When you have a moment in a club

hauskitten - full fabric report please

I feel it is slightly overrated I would only go back there if it was to see someone who would not play anywhere else. Room 2 with Ben Sims and Len Faki was where we spent most of the night had a good atmosphere, room 1 with Anja Schneider wasn't great too light and a bit soulless bit boring.. it wasn't the music (although it does seem weird going from hard techno to more housey vibe) just thought it would be a darker dingier place. we still had a wicked night and as our bus didnt leave victoria til half ten we spent some time wandering round SW1 looking like crack heads which was fun :twisted:
some of the comments are here are pathetic, people need to seriously get a grip. All this because I started a thread about having a moment in a club. The thread wasnt called what dj should play what music. Luciano and Carl Craig played a couple of cheesey tunes and it went right off thats all that needs to be said on the matter.
Threads often take a different course and people will air their opinions thats what forums are all about aren't they?
Very few threads stay on topic in this forum for more than a page or two.
Look at the lent thread. Started on lent, then went into dating, casual sex, then to languages.

Moments in clubs are awesome though. Had a moment in Privilege in 2009 when tiesto was playing. Dropped a bomb of a tune. Same again that year when I saw Ferry Corsten at amnesia. Didn't really get that last year, which was gutting.
A moment is what you make of it. I don't really care what the other guys think on who I like. I like them, live with it. ;)
Very few threads stay on topic in this forum for more than a page or two.
Look at the lent thread. Started on lent, then went into dating, casual sex, then to languages.

Moments in clubs are awesome though. Had a moment in Privilege in 2009 when tiesto was playing. Dropped a bomb of a tune. Same again that year when I saw Ferry Corsten at amnesia. Didn't really get that last year, which was gutting.

I don't think you're allowed to have a moment listening to either of these DJ's because I believe Tiesto once smiled while playing a record and I'm pretty sure I saw Ferry Corsten raise one, or possibly both arms in the air at Cream one year.
I don't think you're allowed to have a moment listening to either of these DJ's because I believe Tiesto once smiled while playing a record and I'm pretty sure I saw Ferry Corsten raise one, or possibly both arms in the air at Cream one year.

You're totally missing the point but can't be assed to go down that road again , had you read every post and actually undertstood you'd see nobody has a problem with DJ's dancing or whatever they want to do :D they can do cartwheels, headstands they can sh*g their missis up there for all I care!
some of the comments are here are pathetic, people need to seriously get a grip. All this because I started a thread about having a moment in a club. The thread wasnt called what dj should play what music. Luciano and Carl Craig played a couple of cheesey tunes and it went right off thats all that needs to be said on the matter.

well get you Uncle Sevo preaching on your pedestal - dictating what can and cannot be written on a public forum. You don't have any authority on the thread just because you started it, you total social calamity. With that in mind, I reserve the right to be as rude about who-ciano as I like.
well get you Uncle Sevo preaching on your pedestal - dictating what can and cannot be written on a public forum. You don't have any authority on the thread just because you started it, you total social calamity. With that in mind, I reserve the right to be as rude about who-ciano as I like.

:lol::lol: keeping that one for the traffic warden
You're totally missing the point but can't be assed to go down that road again , had you read every post and actually undertstood you'd see nobody has a problem with DJ's dancing or whatever they want to do :D they can do cartwheels, headstands they can sh*g their missis up there for all I care!


Good one +1 agreed
well get you Uncle Sevo preaching on your pedestal - dictating what can and cannot be written on a public forum. You don't have any authority on the thread just because you started it, you total social calamity. With that in mind, I reserve the right to be as rude about who-ciano as I like.

As much as you do annoy me at times, you also make me laugh out loud. thank you, Olly. :lol:
Olly;1359803 joe claussell is the ONLY DJ on the planet I would want to [I said:
watch[/I] for his theatrics but then he is also a supremely talented turntabilist who channels his wild energy into adding drama to the music itself, he doesn't pull stupid faces for the cameras, what he does is done with real sincerity and love for his records.

Yeah baby, and Theo who basically gets anihalated, mixes with his head and picks the decks up.

All part of the show. Does he miss the odd beat, yes; does it add to the atmospher X 1000 yes.!
The rules of musical snobbery are ill defined - those that know just know. But when you do know you know that you know and it all clicks into place :D
Yeah baby, and Theo who basically gets anihalated, mixes with his head and picks the decks up.

All part of the show. Does he miss the odd beat, yes; does it add to the atmospher X 1000 yes.!

if you get a chance, joe claussell is in Manchester this saturday I believe (Community?)