Weekend Plans

My quiet weekend turned into going out on all all day sesh saturday, then to Basics then rolled home last night, best weekend in ages though :)
Fri Saw Insidious at the theater enjoyed the film

Sat hellish storms on the east coast of the USA stayed in and weathered the storms

Sun nada
I worked all last weekend and got some stuff finished so i can relax over the bank holiday weekends.

Thursday - Working during the day then DJing at night 10-2am

Friday - Nothing at all. I will have worked 3 weeks without a day off by this point so i am going to lie in bed or the garden depending what the weather is like.

Saturday - Heading into London to meet the other half at lunchtime and we have booked one of those mystery hotels for the night so it's food, beers and a night in a 4 star hotel :D

Sunday - Good v Evil from Ibrox at 12.30 in a pub and then Bar-b-q or Sunday dinner with the other halfs family then head home.

Monday - See Friday