British and Bad teeth, Myth or for real?

This is soooo silly.

Let's all embrace our cultural differences and appreciate eachother for our different backgrounds.

This thread turned negative and I don't think it was nessasary.

F*ck stereotypes, some of them are true and some aren't.

Oh and I am american and I have paid lots of money to make my teeth as pretty as they are today. I am not fat, but I do indulge in all the amenities that being an american comes with. Oh yes and I always vote.

WhiteIsleGirl said:
I think it's more of a hygiene issue. Also, all about keepinp up appearanes here as well. I would not even narrow to only the UK but more so Europe. I have traveled quite a bit and have dared to ask several of my peeps and they do admit that they don't shower as much as we do. Even change of clothes... It all stems from the lack of water back in the day and also having communal baths. Water was also very expensive. It was not unusual to bathe in dirty water your whole family used. (Always open for other ppl's views)

mmmm :rolleyes: , I read about two years ago a research that said most of the Spanish homes do the washing everyday, and have a shower everyday. But that could be explained because of the warm weather. Anyway don't tell Europeans are dirty. Even though there might be some country in Europe where people don't use to have a shower often or don't wash their teeth often, this issue is not to be discussed, unless is told to create controversy. Don't you think so?[/b]
In Italy 99% of the bathrooms have a bidet.
We wash our @@ more than you do
That's a fact, no stereotype :D
Wow this has really turned into a cross atlantic fight since I last looked at it. I think it would be wise for us to put an end to it by having a dirty great big punch up on nuetral ground somewhere, Say Ibiza for example. Anyone care to put forward some dates or venues. Scores could be settled and none of us would have any bloody teeth left at the end. Come on Yanks you guys are normally up for a war or two.
MARKB said:
People from the Southern states in the USA all *beep* their cousins, so i hear.... :rolleyes:

(that's Brit sarcasm by the way - whoops another tooth has fallen from by rotten gums)

Crazed - go fck yourself you pig ignorant twat.

spotlight gold :p
Damn... looks like you got a little upset there, Marky...

Great thread though... not sure how I missed that one.
Oh No!!!!!!! I pity you for your indifference.

northern lreland, same stuff to me.

isn't the UK flag based on the Irish Saint Patrick Cross, The Scottish St. Andrew Cross and the St. George Cross for England? To myself and other americans that still leaves room for the irish(n. irish) to be considered brits just because being northern irish doesn't exact stray away from the fact your irish either way.

Man, what planet are you living on... seriously... its the same thing to you! So you're Canadian yeah??
For your information Great Britian consists of England, Scotland and Wales. The UK consists of Great Britian and Northern Ireland. The flag of Great Britian consists of a combination of the English, Welsh and Scotish flags. Technically it is not the flag of N. Ireland. The Nothern flag is a variation of the English flag - it is the Georges flag with a symbol in the middle, the red hand of Ulster.
It is THIS level of indifference and/or ignorance that gives people in this neck of the woods the perception of you which they have.

SpunkyMonkey... I hear ye with the stereotype stuff - and there's no sign of it changing!!
Staycool... uh... stay cool, friend.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you addressing some part of this thread from a year ago?
completely cool man...
kinda got on the thread late, got half way through... some quality stuff on it but there are limits to what you can let people believe are truths...
staycool said:
completely cool man...
kinda got on the thread late, got half way through... some quality stuff on it but there are limits to what you can let people believe are truths...

I understand... but a year later, I won't hold this comment
MARKB said:
People from the Southern states in the USA all *beep* their cousins, so i hear....
against MARKB.... I know he knows better... because if he really meant it, I'd be over there pulling out his last tooth with my pliers :eek: :lol:
Crazed said:
In North America and the rest of the world besides europe, I'm pretty sure if you show random people the Wales Flag, the Red Cross Flag, the Scottish Cross Flag and the United Kingdom Flag, most people wouldn't recognize any of them other then the UK one.

i wasnt gonna join in, im amazed i wasted enough time reading this pish. but now i get the feeling your saying my national identity is insignificant and unrecognisable. i find that offensive. Im following vdub back to the music forum, you're off your Nut. The kind of people arguing here, are the kind of people who argue in the pub and at dinner tables, and with their partner's parents/friends. Over inflated opinions of themselves. Do us a favour, let some steam out your melon, and get tae f***, as us insignificant scot's are known/unknown to say...
Wow... whoever resurrected this thread just opened up a whole can of nationalist worms! Everybody just chill!

fatphil.. you're responding to something from a year ago... person might not even be on the board. The thread was resurrected to observe, laugh at its impetuousness, and try not to repeat!
what have i started :oops: :lol:
Wars have been started for lesser things! Next thing you know, the Brits and Canadians will team up to try to burn down Washington again! :eek:

and kidnap our dentists along the way :lol: