[UNVRS] Ibiza 2025

ok I stand corrected. Does that make the name any better? No, it's still shit. Does anyone care what I think? No. Will it be huge? Of course.
The weirdest thing about all this was Will Smith. The ufo stunt to link into will smith and men in black??

Most of the Matutes core audience weren't born when men in black came out 😂
Those type of shows bring a higher ticket price. Co-op live in Manchester has had some insane ticket prices since it opened

It does baffle me just how much people will spend now on gigs! Taylor Swift has sold out 8 nights at Wembley Stadium (92,000) - that is 736,000 people at one venue! You can guess the tickets were not £29 either.
It does baffle me just how much people will spend now on gigs! Taylor Swift has sold out 8 nights at Wembley Stadium (92,000) - that is 736,000 people at one venue! You can guess the tickets were not £29 either.
Apparently the Anyma sphere tickets ranged from 350 euro up to about 800

I've looked at Pearl Jam and Chris Stapleton at co-op live in the last year and they were starting around 250 thanks to ticketmaters 'wonderful' surge pricing

At some point people are surely priced out, but they keep selling 🤷‍♂️
actual truth. Imagine my jaw when several members of the club team said they hadn't even seen it. I mean, I'm not advocating it being a "must-see" film, but still
He sang it recently somewhere and so many of the comments were asking why will smith the actor is now rapping 😭
At some point people are surely priced out, but they keep selling 🤷‍♂️

I know! I just don't understand it either. I think the % of disposable income people spend on these things is higher than ever. Will the bubble pop? We are supposed to be in a cost of living crisis (which we are), but the Taylor Swift tour does challenge this.
I know! I just don't understand it either. I think the % of disposable income people spend on these things is higher than ever. Will the bubble pop? We are supposed to be in a cost of living crisis (which we are), but the Taylor Swift tour does challenge this.

People are probably willing to pay for a one off concert, after this tour when will she do it again, probably not too soon. They’re not going to watch her every week.

Football is getting more and more ridiculously expensive, premier league football at least. It’s surely getting to the point where people just won’t pay it regularly, they’ll save themselves and their wallets/purses for the big games
People are probably willing to pay for a one off concert, after this tour when will she do it again, probably not too soon. They’re not going to watch her every week.

Football is getting more and more ridiculously expensive, premier league football at least. It’s surely getting to the point where people just won’t pay it regularly, they’ll save themselves and their wallets/purses for the big games

Depends on a lot of factors - my Arsenal season tickets are in high demand every week, but a few seasons back I coudn't give them away (well almost).

Across footy generally, firestick streaming must be a factor?
I took time to think about this since l saw it yesterday. While some may knock what Yann & co are doing, or what they stand for, this is the next generation and the future of the islands nightlife. The name is not bad, UNVRS, centre of the island / dance Universe and all of that, with a play on it being a "Privilege" for you to be in such a "Space" that they have created. Its sad in a way, as its the final end of the golden clubbing era in Ibiza, the magic, unpoliced madness of it all, but we have to dust ourselves off and move with the times. I would imagine the production will be next level, as that's what is expected now by the future generations and is already seen around the world. Space where the likes of Eric Prydz can do a full Holo / CELL show etc. I would hope the custom built sound system will blow our minds, or not, if done correctly. Will it be open nightly, is there capacity / hunger outside of peak month, to be seen, but it will be ideal for your Guetta / Tomorrowland style. I would think their aim is to take the Ushuaia crowd to there as a carry on, while perhaps driving HI to more "underground/ less commercial, less packed club for the likes of Lazarus / Coffee.. But lets see.. Will it be me, if the right event is on, of course l would go to see what the hype / production /future holds etc. Is it designed for me at 47yrs, l would doubt it, so l will be able to avoid it like l do Ushuaia, as l happily continue enjoying Ibiza through my own eyes/ venues. Change is tuff, letting go of the past is hard, but embracing the future might just turn out to be fun ;) ... Anyway at least the long winter months are going to make interesting reading to see how it all unfolds... As for Will Smith, dont get me started 🙄
actual truth. Imagine my jaw when several members of the club team said they hadn't even seen it. I mean, I'm not advocating it being a "must-see" film, but still
Assume that are all now looking for new employment?
Depends on a lot of factors - my Arsenal season tickets are in high demand every week, but a few seasons back I coudn't give them away (well almost).

Across footy generally, firestick streaming must be a factor?

Yeah same with me at the Villa, can sell it easily. Makes more sense to have it than not.

