[UNVRS] Ibiza 2025

Agree. We go through these shake-ups every now and then. 2011 when Ushuaia started, 2013 was huge change too! Others will know a lot more than me on other years.

My view is that since 2019 (I know we lost 2 years), not much has really changed. Same DJs, same nights on repeat.

If UNVRS takes some nights, it creates new opportunities too in the other clubs.

Who takes the Sunday slot at Pacha for example if Solomun leaves? Bedouin? Keinemusik?

One thing is for sure the Winter 2024/25 Gossip with be HOT!
Agree with this and others being less negative.
I try to be a glass half full rather than half empty sort of person.

My only gripe with recent trips is the overcrowding on some nights, so if this can help that I'm not going to complain. :cool:
Genuine question- why do they feel the need to advertise to local Ibicencos via the paper when their target market surely isn't reading either of these?
Visibility is everything. Similar could be argued about billboards and posters, when such practices in 99.99% of the world have long been consigned to the marketing history books
Visibility is everything. Similar could be argued about billboards and posters, when such practices in 99.99% of the world have long been consigned to the marketing history books
At least the billboards etc are visible to everyone though whereas not sure who the target is with local media. Look, I’m a numbers guy and think all marketing is a waste of cash, so I assume there’s a solid theory behind doing it!
I think they should take it next level.

  • Have cash counting/bundling machines next to the bars.
  • They take out the money for the €15 bottles of water.
  • Count it/ bundle it. Put it in a sack.
  • Give it to the dj on stage.
  • End of the set the walk off witwith
  • The video wall then shows a live stream of them blasting through airport security and loading the swag onto their private plane.
I'm half-expecting to see Lady Gaga / pop stars etc. doing concerts where 8,000 people can be crammed in like sardines to wave cellphones around, not just bigger capacity venue for the same old hackneyed stuff they may struggle to fill ?
For a "hyperclub" I'm expecting nothing less than this:

😄💰 🤑

the fact people don't know if that is a documentary or spoof speaks volumes... it's scary how many people (not just in clubland but politics, finance, football and beyond) have no idea what suckers they are for snake oil salesmen...
Do we know if the pool is been kept or it going to be filled in etc?

Potential lost drinks and admission money if the space isn't used for "extra bodies" is pretty high - I reckon it'll be filled in. Let's be honest, a pool no-one can swim in any more is a bit of a pointless thing and it's only there because it was originally a community swimming pool added to a restaurant before it all got closed over. Probably kept because of some quirk linked to licencing or something !

So unless they used it to put on flyboarding shows and the like during events (these days a health and safety challenge at best, and not really compatible with having a DJ booth in the middle of it if that's still there !), not sure what it's really likely to add.
No idea, but not sure the pool fits with the Universe thing? Unless it’s painted black to represent a melted block of ice from an asteroid? Would fit with the theme. ;)
They could turn it into a money pit, bit like those wishing fountains you see in Italy etc 🤣🫣

Edit: actually best remove it, otherwise people be drinking that water instead of the €15 euro bottled water 😬
Actually had a thought all this talk of pools.

If lots of big Ushuaia night move to unusedSpace, does that then give Ushuaia the opportunity to become an o beach in that area?
(WoulD require pool modification so not as deep). And thus can finish earlier as well?