British and Bad teeth, Myth or for real?

My goodness what happen here....

I think crazed was asking a sincere question. However I don't think that he knew that it was somewhat offensive. It's true that there is a stereo type that the English have funky teeth, but that's it, just a stereo type.
I 'm sure there are some that live up to that stereo type and some that don't.

I live in America, born and raised and proud of it, and I am 5'9 and 125 lbs......I am definitely not fat but I am also an active person.

This thread has gotten a bit negative. Let's all embrace our cultural differences and learn from eachother.

Spread the Love!! :D
I think Crazed has hit the nail on the head in his last post my mentioning the Simpsons and Austin Powers. Thats is the problem these days. Too many people believe what they see on TV and I have to add I think Americans (on a whole) are the worst at this, but Europeans are catching up!!! Im Irish, living in London and lived in America for a while. It never failed to amaze me the amount of Americans who actually believed the following:
1. Everyone in Ireland wears green trousers.
2. There are several leprechauns living in every town
3. In Ireland, you can always find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
4. There is no electricity in Ireland

and many, many more things just as stupid as the above. Not only about Ireland but other countries too.

:eek: AHHHH MY TYPICAL STEREOTYPE OF THE yanks was ....all brains,and they certainly havent let us down!!!!!!!didnt the americans invent those toothy popsters.the osmonds?. heres a wee story that will make yer anus stick to the dentists chair like a kitchen sink plunger.......thought id work in ibiza this year......i am.soo.being a complete dental-phobe i thought.shit.its time to get the gravestones fixed!.its no good having a tounge like a lizzard( he licks his eyebrows).and having a non-exzistent smile. :lol: i never knew in my wildest dreams that bridgework would entail so much pain....1,700 quid of pure agony...for 3 different sets of new knashers.......and about 20 injections so far......jeez what was i thinking.......i not american of story.........teeth do not maketh the man!!!!!! cheers bigwickuk ps.....nearer the lucky people........ill let u know where im working.......and you can see the new,greatly improved bigwicks new chopper,s!.........form an orderly queue please ladies............ 8) :eek:
Re: TEEF!!!!!!!!

bigwickuk said:
:eek: AHHHH MY TYPICAL STEREOTYPE OF THE yanks was ....all brains,and they certainly havent let us down!!!!!!!didnt the americans invent those toothy popsters.the osmonds?. heres a wee story that will make yer anus stick to the dentists chair like a kitchen sink plunger.......thought id work in ibiza this year......i am.soo.being a complete dental-phobe i thought.shit.its time to get the gravestones fixed!.its no good having a tounge like a lizzard( he licks his eyebrows).and having a non-exzistent smile. :lol: i never knew in my wildest dreams that bridgework would entail so much pain....1,700 quid of pure agony...for 3 different sets of new knashers.......and about 20 injections so far......jeez what was i thinking.......i not american of story.........teeth do not maketh the man!!!!!! cheers bigwickuk ps.....nearer the lucky people........ill let u know where im working.......and you can see the new,greatly improved bigwicks new chopper,s!.........form an orderly queue please ladies............ 8) :eek:

your telling me I have no brains, yet your grammar is atrocious, I'm offended.

Teeth don't make a man, yes. But smiles make this world a better place to live in. Smiles can break ice, cure insecurities and promote good will. Being a Man doesn't mean you can't smile. :D

Americans may be in solitary compared to the rest of the world considering that we're the majority on our continent.

Thus one of the testaments of american isolated thought from the rest of the world, but your right. The majority of american popular culture isn't affectionate of the intellectual body of americans, but to those who take pride in their intellect, do make good use of it.
spunkymonkey said:
I think Crazed has hit the nail on the head in his last post my mentioning the Simpsons and Austin Powers. Thats is the problem these days. Too many people believe what they see on TV and I have to add I think Americans (on a whole) are the worst at this, but Europeans are catching up!!! Im Irish, living in London and lived in America for a while. It never failed to amaze me the amount of Americans who actually believed the following:
1. Everyone in Ireland wears green trousers.
2. There are several leprechauns living in every town
3. In Ireland, you can always find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
4. There is no electricity in Ireland

and many, many more things just as stupid as the above. Not only about Ireland but other countries too.

