Your most powerful Ibiza memory.

2005 Danny Tenaglia playing the sound of a Thunderstorm on the Terrace in Space

1997 first time in Manumission and hearing Dario Sunchyme for the first time as the sun rose through the big windows in Priviage ( I know its a bit cheesy but it worked so well at the time). Followed by my first trip to Space, when I was due to go home and someone told me that I could get the bus to space free so it seemed rude not too! It meant a lot to a impressionable 17 year old......
they all come flooding back, often forget them though.

ones that stand out are:

1. First time at Sundays at Space. Qing up outside, hearing the old terrace sound system blasting out, the bass was great, sent tingles down your spine whilst waiting to get in. Simon Free at Last blasting out.... As we set foot into the club, Basement Jaxx were playing and dropped Rendezvu... followed later by Love is in the air... was a fantastic moment.

On using our pass outs, we went to bora bora and were guiding in the planes with some glowsticks we found. :)

2. Manumission absolutly trashed, going to the after party at space. managed to put a afro wig on and my mate took 4 hours to find me!

Hearing Roger Sanchez - Another Chance whilst 'chilling' up in the dome at privilige and sun rising.

3. Proposing to my gf at Cala Conte whislt watching a perfect sunset.
2005 Danny Tenaglia playing the sound of a Thunderstorm on the Terrace in Space

It was awesome wasn't it? I believe you turned to me and told me that my friends and I where Mad ;) :lol:

How you doing young man?

You cant deny it :lol: I remember being under a table with a tall lad (Rob ?) when it started getting a little too mad (esp as i hadnt been to bed for 3 days, and we were getting our ferry 3 hours later).

I'm fine mate, and you and Mrs G ? Where are you now dude ? Not missing billericay then ? :lol: you going/been to Ibiza soon/recently ??
First ever visit, walking down the deserted tiny cobbled streets of the old town wondering; "Where are the bars?" having enjoyed the most magical of views on the walk from the top. To then suddenly stumble into the madness that is Ibiza Town. Like several other posters finally knowing I had found my spiritual home.

Clubbing wise, possibly Sasha playing one Friday at Pacha, the place went crazy. Tongy came back into the booth and played a blinder. I was almost in tears when we had to finally leave.
Tough 1, so many cracking memories! 2 stand out though, both a Pacha!!

Being in the Booth with Jazzy M when he was playing the last set at Ministry's Closing Party 01/02, he played DJ Falcons So much Love for about 20 mins, the crowd went nuts, and were still going crazy an hour after they switched the lights on!

Being at Def Mix the week that Barry White died, 03 maybe, Morales played a re edit of his, the crowd went nuts, almost took the roof off, never seen a reaction anything like it!!

Happy hazy days!
I so have to do this next year (not with a gf but with my bf :lol: ) as I know it will be amazing

im going with my boyfriend for the first tome this year. he has been twice and iv been once but not together so this time shall be cool!

my best ibiza memory is my first time at amnesia, 12th july 07 and thinking oh my god is this real?! and thinking that my night couldnt get any better, seconds later Underworld - Born Slippy was played. It was just surreal!!
for clubbing - my top memory is amnesia opening party in 1991 - i was young and impresionable! lol i could not belive my eyes, my ears or any of my senses! its was just so so mental! brilliant memories
to this day i can still see the guy dressed in only a fishing net (naked) walking round asking everyone if they felt happy! :D

other most powerful memories of ibiza are nothing to do with clubs.. but beautiful Shared magic moments with people i love on an island i love, soaking up the soul of the isle :)
... the guy dressed in only a fishing net (naked)
walking round asking everyone if they felt happy! :D

for clubbing - my top memory is amnesia opening party in 1991 - i was young and impresionable! lol i could not belive my eyes, my ears or any of my senses! its was just so so mental! brilliant memories
to this day i can still see the guy dressed in only a fishing net (naked) walking round asking everyone if they felt happy! :D

other most powerful memories of ibiza are nothing to do with clubs.. but beautiful Shared magic moments with people i love on an island i love, soaking up the soul of the isle :)

now that's old skool!!8):D
1998 in Privilege with Jules, Lisa Loud, John Kelly just as the trance scene exploded and hearing Faithless 'Insomnia', Lucid's 'I can't Help Myself', Cafe Del Mar, and then unbelievably 15000 people singing in unison to Delerium 'Silence' with the sun belting through the back of the club. Probably one of my defining moments of a 15 year clubbing career and one that i will never ever forget as long as i live.....:D
Space, just arrived and was going absolutely mental boshing out some seriously vicious dance moves to some eperleptic music, can't remember who was DJ... Anyway podium dancer steps down from her spot, walks up to me and says I'm the best dancer in here and then we go for it together and everyone forms a circle around us while we mince about for a while. Indulgent maybe, but I fooooooking loved it. 8)
I think just about everything about my first trip to Ibiza... I can't think of a night I didn't enjoy.

I'll just echo what the other posters have said, as cheesy as it sounds, I'd really found my home when I went to Ibiza. I've traveled to so many other places and nothing comes close to Ibiza.

The day parties at Space, moving on to bora bora and wondering if I still had my kidneys... just the feeling I can't describe to anyone who han't been there.