Weekend Plans

ah almost time to escape the office!

Tonight: A "few" drinks in a pub garden in St Albans or Harpenden - could end up on the train to London though!

Saturday: Possible sore head, decent breakfast followe by a trip to the bookmakers to bet on the grand national, then a journey to SW6 for a few sunshine drinks before watching my beloved Chelsea with the old man. Quiet evening I think!

Sunday: Gym + pub garden but no alcohol. Job done then only 8 weeks til I fly to Ibiza :D
Well this weekend is going to be a very quiet one for me i think.

I need to get my fat ass in shape before i die of a heart attack so my weekend consits of.

Friday - Gym followed by Swim, Mr Bannatyne charges me £54 a month so im going to get ym moneys worth :) then have an early night.

Saturday - Gym in the morning, followed by watching Soccer Saturday and Listening to QPR world, Evening well mate has just got married in Orlando ( didnt tell anyone) and hes back home so proboably going to say hello and pass on the congratulations. I am then going to Whitstable to the Brewery Bar where the guy who i run my radio station with is doing his night, have a catch up with friends old and new then home for some zzzzzzzzzz's

Sunday - Nephews Birthday ( hes only 4) and have been invited to have diiner, bit awkward as i dont really get on with my brother and have only seen my Nephew once but obivously being there is a step in the right direction i suppose. Afternoon / Evening Gym ( theres a pattern emerging) one of my mates is going to come with me and put me through and intesne workout so by the time thats done i will be foooooooked !

Thats it, back to the grindstone Monday
Indoors with the kids tonight. Few of the chums off to Francois whilst I shall be having bogies wiped on me or being punched numerously by my son in his new boxing gloves. Can't wait.

Tomorrow some country park action and basking in the good old British summer. May go to see that film Rio possibly but it is too nice to be in the cinema. Meant to be going Feast and then onto the Electric Minds party but big nose has done her back and shoulder in so may be a blow out. Not fussed as huge night of boxing in the early hours so happy to have nocturnal activities indoors for that.

Sunday back to ze park and bask in the last day of British summer. Maybe a nice over priced pear cider somewhere surrounded by oversized sunglasses and next line of auditionees for the next series of The Only Way Is Essex. Brill.
Steak dinner?

I love them in Moscow. Not the best steak you'll ever have but very good and very consistent.

But their new one in London blew me away. Absolutely delicious.

yep... question mark as undecided between above, hawksmoor & guinea grill.

all supposed to be good.
I say check it out. See how the Russians brought good steak to London :)
(the meat is not from Russia, thank god!)
I say check it out. See how the Russians brought good steak to London :)
(the meat is not from Russia, thank god!)

The meat not good over there, then?

Moscow is one of the places I am to visit in 2013, so will keep that in mind!
The meat not good over there, then?

Moscow is one of the places I am to visit in 2013, so will keep that in mind!
For a good steak? I wouldn't go with domestic beef. But most steak restaurants around here have imported beef so nothing to worry about.

You can do alright with your local pork & chicken.
I had a chill weekend. Ikoda it was 15 years ago I was in Moscow, I ate out every night with no ill affects. I must admit that I ate at the McDonald's near Red square once:oops:. The local restaurants were great.
Mine consisted of a hangover, slight heat stroke, sunbathing, sunbathing and sunbathing - generally taking it easy 8)
Garden related aching, burnt - and I was wearing factor 50 on the bits i had out grrrrr!!

stuffed my face on food and beer and now need to diet immediately - this is what comes of deciding to pack in smoking again.... forgot i substitute a sweetie or 6 for every tab grrrr!!!!!:spank:

all in all a lovely lovely weekend it has to be said.... 8)
My weekend all went a bit haywire.

Friday - Missed my flight to Kiev due to bad traffic, ended up taking a later flight. :evil: It was midnight by the time I arrived, settled in and caught up with my crew (7 guys celebrating my mate's 40th) although we packed a lot in to the next 5 hours visiting no less than 4 nightclubs - Sky Bar, Aura, D-Luxx and Shooters. People started bailing out around then and I ended up having a late night snack in some cafe at 6 before retiring to the hotel.

Saturday - Got up, had breakfast, and spent the next few hours waiting for a delayed flight back to Moscow :evil: Watched 2nd half of Chelsea match then out for a random but uninteresting evening.

Sunday - Got very little done around the house. Watched some TV. Installed new hard drives in my desktop. Yay.
My weekend of nothing went perfectly to plan. Nothing was planned. Nothing was achieved. It was all going great until yesterday evening when I bore witness to the spectacular tantrum that one of our group (I can't call him a friend as he's a megakunt*) threw in the boozer over a mix up with the landlord over a measure of port. It was quite frankly embarrassing (and hilarious :lol:)

*courtesy of Olly
I had a great weekend, chilled out, sunny based boozing with the mates, all you can eat tapas, successfull shopping bought ..... well looking forward to another quiet one this weekend :)
I had a great weekend, chilled out, sunny based boozing with the mates, all you can eat tapas, successfull shopping bought ..... well looking forward to another quiet one this weekend :)

Quiet weekends are under rated, I love that feeling on a Friday night when you know you have nothing to do all weekend :p
Quiet weekends are under rated, I love that feeling on a Friday night when you know you have nothing to do all weekend :p

I am envious of posts like the one above:lol:

Enjoy as many quiet weekends as you possibly can now, if you ever consider having children, you won't be having a 'quiet weekend' for a couple of decades:lol::lol:
As planned. Fri meal with folks, Sat bike ride, day + eve in beer garden.

Sunday, 30k of rocky single track mountain bike pain in Penmachno. Took 5 hours! 5 punctures between us. Need a full suspension bike.

Personally I had 1 puncture and came off four times. Once my bike ended up 4 metres down the side, thanks christ i came off it in time. Covered in bruises, but that warm job well done feeling.