Weekend Plans

Talking of recruitement, I've just given some d1ck who used to work for me the reference from hell. Just told the truth: "He was incompetent, dishonest and disliked to such a degree, any one of those three factors would have been enough to have ended his employment here after just two months":lol:
Talking of recruitement, I've just given some d1ck who used to work for me the reference from hell. Just told the truth: "He was incompetent, dishonest and disliked to such a degree, any one of those three factors would have been enough to have ended his employment here after just two months":lol:

I may be wrong but I though you werent really able to give bad references these days cause of the whole thing with people liking to sure folk for everything and anything.
I may be wrong but I though you werent really able to give bad references these days cause of the whole thing with people liking to sure folk for everything and anything.

Verbal only, people screening potential employees are aware of the issues and tend to phone for a confidential chat;)
a lot of companies just offer standard written ones to get around any dicey situations

you have to read between the lines - if they just say "X worked here from 1832-2010" and nothing else , then you can be sure that employee achieved zilch
a lot of companies just offer standard written ones to get around any dicey situations

you have to read between the lines - if they just say "X worked here from 1832-2010" and nothing else , then you can be sure that employee achieved zilch


We do the same by saying things like showed up to work on time.......
was gona say myself,didnt think you were allowed to give a bad reference :confused:

tbh no reference says it all, like olly stated 8)
I found my original email i sent to my current employers just after i'd finished uni the other week. It basically read "I've been a student bum for 3 years and now desperately need money, so give me a job.....please :)" Worked quite well :D
I found my original email i sent to my current employers just after i'd finished uni the other week. It basically read "I've been a student bum for 3 years and now desperately need money, so give me a job.....please :)" Worked quite well :D

Well aslong as you got the job thats all that matters :D
Speaking of jobs, I need to try and ask my employers for a years career break - any tips? Got a feeling they will tell me where to go! Worth a shot though - looking to go over to Canada for a year as of next May/June.

As for the weekend:

Friday - Finish work, do back flips. Go to the gym. Rest.

Saturday - Head to Brick Lane and mooch about with some friends, heading down to Rough Trade at 1ish in hope to catch Wild Beasts who are playing at 3 for nada' due to it being record store day. Then saunter off to the pub to watch Utd/City, then make my way home for a relatively quiet one. Got to look after the pennies with Ibiza looming and an expensive May!

Sunday - TBC! Will likely involve activities more suited to OAP's such as car washing, mowing lawns, weeding and painting fences. Living the dream!
You need to research a Sabbatical all companys are different depending on the size of the firm etc...but reasearch it for yourself then maybe just have a quiet word with your Manager or if there is someone whos heaving involved in HR - then thats your person...

Better to regret something you did do then to regret something you didnt do 8)
Mine was fab, included a mammoth spring cleaning session, dinner and drinks with some new friends - got in at 3am, very unlike us :eek::lol: yesterday was recovering and had a nice BBQ at the folks as the football was on at ours :lol:
Mine was pretty good for a "Quiet" one.
Didn't really do much but it was full of sunshine and refreshing alcohlic drinks :)
Also glad Super Dirk came to the resue in the 102 min :D
decentish weekend all round. quiet one Friday, good result at the football sat afternoon, friends wedding do on sat night which was good. Sunday - gardening etc.
Good chilled weekend in prep for epic bike ride next weekend. Stayed in fajitas, bottle of this:


Top wine. Available in 6's from Amazon.

Shock Doctrine documentary. Good, but a bit simple.

Sat, spend forever tracking a rip of the new radiohead single. Succeed. Immense.8)


Never mind 'imho' - it's immense!

Over to Liverpool on Sunday. Albert dock sh1te in the sun, shaded everywhere. Decided i'm going to try and get to Ibiza in July. Sept no good as the missus will be 8 months preggers....
cooked a curry n stayed in friday
saturday headed into town and ended up at fabric to see Magda , Sebo K n Ryan Elliot. Was pretty good , not too busy for a change.
Left when it finished and ended up staying up all day sitting on the roof of my mates apartment in soho then went for a drink by trafalger square with people watching the marathon. Disjointed rubbish sleep last night/this morning
so after the game (see earlier thread) picked up a friend and went down to the corsica studios for felix's party - I was on pretty good behaviour so didn't stay too long - whilst there though, was surprised to see none other than MC Kinky do a live PA on stage :lol:

for those too young to remember MC Kinky :

Friday: rocked it out to Above & Beyond, which was had a very good atmosphere.
Place emptied when they finished however, sucking the atmosphere out of the place for Mat Zo.

Saturday: Did very little, just went to the gym. Had to deal with noisy neighbors all night. And watched all of series 9 of family guy.

Sunday: Did a mix (available in the music section) and played minecraft.
Congratulations, agentundercover :) Some remarkable times ahead for you m8.

Fri: work, house jobs

Sat: Sledging at indoor ski slop with little boy for his bday party. What an absolute ball we had, highly recommended. Evening, house jobs til v late bbq in between.

Sun: House jobs, work, water fight at friends, bbq & Ibiza Global Radio (love this channel).