Weekend Plans

£50 for a gym that doesn't have showers?!!

Guessing you start work at 8 or nine Emma? Surely early train from sunny Essex (with added no crowds bonus) and morning stint at a London gym before work would be ideal?

Erm ok take that back about the sweatiness and showers :lol:

But what I mean is I dont think I would get much done in an hour and then have to shower and leg it back to work. One of the girls here occasionally goes at lunch and comes back looking a right worn out mess. I mean an hour isnt long enough to go to the gym, shower and get your hair looking ok to come back to work ;)

That is a very good option coming in before work but would mean a very early start - yes I am lazy and not sure I could hack it ;)
I don't understand the whole gym thing. Surely there are ways of keeping fit without having to hand over 50 squid a month to become an embarrassing sweaty mess in front of strangers while having your lugs assaulted by godawful commercial dance music? (Although I guess some of us do that while clubbing in Ibiza.)
I don't understand the whole gym thing. Surely there are ways of keeping fit without having to hand over 50 squid a month to become an embarrassing sweaty mess in front of strangers while having your lugs assaulted by godawful commercial dance music? (Although I guess some of us do that while clubbing in Ibiza.)

I tried the running round the park routine last year but it requires discipline and that goes out the window the moment it rains or turns cold. When you pay big bucks to train, then that incentive not to waste your membership comes into play.
I tried the running round the park routine last year but it requires discipline and that goes out the window the moment it rains or turns cold. When you pay big bucks to train, then that incentive not to waste your membership comes into play.

Agreed, when you pay the money and dont use it, starts to grate after a while......

wow surely im not the only hardcore gym goer who actually enjoys going ?! :eek: lol

Ive been going for 3 years and go 3 to 4 times a week, so can justify the money,and have now started training my GF of an evening aswell as she wants to get in shape, esp for Ibiza 8)

I, personally, get a real good buzz from a good hard work out :D

This guy ive started dating is actually shocked at how much i am in the gym, he calls it a bit of an addiction, i might have to agree :lol:
Erm ok take that back about the sweatiness and showers :lol:

But what I mean is I dont think I would get much done in an hour and then have to shower and leg it back to work. One of the girls here occasionally goes at lunch and comes back looking a right worn out mess. I mean an hour isnt long enough to go to the gym, shower and get your hair looking ok to come back to work ;)

That is a very good option coming in before work but would mean a very early start - yes I am lazy and not sure I could hack it ;)

I am so lucky we work 8.30-6pm as a minimum but if we want to go to the gym or running club at lunch we can have a whole hour and a bit more if necessary(the gym is literally on our doorstep) and still have lunch at desk after, literally everyone here does it for spin squash or just a work out, the downside is although our gym overlooks the water which is nice when on the cross trainer but it is the biggest dump ever they have just refurbed in a disgusting sick orange and forest green and dark cream not inviting at all!!!
I tried the running round the park routine last year but it requires discipline and that goes out the window the moment it rains or turns cold. When you pay big bucks to train, then that incentive not to waste your membership comes into play.

Nail on head 8)

Started training the gf after work now seeing its light for longer of an evening :D

wow surely im not the only hardcore gym goer who actually enjoys going ?! :eek: lol

Ive been going for 3 years and go 3 to 4 times a week, so can justify the money,and have now started training my GF of an evening aswell as she wants to get in shape, esp for Ibiza 8)

I, personally, get a real good buzz from a good hard work out :D

This guy ive started dating is actually shocked at how much i am in the gym, he calls it a bit of an addiction, i might have to agree :lol:

Love it when I am there but if I miss a my class on a monday it is really hard to motivate myself all week
I do at least 2*30 mins of press-ups, sit-ups, etc in the house a week, have a decent sized garden to look after (often move things around, so lots of digging) and go foraging. ;)

It depends what you're trying to achieve body-wise, but the main way to control weight is through diet. You really don't burn off that many calories through exercise above base rate - not as many as people would like to think.

I'm at the upper end of my good BMI range and am happy with 'some' definition rather than being muscly. My problem is while my legs and arms look about as toned as they can be, I just can't get a flat stomach. :(
This may not apply to most guys ;) but housework is a good work out, hoovering the whole house and cleaning the bathroom, i sometimes break a sweat scrubbing the whole bath :lol:

Gardening is another good one aswell, esp if you dont touch the garden all winter and it now looks like a forest :eek:

Some people just take to excercise better than others. I get my fitness and love it from my mother, although she was mega extreme when she was 17-21 as she suffered from anorexia so majorly over excercised to the point it was excessive :confused:
.... if I miss a my class on a monday it is really hard to motivate myself all week

Ditto :D

I do actually enjoy going but some weeks my mojo goes AWOL and it takes a little more effort to motivate myself.

I have to attend classes though - I can't be left to my own devices as then I get lazy! I need someone to shout at me and make me do those last 5 push ups (man push ups not girly on-your-knees push ups I might add :lol: )
I walk 4 miles to and 4 miles back from work every day though and an hour on my lunch so get my fair share of exercise I would get fat if i didnt do that :)
Thats like me, i will always make a point of going out for a long walk on my lunch break. Hate the fact that my job is a 'sit on your arse all day' kinda job....also means my lunch is a bit dyer aswell...dont wana be eating more calories than im burning :rolleyes:

shes says when im 5'7 / 5'8 and am a size 6-8 :lol:
I tried the running round the park routine last year but it requires discipline and that goes out the window the moment it rains or turns cold. When you pay big bucks to train, then that incentive not to waste your membership comes into play.

Yep. My gym costs over £100 a month.

Started going to LA Fitness for £30 all in and then stopped going as gym was ****, couldn't be bothered (only 30 quid), lockers were getting robbed etc. So I stuck with my gym and use it everyday well Mon - Fri and so get usage out of it.
Yep. My gym costs over £100 a month.

Started going to LA Fitness for £30 all in and then stopped going as gym was ****, couldn't be bothered (only 30 quid), lockers were getting robbed etc. So I stuck with my gym and use it everyday well Mon - Fri and so get usage out of it.

:eek: still a lot of wonga to be payin even if you do go 5 times a week :eek: imo and im a gym freak :evil:

clearly someone earns a nice wage ;) :lol: fair play then 8)
Weekend. Stayed in Friday.

Took the kids out to the park Saturday day. ***** Lane Saturday evening. Didn't stay too long, most gaffs charging tenner for 2 drinks for some old dive! Moved onto Cargo for bit and then onto the Electric Minds Loft Party which as always is fun, decent crowd and music. Didn't stay late though as wangled free lift home at 3am saying me 60 sheets so carried on indoors till collapsing Sunday night after being tortured all day by the kids.