Weekend Plans

Those are a cracking pair of socks!!
Thanks. If only they actually were a pair..the photo doesn't really show how different they are. Amazing how hard hiding your ankles is in the office. Its not a skill I'd ever considered before today. If it were warmer I'd have considered rocking a miami vice shoes/no socks combo
Ricardo was on fine form, not all time but epic non the less! So good to finally get back into fabric. It had been far too long!

The afters was messy, stoked Ricardo turned up though! - crawled back to my buddies for around 9pm last night! Broken but smiling! Ha!

Limping my way back to Cornwall as we speak!

Special weekend.
Was my big three oh at the weekend. Missus threw a massive surprise party for me, totally unexpected.

The biggest shock was when @Bucko08 and his missus walked through the door... Considering they're from Manchester, we live in Newcastle and we've only met twice before, I've obviously made a good impression :D

I'm still tired today from the weekend. Gotta rest up quick, this next month is bedlam.

Barcelona on Friday, Edinburgh the following weekend and then Berlin the week after.
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Quiet one this weekend after a few mad ones. Been hitting the gym am before work and pm after for the last 8 weeks and it's taking it's toll now so a couple of days of just relaxation on the cards. Probably no booze though...:eek:
Taking the eldest skiing and therapy Sat morning. Playing in a cup final Saturday afternoon. Celebrating a win Saturday night and then up with kids at 5.30am. Trained for this.