Weekend Plans

Had an amazing weekend. Thursday night down the cricket club loads of San Miguel, lovely evening ruined by Southgate. Friday eldest daughter won her race at sports day, I cried my eyes out, and I never cry. In the evening the girls played at a cricket festival, first ball my eldest faces she hit a six, very proud Daddy, youngest wasn’t interested she was happy to run around and climb trees with her face painted like a unicorn. Yesterday bbq round my best mates, loads of top grub and great company. Today was spent in the garden. Put on well over a stone last week, time to hit the gym again.
I would dearly love to have been at Gozo at Cova Santa losing myself in Dekmantel et al, but still had an enjoyable social with some pals on a rooftop here at the weekend, immersed in great food and music, watching the city skies light up for Sant Joan celebrations. I don't know what this country's obsession is with gratuitous explosions but I guess you just get used to it over time.

*Back to earth and got a couple of clients but could do with some more creative projects (content, SEO, copy etc) to see us through the summer if anyone off here knows anyone hiring right now?
How did you get on? sean, danielle and others saying it was amazing
The weekend has started! (Hopefully) fly to Amsterdam tomorrow (I say hopefully as lots of easyJet flights got cancelled today), then train to Zandvoort ready to head to Luminosity festival Saturday and Sunday 😎

Monday - probably will want to cry a lot. Fly home in the evening. Thankfully I’ve booked Tuesday off to recover!