[UNVRS] Ibiza 2025

Primal Scream's XTRMNTR album was 2000. That's the furthest back example I can think of off the top of my head, though maybe there's some originality in sticking brackets around the name. I'd actually force people to pronounce the brackets... :spank:

hahaha the most punk thing they could've done is just not have a name at all beyond a Prince-style symbol. Imagine running that past the local taxista at 1am...
I took time to think about this since l saw it yesterday. While some may knock what Yann & co are doing, or what they stand for, this is the next generation and the future of the islands nightlife. The name is not bad, UNVRS, centre of the island / dance Universe and all of that, with a play on it being a "Privilege" for you to be in such a "Space" that they have created. Its sad in a way, as its the final end of the golden clubbing era in Ibiza, the magic, unpoliced madness of it all, but we have to dust ourselves off and move with the times. I would imagine the production will be next level, as that's what is expected now by the future generations and is already seen around the world. Space where the likes of Eric Prydz can do a full Holo / CELL show etc. I would hope the custom built sound system will blow our minds, or not, if done correctly. Will it be open nightly, is there capacity / hunger outside of peak month, to be seen, but it will be ideal for your Guetta / Tomorrowland style. I would think their aim is to take the Ushuaia crowd to there as a carry on, while perhaps driving HI to more "underground/ less commercial, less packed club for the likes of Lazarus / Coffee.. But lets see.. Will it be me, if the right event is on, of course l would go to see what the hype / production /future holds etc. Is it designed for me at 47yrs, l would doubt it, so l will be able to avoid it like l do Ushuaia, as l happily continue enjoying Ibiza through my own eyes/ venues. Change is tuff, letting go of the past is hard, but embracing the future might just turn out to be fun ;) ... Anyway at least the long winter months are going to make interesting reading to see how it all unfolds... As for Will Smith, dont get me started 🙄
You lost me way before ‘tomorrowland style’ but jesus!!. Sorry mate wish there was a dislike button for this post 🥰
For me, it's always a warning sign if someone says they're changing something in big money marketing. The changes and attitudes of clubbing have always started from the ”underground”, money and the marketing department don't change that. As most of us know, clubbing has different levels and in Ibiza the levels can be huge. I personally don't even consider this Yann Pissman's business to be clubbing, it's just a regular night club business, getting the maximum financial benefit, like in any big city. In my opinion, they should never be talked about in the same context as clubbing, even if some of the djs playing there are well-known club djs. Even if you put glitter on a pile of crap, it's still crap! They are building a financial empire around what was born from subculture and developed through "real" clubs into a commercial dance music business. This new "hyper club" will definitely find its customers because they have invested so much money in it that they don't want to fail!

I hope the taxes have been paid and the licenses are ok! 😉
I've said it a million times over the last 10 years and I'll keep saying it. Ibiza sells a commodified variant of clubbing which no longer bears any relation to what we lived through in the 80s or 90s. This is no longer a movement, a revolution or even a family. Marketing is king. Music is an optional extra. Those of us who still naively care have no relevance here and that is perfectly natural with ageing as we get replaced. If you still want to visit Spain and experience any kind of underground culture, head to the industrial estates outside Bilbao, working class barrios like Vallecas on the southern flanks of Madrid, the squats of Aragon, the places that never make it on to social media. If it matters to you stay well clear of the Med because house music now has as much emotional value as a straw donkey.
I've said it a million times over the last 10 years and I'll keep saying it. Ibiza sells a commodified variant of clubbing which no longer bears any relation to what we lived through in the 80s or 90s. This is no longer a movement, a revolution or even a family. Marketing is king. Music is an optional extra. Those of us who still naively care have no relevance here and that is perfectly natural with ageing as we get replaced. If you still want to visit Spain and experience any kind of underground culture, head to the industrial estates outside Bilbao, working class barrios like Vallecas on the southern flanks of Madrid, the squats of Aragon, the places that never make it on to social media. If it matters to you stay well clear of the Med because house music now has as much emotional value as a straw donkey.
You couldn't have said that any better..
I've said it a million times over the last 10 years and I'll keep saying it. Ibiza sells a commodified variant of clubbing which no longer bears any relation to what we lived through in the 80s or 90s. This is no longer a movement, a revolution or even a family. Marketing is king. Music is an optional extra. Those of us who still naively care have no relevance here and that is perfectly natural with ageing as we get replaced. If you still want to visit Spain and experience any kind of underground culture, head to the industrial estates outside Bilbao, working class barrios like Vallecas on the southern flanks of Madrid, the squats of Aragon, the places that never make it on to social media. If it matters to you stay well clear of the Med because house music now has as much emotional value as a straw donkey.
That's beautifully written. The only thing I'd say is that for me as someone who turned 3 at the start of 2000 my passion for electronic music started in Ibiza and has led me around the world and investing my life into all the scene encompasses.

Having a dance with my first love in Pacha to watching the sunrise protruding the back of the Vista in Privilege are the foundations of my passion for the movement/family/scene.

Although it all seems murky and dulled I like to believe that there will be someone else stepping into those shoes, starting their journey there. Still some great DJs around imo Tini, Dr Banana, Shanti Celeste are some that I've seen this year but the fact they aren't headlining is what is wrong with Ibiza at the moment.
Afterlife was not packed end of july and start of august... I don't think so.
Afterlife throws 5k+ people parties wherever they go. If Hi is not packed out, which is hard to believe, it because of Hi and the poor production, not Afterlife.
I don't know why, but get the feeling of a Michael Bay film, lots of flashy special effects and explosions, but no real substance or plot.

Probs perfect for insta crowd 📷
I've said it a million times over the last 10 years and I'll keep saying it. Ibiza sells a commodified variant of clubbing which no longer bears any relation to what we lived through in the 80s or 90s. This is no longer a movement, a revolution or even a family. Marketing is king. Music is an optional extra. Those of us who still naively care have no relevance here and that is perfectly natural with ageing as we get replaced. If you still want to visit Spain and experience any kind of underground culture, head to the industrial estates outside Bilbao, working class barrios like Vallecas on the southern flanks of Madrid, the squats of Aragon, the places that never make it on to social media. If it matters to you stay well clear of the Med because house music now has as much emotional value as a straw donkey.
Sadly true, although the odd event in Ibiza, like Sven at Las Dalias, or The Soundgarden, still feels "right" to me (I'm 52).
things you hear through the grapevine

...one room only...
...8k capacity...
...afterlife, obviously...
...elrow, paradise and more rumoured...a certain big man with long hair is amongst them rumours as well.

for the rest - as with everything TNL does, a great marketing campaign for a product that's in the end 100% soulless sadly and is far from any of the ibiza vibe us few old complaining folks got between the nineties and circa 2010, or maybe pushed to 2015-18