The Politically Incorrect Thread

Peppermint said:
solask said:
Well I'm not British but we def. got better along with the Italians. More friendly/willing to speak english and always asking if they could get you anything (spliff, pills, whatever..).

Well yeah, cos a lot of dealers on Ibiza are Italian! :lol:

True, this was ppl we got to know who was trying to be friendly tho..
silvia said:
solask said:
Well... true to some extend.

I do speak very little Spanish, but I speak about 3-4 other languages ;) (not included the universal language of love of course :D )

Solask, I'm just being pickey, but I always find quite funny that in this forum people complain for locals not talking in english but you never will hear a local complaining for tourists not talking in spanish ;)

PMSL@ Peppermint

I get it, I get it ;) :)

Point is english is not my own language either.. I was just desperatly trying to make conversation with some Spanish cuties you know! ;)
Hey Silvia,

dunno if you saw my other post but I've enrolled at College to study Spanish this year :D Sticking to my 5 year plan, hopefully won't be stuck in this freezing hole much longer than that :D

I find it frustrating being in Spain and not being able to converse like I can when Im in France. Okay, my French isn't up to much but you always get a better reception when its seen that your at least making an effort. At least in Ibiza when you try a few words you get a smile back (dunno if this is cause they are laughing at you!)

In the UK, everywhere you go you get people wanting trouble. So I don't really know why we are all moaning here. I feel a lot less threatened in Ibiza than I do in the UK.
Solask, are you sure the group of aggressive guys weren't Argentines, not Spaniards? After all, more than half of all Argentinians can trace their ancestry to Italy!!!!!
Agree 100% with Silvia. Ibiza is Spain - speak Spanish or if you are more sophisticated Catalan (with the Ibicenco dialect, please).
However, it is often more difficult for me to understand certain Brits (inebriated or not) speaking English than Spaniards, Italians or Germans!
Tycoon said:
Is there anyway we can ask Berlusconi to do us a favour and keep the Italians vacationing in Rimini, Gesolo or even the Costa Smeralda? Keep them away from Ibiza!
They can't get a hotel reservation. According to today's Moscow Times, the Russians have now colonized Sardinia.
silvia said:
To be honest, I have to agree with Robder that I rather prefer a posh pretentious Gian-Luca than a drunken John
Tycoon said:
it is often more difficult for me to understand certain Brits (inebriated or not) speaking English than Spaniards, Italians or Germans!
It's the Scots. Can't understand a word.
At the end of the day (wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeey), Ibiza's fiull of bad element. Naughty people, nasty people and rude people.

Now, you can dwell on things and think they can change. Or, you just turn your back, walk away, consider it a battle lost (if you will), and not let that aspect ruin your day.


(And generalisations on natinality are pretty ironic coming from Englih people, though yes, general trends do exist. And, following from Robders point, you cant deny the Italians don;t bring a certain "glamour" to the place eh? I think they raise the fashion stakes to some extent. Ibiza just wouldn't be the same if it was all Jon, Steve and Dave in their Next clothing, would it?)
Tycoon said:
Love the "drunken John". How funny is that??? :lol:
Not sure.... I'm a drunken John pretty much every weekend and I think I'm quite fun to hang out with :lol: And always polite. 8)
Last year there was a lot of italians, most of them that i come across quite rude and will walk infront of you expecting you to move first. Got a bit fed up by the end of the holiday so i just bumped into a lot of people instead.

They really think they are the bees knees :rolleyes:
x-amount said:
At the end of the day (wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeey), Ibiza's fiull of bad element. Naughty people, nasty people and rude people.

Well compared to many other "party holiday locations" I've always thought Ibiza (if you rule out bad parts of San An.) had VERY LITTLE "Naughty people, nasty people and rude people".

Try Magaluf, Agia Napa, etc.

I've always loved the friendly peace, love and music vibe, but this year was different - for me atleast!

I'm soooooo confused cause all the things you ppl say about Italians (standing in your way etc.) are things I experienced with Spanish (speaking atleast - could be from Argentina I guess..)
this year :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Have to add that it wasn't all bad - met some really friendly people from all over the place; France, Czech, Germany and Portugal etc.!

The French got such a cool english accent :D
mambobirdette said:
They really think they are the bees knees :rolleyes:

D&G ya know.

Most of the Italians I've met have been great fun. I even went to visit some Sardinians (Sardines?) back in their home town.

I've seen a bit of trouble involving hot heads but not experienced any myself.
i've been reading a lot of reviews of the island - ddi interview people as they're leaving - and hotels. the common consensus is.....
the italians think there are too many british
the british think there are too many spanish
and the spanish think that there are too many italians!
and nobody likes the french!
Maybe thats why the Italians put up a more aggresive stance, cause they think there are too many British guys goin about. Not one Spaniard caused me any hassle. Most were friendly and when you mention Dundee United they still go AHHH YOU BEAT BARCELONA! you like how im able to squeeze that into as many posts as possible :D:D
Morbyd, you know I love you even you are called John ;) :lol: :lol:

fatphill, didn't read your first message about your spanish course. Well done, and please feel free to post in the spanish forum, we love when members from the "outside world" make and incursion. But remember half of us are from Barcelona so the Dundee input it's not the best presentation :lol: ;)

PMSL@ stephen
stephen said:
i've been reading a lot of reviews of the island - ddi interview people as they're leaving - and hotels. the common consensus is.....
the italians think there are too many british
the british think there are too many spanish
and the spanish think that there are too many italians!
and nobody likes the french!
I guess everyone pretty much just ignores the Americans :lol: