British and Bad teeth, Myth or for real?

lol, i wondered how five pages of tripe could appear from nowhere, considering i didnt even remember half the people on it lol. mental note. check dates on posts. :oops:
Wow, I'm sure you can see from my full original post (circa.2004) that my comments were simply a pss take.

kn1980 said:
Wow this has really turned into a cross atlantic fight since I last looked at it. I think it would be wise for us to put an end to it by having a dirty great big punch up on nuetral ground somewhere, Say Ibiza for example. Anyone care to put forward some dates or venues. Scores could be settled and none of us would have any bloody teeth left at the end. Come on Yanks you guys are normally up for a war or two.

Then you could get the remaining teeth veneered to give you that all American sparkly white toothsome grin.

Good for a read though. It really does remind me that if your in a hole - stop digging. :lol:
comin' at ya said:

What a perfect food here in my home town of Boston, Massachusetts, absolutely perfect!

Americans are fat, but it's stupid to say all Americans are, for instance this article today in the News paper here:

But typically why Americans are more obese then others, food is plentiful here, conveinence stores and resturant on every corner. People drive in their cars 1 mile to go to the store, when it's perfectly fine to walk, as most Europeans do. I noticed on my trips to Europe, nothing is really conveinent, you have to walk to get almost anything you want. I walk so much, I hate cars, if people would do it more often we wouldn't have the obesity problem we do. #2 reason why Americans are fat, large portion sizes, but what people don't realize is that you don't have to eat everything on your plate, it's okay to bring things home. And for everyone, soda pop is the devil, gatorade and other "fruity" drinks, people don't realize the calories they are consuming when they drink these things. They basically contain my entire days worth of sugar, I stay away from them like the plague, which leads me to my other topic. ;) (don't kill me, just getting in a little sarcasm)

The stereotype that Europeans have bad teeth and smell, I really didn't find that to be any more true then here in America. Go to a club here in America, pick NYC for instance, there are people who smell so badly I almost puke sometimes in the clubs. And some peoples teeth :rolleyes: , I wish sometimes I could just tell them "hey, your teeth are gross, here's the name of my dentist, he's very good".

I guess what my point is, is this, there are fat people, ugly people, people with bad teeth and smelly people everywhere, all over this earth. To pinpoint it to one area or one type of people is silly.

And I think whiteislegirl was a little over the line and spoke a little to quickly from the hip, but really people do you hate all Americans that badly? Have you ever really sat down and talked with someone who is American? Because for you to say, this is why no one likes ALL Americans, is taking yourself down to that level where you say you don't want to be, and that's pretty sad.

When I was in Ibiza summer 2003, Mike and I met 4 really cool people. One was Nish and his friend, we talked on the beach and had a good time, smoked a little and chatted. I hoped that he got a good impression of me and Mike, I wasn't loud, I wasn't over weight and wasn't full of myself. The second 2 people where Brits we met at Space, all night they kept saying "we can't believe you guys are so cool." "We have never met Americans, BUT the impressions we get of Americans are they are all self-centered, very full of themselves, fat and do not care about the rest of the world." I thought to myself, you never met Americans, but you have all of these impressions of us, that tonight you are finding is not true of everyone in America. Don't you think maybe you shouldn't pass judgement so quickly? But for me it was an enlightening experience, I love meeting new people, I come to the table with no "stereotypes", that way you can be yourself and get to know others, it's what life is about.

So I guess just use a little patience, it goes a long way sometimes and if you do you may open yourself up to knew things you never thought existed. :D
For god sake :rolleyes:

There are fat americans and skinny americans.

There are english with good teeth and english with bad teeth.

There are fat english with bad teeth and skinny americans with no teeth!

ffs, stop the steretyping and national pride posts!!!!!!!! :twisted:
pride f**k pride!

MARKB said:
Wow, I'm sure you can see from my full original post (circa.2004) that my comments were simply a pss take.

The great part is, some people are still taking it really seriously... a year later :lol:
I don't recall this thread, but I just glanced at a few posts... I knew there was a reason why I hted Americans!! :eek: :evil: :p
For god sake :rolleyes:

There are fat americans and skinny americans.

There are english with good teeth and english with bad teeth.

There are fat english with bad teeth and skinny americans with no teeth!

ffs, stop the steretyping and national pride posts!!!!!!!! :twisted:

Good old Stuie.

Donde est Stuie?
My teeth are in bits after years of chemical abuse :oops: ive been to the dentist once in 15 years :oops: that was last year, she told me i need serious work done on my teeth totalling €7,000, fcuk that sh*t i haven't' got €70 to spare never mind that sort of money,if it wasn't so expensive here for dental care (and Doctors,Hospitals,etc,etc) it wouldnt' be so bad, when i get a few quid together ill go somewhere in Eastern Europe and get work done on my teeth ata fraction of what it would cost here.

Even in the UK you take it all for granted the NHS and your Doctor is all free is it not, over here assuming your working you have to pay anything between €40 to €70 to see a Doctor and if you have to go to A+E you will also get a bill in the post for €25, more if you are an outpatient, scandalous.:evil:
The great part is, some people are still taking it really seriously... a year later :lol:

3 years later!!! :lol:

Old post revivals are great apart from ones that catch you in an uncompromising mood. It's quite :oops: :oops: :oops: like reading an old diary.
My teeth are in bits after years of chemical abuse :oops: ive been to the dentist once in 15 years :oops: that was last year, she told me i need serious work done on my teeth totalling €7,000, fcuk that sh*t i haven't' got €70 to spare never mind that sort of money,if it wasn't so expensive here for dental care (and Doctors,Hospitals,etc,etc) it wouldnt' be so bad, when i get a few quid together ill go somewhere in Eastern Europe and get work done on my teeth ata fraction of what it would cost here.

Even in the UK you take it all for granted the NHS and your Doctor is all free is it not, over here assuming your working you have to pay anything between €40 to €70 to see a Doctor and if you have to go to A+E you will also get a bill in the post for €25, more if you are an outpatient, scandalous.:evil:
something about Toothless simpletons etc etc
My teeth are in bits after years of chemical abuse :oops: ive been to the dentist once in 15 years :oops: that was last year, she told me i need serious work done on my teeth totalling €7,000, fcuk that sh*t i haven't' got €70 to spare never mind that sort of money,if it wasn't so expensive here for dental care (and Doctors,Hospitals,etc,etc) it wouldnt' be so bad, when i get a few quid together ill go somewhere in Eastern Europe and get work done on my teeth ata fraction of what it would cost here.

Even in the UK you take it all for granted the NHS and your Doctor is all free is it not, over here assuming your working you have to pay anything between €40 to €70 to see a Doctor and if you have to go to A+E you will also get a bill in the post for €25, more if you are an outpatient, scandalous.:evil:

Dentist is not free though. Work done on the NHS is cheaper but you still have to pay. Plus (as if they don't get paid enough by the NHS) loads of dentists will only do private work or a very limited amount of NHS work - it isn't so bad in Northern Ireland, but in England you hear about people queuing for hours to get on the books if a new dentist joins their local practice and is taking NHS patients. I went a month or two ago for the first time in eight years and all was well.