Yeh mate, I'm Scottish living in England but did live in the states for a year and I got so annoyed with people thinking that I must be having a day off from wearing my kilt. Also they have no idea of scale and can't believe me when I say I have never been to Loch Ness. and one more thing that Funks me of is when they all come to Scotland and try to trace their Scottish ancestry, that and the way the pronounce Edinburgh (Edin-Bo-Row). They should all just start spelling the word colour properly if you ask me. Oh and they could also try to stop starting wars while they're at it. "9/11, why would anyone do that to us" , well they wouldn't do it to luxembourg would they.
Re: TEEF!!!!!!!!

bigwickuk said:
:eek: AHHHH MY TYPICAL STEREOTYPE OF THE yanks was ....all brains,and they certainly havent let us down!!!!!!!didnt the americans invent those toothy popsters.the osmonds?. heres a wee story that will make yer anus stick to the dentists chair like a kitchen sink plunger.......thought id work in ibiza this year......i am.soo.being a complete dental-phobe i thought.shit.its time to get the gravestones fixed!.its no good having a tounge like a lizzard( he licks his eyebrows).and having a non-exzistent smile. :lol: i never knew in my wildest dreams that bridgework would entail so much pain....1,700 quid of pure agony...for 3 different sets of new knashers.......and about 20 injections so far......jeez what was i thinking.......i not american of story.........teeth do not maketh the man!!!!!! cheers bigwickuk ps.....nearer the lucky people........ill let u know where im working.......and you can see the new,greatly improved bigwicks new chopper,s!.........form an orderly queue please ladies............ 8) :eek:

Crazed said:
I've always wondered that stereotype about english people and bad teeth.. I never really noticed it but I've always wondered if that was true about some brits. I know it's not true for all, and probably just older people probably have that problem but whats the deal with that stereotype?

well im all british and i aint got bad teeth i can assure u !!! :p
Well I'm the neighbour to the north of the Americans and even with such proximity on a whole most of them think that Canadians are living in igloos and we all play hockey and say the word "eh" every five seconds...but so does the rest of the world!
Even in my own city do I experience it because I'm from Italian decent...anyone who isn't, automatically thinks I eat pasta every day, have some affiliation with the mob and raise chickens in my backyard!
At the end of the day all you can really do is laugh at it, eh? LOL
No use getting our knickers in a knot!
So let's everyone get along and quit while we're ahead as it's only going to get uglier from here!
Heal the world ,

Make it a better place,

For you and for me

And the entire Human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Lets make a better place for you and for me.
this thread i funny,u guys have cheered me up ;)

at the end of the day there are people that fit into stereotypes or they wouldnt exist,obviously not as bad as it used to be as we're all changing and being more individual now.

however,i think crazed was asking a humoured(sp?)
question,not meaning offence,like me asking "are all americans fat?"
why get arsy about it?
why get defensive it makes us look like we cant have a descusion.
at the end of the day there are alot of english with f***ed up teeth!
that doesnt mean us on the board have them,so just be honest and take it lightly rather then taking such offense(i could understand if he said it directly to one person)
there's also proberly loads of fat american tourists with there caps and shorts on and camera round there necks(def in thailand !)...americans admit this is true,they exist,why not admit yes some english have f***ed teeth,i know people with no friggin teeth..yuk.
who cares?!
thai kitty said:
this thread i funny,u guys have cheered me up ;)

at the end of the day there are people that fit into stereotypes or they wouldnt exist,obviously not as bad as it used to be as we're all changing and being more individual now.

however,i think crazed was asking a humoured(sp?)
question,not meaning offence,like me asking "are all americans fat?"
why get arsy about it?
why get defensive it makes us look like we cant have a descusion.
at the end of the day there are alot of english with *beep* up teeth!
that doesnt mean us on the board have them,so just be honest and take it lightly rather then taking such offense(i could understand if he said it directly to one person)
there's also proberly loads of fat american tourists with there caps and shorts on and camera round there necks(def in thailand !)...americans admit this is true,they exist,why not admit yes some english have *beep* teeth,i know people with no friggin teeth..yuk.
who cares?!