I have a firestick but it doesn’t stop me going obviously, less likely to go away nowadays though.
I took time to think about this since l saw it yesterday. While some may knock what Yann & co are doing, or what they stand for, this is the next generation and the future of the islands nightlife. The name is not bad, UNVRS, centre of the island / dance Universe and all of that, with a play on it being a "Privilege" for you to be in such a "Space" that they have created. Its sad in a way, as its the final end of the golden clubbing era in Ibiza, the magic, unpoliced madness of it all, but we have to dust ourselves off and move with the times. I would imagine the production will be next level, as that's what is expected now by the future generations and is already seen around the world. Space where the likes of Eric Prydz can do a full Holo / CELL show etc. I would hope the custom built sound system will blow our minds, or not, if done correctly. Will it be open nightly, is there capacity / hunger outside of peak month, to be seen, but it will be ideal for your Guetta / Tomorrowland style. I would think their aim is to take the Ushuaia crowd to there as a carry on, while perhaps driving HI to more "underground/ less commercial, less packed club for the likes of Lazarus / Coffee.. But lets see.. Will it be me, if the right event is on, of course l would go to see what the hype / production /future holds etc. Is it designed for me at 47yrs, l would doubt it, so l will be able to avoid it like l do Ushuaia, as l happily continue enjoying Ibiza through my own eyes/ venues. Change is tuff, letting go of the past is hard, but embracing the future might just turn out to be fun ;) ... Anyway at least the long winter months are going to make interesting reading to see how it all unfolds... As for Will Smith, dont get me started 🙄
That's a very optimistic take on Ibiza as it stands and I'm not sure if I agree with it. I'm as of today 27 and have spent every year of my life coming to the island. I started to put hairs on my chest with Carl Cox's revolution with my brother when I was 15 so call it a good 12 years of going to the clubs.

The music has changed alongside the crowd and from this I'm starting to believe that Ibiza is a reflection of what society is today. In my opinion this is an ugly, hollow, money and image crazed mess who are fixated on documenting their lives for validation rather than living in the moment and embracing the magic of the island.

The clubs merely cater to this hence why what used to be space a place vibrating from the dancing and energy amongst other things (if anyone remembers the grey music ons they'll know what I'm talking about ;)) is now a sea of people filming/standing. For a place that is horrendously overcrowded it's never felt more empty.

I think this is the terminus for the overpriced Ibiza they've been selling since 2017 as they'll eventually outprice the young punters who would have filled the clubs and the rest will be history.

I think the name is cringe as it gets personally. Centre of the universe is probably exactly their demographic, ironic it used to all be about being at one with it...
Genuinely the complete opposite, from what I understand. All done in house and within the core team
That's what I was thinking ,sure last year the closing were called vortex at Hi so they must have been working on this for a good while in house.
That's a very optimistic take on Ibiza as it stands and I'm not sure if I agree with it. I'm as of today 27 and have spent every year of my life coming to the island. I started to put hairs on my chest with Carl Cox's revolution with my brother when I was 15 so call it a good 12 years of going to the clubs.

The music has changed alongside the crowd and from this I'm starting to believe that Ibiza is a reflection of what society is today. In my opinion this is an ugly, hollow, money and image crazed mess who are fixated on documenting their lives for validation rather than living in the moment and embracing the magic of the island.

The clubs merely cater to this hence why what used to be space a place vibrating from the dancing and energy amongst other things (if anyone remembers the grey music ons they'll know what I'm talking about ;)) is now a sea of people filming/standing. For a place that is horrendously overcrowded it's never felt more empty.

I think this is the terminus for the overpriced Ibiza they've been selling since 2017 as they'll eventually outprice the young punters who would have filled the clubs and the rest will be history.

I think the name is cringe as it gets personally. Centre of the universe is probably exactly their demographic, ironic it used to all be about being at one with it...
I agree with all of the above, commercialization on a mass scale, money culture ruining / ruling the world. That's a whole different road l could have gone down too, and l hear every word you say, and quite frankly agree with you. It was simply a note re the new "Club/venue".. Unfortunately money talks as we know, and here is simply the most perfect example.. Centre of (their) universe! ;)
That's a very optimistic take on Ibiza as it stands and I'm not sure if I agree with it. I'm as of today 27 and have spent every year of my life coming to the island. I started to put hairs on my chest with Carl Cox's revolution with my brother when I was 15 so call it a good 12 years of going to the clubs.

The music has changed alongside the crowd and from this I'm starting to believe that Ibiza is a reflection of what society is today. In my opinion this is an ugly, hollow, money and image crazed mess who are fixated on documenting their lives for validation rather than living in the moment and embracing the magic of the island.

The clubs merely cater to this hence why what used to be space a place vibrating from the dancing and energy amongst other things (if anyone remembers the grey music ons they'll know what I'm talking about ;)) is now a sea of people filming/standing. For a place that is horrendously overcrowded it's never felt more empty.

I think this is the terminus for the overpriced Ibiza they've been selling since 2017 as they'll eventually outprice the young punters who would have filled the clubs and the rest will be history.

I think the name is cringe as it gets personally. Centre of the universe is probably exactly their demographic, ironic it used to all be about being at one with it...
PS... A very Happy 27th Birthday to you 🎂