The Politically Incorrect Thread

WHat a random thread, it really shouldn't but it makes great reading!

Fergie, Phit like? Phar you fae? I can't even type Aberdonian!!! The Dundee accent is very much eh and ken, and awa. Heres an example of the "oreh"...

Whar d'ye bide? (Where do you live?)
'wa up Stobie (Away up Stobswell)


Only place in the world you'll hear the phrase "an ingin in an a"
(meaning "an onion one as well" as in twa mince pehs (two pies) an an ingin in an a (and an onion one as well)

I can't wait to unleash my Spanish version of Oreh on the world, entitle Oré!

(i'll get my coat)
Yes, it's a cliché, but from my experience I've also realized of the big increase of Italians in Ibiza. And although not everyone is the same, I must admit that Italians in Ibiza are in general loud, some of them even annoying, stalkers (they're terribly male chauvinist and stalkers in comparison to Spaniards), and some are a real kind of a pain (they're always asking you for a ciggie, only Italians).

Last August for instance, while waiting for the plane to Ibiza in the boarding room, there was this group of three Italians drinking Jack Daniels and coke with bottles and glasses they carried in bags, totally drunk, talking and laughing loud, and with a threatening attitude, smoking in a non-smoking area, while the rest of the people were looking at them out of the corner of their eyes.

In reality there're many differences between Spaniards and Italians despite we're similar physically: in religion they're much more catholic; in gay-friendliness, I know and have seen lots of Italian gays living in Spain because of their much better acceptance in Spain. But they know how to dress trendier though.

I read the tourism promoters did a strong campaign in Italy promoting the island this year, but I assume the worst amog Italians are those who are choosing Ibiza as their holiday destination, as there're a lot of pleasant and friendly people in Italy.

It's almost the same with the Spaniards, but not as exaggerated, or with the young Brits in San Antonio. However there're too many annoying Spaniards going to Ibiza lately as well. And I'm Spanish. But from 2 years ago the name Ibiza is being offered to everyone in Spain as a party island full of beautiful and classy people, without attaching the concepts of respect, tolerance, etc, even to people with few good manners and little respect for others who are different.

Every country has its good and not-so-good people.
Im not guna lie i hate the italians there all wankers that dont think about ne1 but themselves, and they grab women on nites out literally grabbing them. But then again i love made in italy on fridau nites at amnesia so ill let em off....just this once tho.
silvia said:
Morbyd said:
One of the oddest things about the UK.... how can you have such radically different accents on such a small piece of land :?:

In spain is the same, I have problems to understand people from the south and some from the north.

And still worst is the case of catalan and its dialects, I can't understand at all eivissenc or aranés (talked in a small valley in the pyrinees) and I have some problems with valencià and mallorquí :!:

:D Interesting detour of topic.

That's true. Regarding Catalan, this August we were in a hostel managed by pure Eivissencs who spoke Eivissenc Catalan, and we (3 people) spoke Valencian Catalan among us. To my surprise, we could understand and talk to each other perfectly speaking in Catalan (us and the landlords). One of them told us that Eivissenc is very close to Valencian in many things (except for the Eastern Catalan common pronunciation). Before, I always thought the Eivissenc accent was much more similar to Mallorquin Catalan, which I agree with you is almost impossible for me to decipher in their way of speaking, above all the people in villages. In addition, Catalan from the Northeast (Girona) is pretty hard to understand too. But I can understand perfectly Catalan from Barcelona.

And regarding Spanish, I also find hard to understand some accents from Andalucia (mainly Huelva and their overuse of the phoneme 'th' with the letter 's'), and from the people from deep Galicia.
TigerVlc said:
It's almost the same with the Spaniards, but not as exaggerated, or with the young Brits in San Antonio. However there're too many annoying Spaniards going to Ibiza lately as well. And I'm Spanish. But from 2 years ago the name Ibiza is being offered to everyone in Spain as a party island full of beautiful and classy people, without attaching the concepts of respect, tolerance, etc, even to people with few good manners and little respect for others who are different.

Every country has its good and not-so-good people.

Tiger, we have discussed this point many times, in english and in spanish ;) but I think that your comment "ibiza is offered to everyone in Spain" is quite classist ;)

And for the record, I think Spanish guys have better sense of dress than italians. Wearing a shirt full of logos and bling-blings doesn't make you the most well dressed :D
Yes Silvia, possibly I'm a little classist, differencing two classes: the respectful people and the non-respectful. ;)
TigerVlc said:
Yes Silvia, possibly I'm a little classist, differencing two classes: the respectful people and the non-respectful. ;)

I think there's a problem of "forms" in what you say: you blame unpolite people for going to Ibiza while in my opinion you should blame them all the time and not just cos they go to Ibiza :D ;)
Fergie, Phit like? Phar you fae? I can't even type Aberdonian!!! The Dundee accent is very much eh and ken, and awa. Heres an example of the "oreh"...

Whar d'ye bide? (Where do you live?)
'wa up Stobie (Away up Stobswell

:lol: :lol: Do you have quite a strong accent then? I was born in Dundee by the way (well, Broughty)

'Da ken like min eh, fits hopnin?' (Dont really know whats going on') :lol:
fergie19 wrote:
'Da ken like min eh, fits hopnin?' (Dont really know whats going on')

That phrase is even harder to understand a Robbie Burns poem

'Fit, da hink so mate!' :lol: :lol:

p.s-I do not speak in this manner at all ;)
hm - can´t really put it to "it was the spaniards or the italians or or or" but more like this:

Amnesia (CoCoon, Armada, Cream): never had any problems, nice talks, lots of fun
Eden (for Judgement Sundays): same as Amnesia

Space (WLS, Cox, inside): people treading on toes (and NOT apologizing, you won´t find that at ANY of the huge festivals in Holland for example), hustling around, pushy, generally being A LOT more unfriendly

just our perception from the last 3 years.
NetX said:
hm - can´t really put it to "it was the spaniards or the italians or or or" but more like this:

Amnesia (CoCoon, Armada, Cream): never had any problems, nice talks, lots of fun
Eden (for Judgement Sundays): same as Amnesia

Space (WLS, Cox, inside): people treading on toes (and NOT apologizing, you won´t find that at ANY of the huge festivals in Holland for example), hustling around, pushy, generally being A LOT more unfriendly

just our perception from the last 3 years.

Nail on the Head. That is exactly what I experienced.

Fergie, Im a big Ferry Poofter an all. Apparently. So the Burberry-wearin chib-toting bawbags from Douglas told me all my years at School! Ashamed I didn't fall into their category of cool (stealing from shops, beating up asian kids and harassing pensioners at dinner break). Funny now that i seem to spend a lot of my time in "the hood" since some of my best mates live there. Just shows you how your perception of an area when your younger can be totally wrong.
Fergie, Im a big Ferry Poofter an all. Apparently. So the Burberry-wearin chib-toting bawbags from Douglas told me all my years at School! Ashamed I didn't fall into their category of cool (stealing from shops, beating up asian kids and harassing pensioners at dinner break). Funny now that i seem to spend a lot of my time in "the hood" since some of my best mates live there. Just shows you how your perception of an area when your younger can be totally wrong

Haha, spot on mate. I only lived in the Ferry for a year, as I moved to Dubai when I was born then came and lived there for a year before moving up here. Think the primary school was called Forthill(sp?) Grandparents live on Seafield Rd, know it?

Its funny that all the folk considered (by themselves to be uber cool) are all the down and out now :lol:
I was at Forthill too and subsequently Grove, how old are you?

Depending on how good your memory is, you may know a family member of mine :D
silvia said:
TigerVlc said:
Yes Silvia, possibly I'm a little classist, differencing two classes: the respectful people and the non-respectful. ;)

I think there's a problem of "forms" in what you say: you blame unpolite people for going to Ibiza while in my opinion you should blame them all the time and not just cos they go to Ibiza :D ;)

Well, that's true Silvia. I don't like unpolite people anywhere, and I'm sure most of the people in the forum don't like them either anywhere :) . But as we were talking about Ibiza I was referring to it only.

Unfortunately, there are stupid people everywhere, in Spain, Italy, UK, etc. And I think the main reasons for disrespect, aggressiveness and intolerance are:
-ignorance and lack of contact with other cultures and ways of thinking and being,
-due to hidden complexes,
-or to have been educated by a strict intransigent family.
I was at Forthill too and subsequently Grove, how old are you?

Depending on how good your memory is, you may know a family member of mine

Just turned 22 on Saturday 8) How old are you?

All my family (Mum, Dad, cousins) went to the Grove. I was only at Forthill in Primary 1 or 2 I think. My bro is coming up for 24, may have known him? 8)
I found the Italians to be mostly rude and arrogant and the Spanish generally to be a lot more polite. I noticed as well that we Irish and English (and im certainly guilty) seemed to get into extremly bad shapes. Im sure that can be extremly annoying to the Spanish and Italians as well when they are trying to relax and are confronted by a group of Brits (or Irish) doing their damndest to chew their own faces off.
We really do have a problem going to clubs without taking too much too fast. I noticed 1 night at the end of Space that I was literally the only pale skinned 1 there as.
Do the Italians and Spanish have a greater stamina than Brits and Irish when it comes to partying or what is the story?