:D IF ONE WISHES to endear himself to the (funky toothless gumsters that are heading to ibiza this summer)then one needs to try a different approach!.im sure any brit would give you short,sharp,thrift had you asked that question face to face,i know i would.seriously.....what an idiotic question to ask.....!!.americans were never known for there scottish too,ex-army 13 years,and i happen to like the americans.gulf-war,falklands to name but a 41.i hear a lot of dissent and hatemongering in the uk,directed towards the americans.tottally unjustified,coming from the great unwashed(anti-war,anti-gov,anti-anything movement!!and offcourse the people who shout the loudest about iraq,etc are the same people who actually plant the bombs in the name of a certain religion.i believe we have a very special relationship with america,going back many years,they came to our aid in ww2.if usa wasnt here,we,d either be german,or living in a religious shiara state by now.the usa is the deterent to all rouge states worldwide.200 people killed in madrid,200 in bali,3000 in wtc,moscow,israel etc.......where does all this hate eminate from??.before anyone answers that question,go read 3 books.....the bible,and the quoran,and the torah.then and only then,will you have an understanding of why theres all this trouble in the world today..........religion!!.or some peoples warped interpitation of it.650,000 met there death at the folly of following saddam hussain,5000 kurds were gassed by him......and all i hear is how bad people think usa are!!!!!!!!!duhhhhhhhhhhhh.5 traitors got let back into uk....oh eh we were backpacking in afghanistan when we were caught in a war zone!!!!!!!!!!!!.(memoirs of a jihadi backpacker......good book title)jeeezzzzzzzzzz wtf is happening to us in uk???.bring on ibiza.bring on respite from all this fcuked up hate and terror i see in the world today.the enemy aint the usa.the enemy is the despotic terrorists who wish to impose a god-fearing utopia on you and i......get with the programme people!!.anyways.rant over.personal opinion offence intended.ohhhhhhh the obese americans....och forget it.....the fat get fatter.....and the poor get bye bigwickuk. :lol:
:D you cannot deny is a fact!!!!!!!!!!the minority.........spoil it for the majority!!!!!!!
This quandy has a very simple answer

Listen up- After years of worldwide travel - I think I can answer the initial question concerning Brits and their supposable screwy choppers.

Yes, many Brits do in fact have some f*cked up teeth, as do the Scottish and Irish as well. You can also add to that list the French, German, Danish and Swedish.

Hell the whole of Europe is one big Dentist's wet dream. Has anyone on this board ever been to those are some messed-up mouths.

Seems the Americans are just blessed genetically. Superior beings. Proper breeding somewhere down the line.

Wrong - American teeth are as screwed up as any other nation in the world, including, oh sensitive kids, the Brits. The thing is, the practice of Orthodontics (shaping one's tooth arrangement via braces and bands etc.) is much more prevalent in the U.S. than in any other nation in the world. Hence, the appearance on "naturally toothsome" smiles. They ain't natural. They be paid for.

I will concede that we are a fat nation....cept' me, of course.

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)
I'll admit i've been fat before, or more of beer belly. Summers of just all-out partying pretty much do that to you. When I got back to school I went on a diet and started exercising alot, now i'm training myself to get a nice body ready for some more summer partying! So I guess it goes in a cycle, summer get Fat, fall lose fat, winter build muscle, spring condition myself, summer get Fat - Repeat.
Re: This quandy has a very simple answer

Yes, many Brits do in fact have some f*cked up teeth, as do the Scottish and Irish as well.

There we go again, only an american could write something so stupid. Scottish people are brittish people you ignorant F*cker.

In a recent survey 100 brittish and 100 american people were asked this question: What is the most southerly US state. 62 Brittsh people got it right and only 30 americans did. Really made me laugh.