lots of these tickets get resold (witness: Istanbul) but so do a lot of tickets in the fan sections.

(and those of you who continue to say yanks don't enjoy/understand football can go to hell for all I care :p )
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Oh, Babs, please don't think I said those words in anger or frustration. Wouldn't want to give you that satisfaction. ;)
Morbyd said:
Oh, Babs, please don't think I said those words in anger or frustration. Wouldn't want to give you that satisfaction. ;)

:lol: I'm just laughing cos you sound like such a tit :lol:
Morbyd said:
You all are just jealous :p

(and no, Dan, what I said was that under current UEFA allocation rules, I am right)

What does that matter? Are you like this in real life?

Stop so transparently changing the subject!

Large proportions of neutrals like you going to matches is bad for the game, and bad for REAL fans.

Come on Johnny boy, we can do it! Yes or no!
Dan x said:
Great comeback. Really cutting. Haha :lol:

dan, i think you need to teach him and show him how its done. although tbh, i'm not sure a sense-of-humour by-pass has ever been successful on an american.
Dan x said:
Stop so transparently changing the subject!

Large proportions of neutrals like you going to matches is bad for the game, and bad for REAL fans.

Come on Johnny boy, we can do it! Yes or no!
I have not changed the subject! My initial point was that there is nothing wrong with me having a ticket in the neutral section because it exists! and it exists for neutral football fans who really want to enjoy the game.

Now, if you want to have a discussion about whether neutral fans at major football events are good or bad fo the atmosphere, that's a different issue... and one I haven't taken sides on.

Obviously, a stadium full of partisan supporters would be a louder affair, and you want to reward supporters of the teams playing. That's one side of the argument. On the other side is that it is the final of a pan-European competition and there's logic in giving other teams' supporters a chance to attend. Does UEFA get the balance right? I have no idea... but I'll tell you in 2 weeks time!
Morbyd said:
I have not changed the subject! My initial point was that there is nothing wrong with me having a ticket in the neutral section because it exists! and it exists for neutral football fans who really want to enjoy the game.

Now, if you want to have a discussion about whether neutral fans at major football events are good or bad fo the atmosphere, that's a different issue... and one I haven't taken sides on.

Obviously, a stadium full of partisan supporters would be a louder affair, and you want to reward supporters of the teams playing. That's one side of the argument. On the other side is that it is the final of a pan-European competition and there's logic in giving other teams' supporters a chance to attend. Does UEFA get the balance right? I have no idea... but I'll tell you in 2 weeks time!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: and more :rolleyes:

also, "pan-European competition" - never ever call it this again;) :x
Not sure why I bother with you people. Wanted to share my joy and instead I get picked apart again. Well, at least I made it this far before I actually let it get to me... suppose that's an improvement.
grego said:
two fingered salute at x-amount:p

lets not get confused here............touting is alrite, the prawn sandwich brigade or neutral fans at important games/concerts is not.................

especially americans who know nothing about the game................define makelele's role again for us morb:p

Whiney little ****, second time you bashed the US for no apparent reason. FYI, not all americans are oil guzzling, and don't know **** about football.
pitpuppy said:
Whiney little ****, second time you bashed the US for no apparent reason. FYI, not all americans are oil guzzling, and don't know **** about football.

pipe down you!!!

the apparent reason i've bashed the US twice is cos i love winding morbyd up and i'll use (almost) anything to do so.:p :p

although you have proven that most americans, which i assume you are, speak/type without thinking first (as if you had though first then you might have inquired or realised that the digs i make are all part of the banter):p
Ya, grego, but sometimes it's a bit hard to tell when you're making light banter... I'm still probably only about 50% there!