The Politically Incorrect Thread

silvia said:
Drew said:
Not a difference of opinion - i just don't understand why it is funny??? :confused:

You usually seem defensive if anyone makes unpopular remarks regardings someone's nationality yet this time it is funny to you for some reason.

That was the reason for my confusion.

Drew, I think it's the 7th time in one or two months that people on here justifies my comments with a lost in translation thing, that's why I made my last comment. ;)

The comment it's not nice but it's a topic made sentence, I think you are one of the most "conscients" of the image of brits abroad so that shouldn't be a suriprise for you

What I found funny is that this guy made such a comment in front of you ;) it's not the comment itself, it's the fact that the guy had no problem to said that to you :D

Ah I see now.

No the Italian said it to the Spanish guy and the Spanish guy told me after we'd left them.

I coudln't really give a shit what people think of us Brits, i'm not all that patriotic to be honest.
Drew said:
Ah I see now.

No the Italian said it to the Spanish guy and the Spanish guy told me after we'd left them.

I coudln't really give a shit what people think of us Brits, i'm not all that patriotic to be honest.

Sorry for the confusion, but I read the post and I could imagine you looking like these: :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:
Drew said:
Ang is like you Leese.

A (very) cockney neighbour of ours came around one evening last week. Was talking to him for about 2 hours and when he'd left Ang thought he was from Brum :rolleyes:

She's accused someone of being Irish when they were blatently American recently too.

Maybe she needs her hearing looking at?

:lol: Maybe its just another one of those 'female' things! :lol: ;)
silvia said:
Drew said:
Ah I see now.

No the Italian said it to the Spanish guy and the Spanish guy told me after we'd left them.

I coudln't really give a shit what people think of us Brits, i'm not all that patriotic to be honest.

Sorry for the confusion, but I read the post and I could imagine you looking like these: :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:


Even if i were stood there when they said it, i wouldn't have been able to tell a word they were saying. I'd have just been stood there going ..... :D
Morbyd said:
Clara said:
Morbyd said:
It's the Scots. Can't understand a word.

Ban this filth.

Relax, Clara... all in good fun :lol:

Though I do have problems understanding the Scottish accent sometimes :oops:

There are so many variations of Scottish accents. I have a very soft Edinburgh one (that makes people assume that I am English!). They're not all Rab C Nesbitt harsh.
Chances are my Mum taught one of you! Im just about to hit 24 myself. So if we were in the same year, and he knows my Mum taught there, chances are he knows who I am, as everyone else round here does.

Small world eh?

You must have been in the same year as my bro then, he's called Chris....ring any bells?

Aye, small world 8)
I'm almost affraid to ask what you guys think of Israeli people (ones you've actually ran into in Ibiza) :?: :lol:
fusion said:
I'm almost affraid to ask what you guys think of Israeli people (ones you've actually ran into in Ibiza) :?: :lol:

Never met anyone in Ibiza, but the ones I met in Thailand were extreeeemely noisy - but nice (all politics put aside ;) )! :)
Hey Silvia,

dunno if you saw my other post but I've enrolled at College to study Spanish this year :D Sticking to my 5 year plan, hopefully won't be stuck in this freezing hole much longer than that :D

I find it frustrating being in Spain and not being able to converse like I can when Im in France. Okay, my French isn't up to much but you always get a better reception when its seen that your at least making an effort. At least in Ibiza when you try a few words you get a smile back (dunno if this is cause they are laughing at you!)

In the UK, everywhere you go you get people wanting trouble. So I don't really know why we are all moaning here. I feel a lot less threatened in Ibiza than I do in the UK.

how's those spanish classes going Felipe?
The Italians dont dance, just shuffle. Give me a room full of ****ed up Brits anytime.