The Politically Incorrect Thread

Americans? An afterthought, although one of my Brazilian friends tried to wear a U.S. Marines Operation Iraqi Freedom hat at Space on Sunday. I firmly (and politely) told him to take it off immediately or he would sleep in the streets!

Syliva, Morbyd, be careful with the John word: at least in American English, John means a prostitute's client.

At least the French run some pretty decent restaurants in Ibiza: El Ayoun, L'Elephant, Clodenis, Sa Punta and El Olivo (among others). And some pretty cool hotels...

Hands down coolest group in Ibiza this summer: the Brazilians. Coolest anywhere actually! Dance better than any one else, smile larger, hug more, love partying more than others and couldn't give a hoot if you are rich, poor, black, white, ugly, beautiful - they'll bring you into their own for a huge party - then invite you down for Carnaval in Feb/March!
Tycoon said:
Syliva, Morbyd, be careful with the John word: at least in American English, John means a prostitute's client.
Hands down coolest group in Ibiza this summer: the Brazilians. Coolest anywhere actually! Dance better than any one else, smile larger, hug more, love partying more than others and couldn't give a hoot if you are rich, poor, black, white, ugly, beautiful - they'll bring you into their own for a huge party - then invite you down for Carnaval in Feb/March!

Tycoon... Morbyd is called John and he is american :eek: :lol: :lol:
Do you speak/understand catalan or eivissenc? I'm catalan myself and I always have serious problems to understand eivissenc

And I totally agree iwth the brazilians, btw we have a lovely brazilian messing around the forums, Hola Conrado ;) :D :D :D
Yes, John means toilet as well, but obviously cannot be used in describing a person.
Sorry, Morbyd, for providing people with other meanings to your first name!
Syliva, I can understand some Catalan, but do not speak it. I do not think I have ever actually heard Ibicenco spoken in conversation.
Oi Conrado, fale ai, cara. A gente se vê em Buenos Aires para Creamfields?
silvia said:
Morbyd, you know I love you even you are called John ;) :lol: :lol:

fatphill, didn't read your first message about your spanish course. Well done, and please feel free to post in the spanish forum, we love when members from the "outside world" make and incursion. But remember half of us are from Barcelona so the Dundee input it's not the best presentation :lol: ;)

PMSL@ stephen
Aah but Silvia, you'll never understand his Spanish spoken with a Scottish accent ;)
Tycoon said:
Americans? An afterthought, although one of my Brazilian friends tried to wear a U.S. Marines Operation Iraqi Freedom hat at Space on Sunday. I firmly (and politely) told him to take it off immediately or he would sleep in the streets!

Syliva, Morbyd, be careful with the John word: at least in American English, John means a prostitute's client.

At least the French run some pretty decent restaurants in Ibiza: El Ayoun, L'Elephant, Clodenis, Sa Punta and El Olivo (among others). And some pretty cool hotels...

Hands down coolest group in Ibiza this summer: the Brazilians. Coolest anywhere actually! Dance better than any one else, smile larger, hug more, love partying more than others and couldn't give a hoot if you are rich, poor, black, white, ugly, beautiful - they'll bring you into their own for a huge party - then invite you down for Carnaval in Feb/March!
Sounds like I've found my party crowd!!! 8) [/b]
Paddy Eeziglow said:
Aah but Silvia, you'll never understand his Spanish spoken with a Scottish accent ;)
Most people can't even understand English spoken with a Scottish accent :lol: ;)
Paddy Eeziglow said:
Aah but Silvia, you'll never understand his Spanish spoken with a Scottish accent ;)

Scotish accent :eek: :eek: :eek:

I spent about one hour inside a plane in the glasgow airport many years ago and the air hostess kept giving information about the delay and all that and the only thing I could understand was "dear" :oops: :lol: :lol:
silvia said:
Paddy Eeziglow said:
Aah but Silvia, you'll never understand his Spanish spoken with a Scottish accent ;)

Scotish accent :eek: :eek: :eek:

I spent about one hour inside a plane in the glasgow airport many years ago and the air hostess kept giving information about the delay and all that and the only thing I could understand was "dear" :oops: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Don't worry guys, I find it just as hard to understand a Scottish accent as the rest of you, especially Glasgow or Dundee :confused:
solask said:
I'm soooooo confused cause all the things you ppl say about Italians (standing in your way etc.) are things I experienced with Spanish (speaking atleast - could be from Argentina I guess..)
this year :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
which means, my confused friend, that you dont even know what you are talking about (spanish is not only used in spain, you know?) but you dont mind coming here and talking bullshit about spanish people. well done dude..........

(maybe if you had more success with the spanish chicas you wouldnt write all this crap :lol: )
fergie19 said:
Don't worry guys, I find it just as hard to understand a Scottish accent as the rest of you, especially Glasgow or Dundee :confused:

I'm from Stirling originally and I struggle with 'Sing Song Accent' from the west coast.... The Hebrides may as well be in another country... :lol: