Summer Transfers

Glad he stuck two fingers up to old saggy chops.

Old Arry must be due a quote soon seeing he hasn't been in the papers or on TV since Saturday.

Wait for the old guff too from Spurs fans who didn't want him or he wasn't good enough for them.

Joe will finish his career off at West Ham.

Yeah, I reckon Arry will come out with summit along the lines of "I can't figure out for the life of me why a decent player like Cole would sign for a club without CL fotball..." :lol:

I guess signing Joe was the best way to keep him from scoring against you :lol:

I wish him well. Good kid. How well he'll do will depend on the injuries but he's not like glass legs Robben so it'll just take a bit of luck.

I'm pleased with Benayoun going the other direction. I'd almost call it an even trade if Joe weren't a couple of years younger and if Yossi hadn't cost us money!

Cole had a good record at Anfield, I seem to remeber him scoring a few times.

Simons other half flew the team back from SA, he said Cole was the nicest out of the lot of them, really genuine. Whereas Rooney and Gerrard were class A c**** !!

As for Yossi, its a great deal for us, selling Yossi (who'll warm your bench) for 6 mill (apparently) at 30 years old, then get Cole for free at 28 8) who if fit will get ALOT of first team footy.

As much as I still think Benayoun will be a big loss to us, Cole plus net £5m is good business as it allows us to bring in another player.

More encouraging are some of the names leaving, and that we're getting money for them....

Looks like Christian Poulsen will be the next to arrive if Mrs Mascherano gets her way.

I'd take Cola over Yossi all day long TBH.

As for Poulsen, I'd rather have a younger player TBH, at 30 he's a little long in the tooth imo to be getting used to the PL. I'd rather have someone like Milner (it'll never happen like). also if Alquilani can stay fit and start to play well, and if Maxi does the same, we should be fine in midfield.

My other main concern is defence, Carraghers best years are behind him, so it'd have to be Skrtel and Agger in the middle, we dont have a first choice LB and Johnson at RB is great at going forwad, but not so great at defending. We'll see.
Maxi Rodriguez:

And the news according to city website today...
The papers are awash with City transfer stories today, but perhaps the oddest snippet appears in the Daily Star.

Duncan Wright (writes, right?) claims that Joe Cole joined Liverpool yesterday “after snubbing two more lucrative offers elsewhere. Cole sealed a £90,000 per week free transfer move from Chelsea after rejecting the chance of better wages at Manchester City and West Ham.”
Just one snag with this story – City didn't actually make any offer for the player, which sort of means there is no basis of truth, or, put another way, no story at all – at least involving the Blues!
Another report doing the rounds involves Chelsea's Didier Drogba, with one of the player's advisors quoted as saying City are interested in signing the Ivorian. The Sun, The Times and Daily Mail all carry the Drogba story, but the Blues have acted quickly to vehemently deny any interest in the player.
Like the Joe Cole piece in the Star, it appears to be little more than mischief making.
Mario Balotelli continues to be linked with the Blues which is hardly surprising considering he played under Roberto Mancini at Inter Milan.
Gary Jacobs in The Times writes: “No formal bid has yet been made but talks are taking place and it is believed City would pay in the region of £25m rising to £30m.”
Finally, at the time of writing Martin Jol was reported to have agreed in principal to remain Ajax boss. Strange that Darren Lewis in the Daily Mirror should write that the Fulham boss (!) is interested in signing Stephen Ireland.
Still, anyone who can squeeze a ‘Arry wants Bellers' line in and use the phrase ‘£25m war chest' in the same article is worthy of a read!
Am I the only one that feels that Joe Cole has wasted most of his career? He was never really a first team player at Chelsea, which is a real shame.

I've always been a fan of his, and if things had turned out differently I think he could have been a key player for England, as he's the only (midfield) player that we have with technical ability and sight.
Great news for Sunderland Fans.....

Titus Bramble set to join the black cats for £750k.

I bet Puppylover can't contain her emotions right now.

Another dirty full-o-crap agent probably trying to get his client a new contract and line his pockets.

Didi just got a new deal not long ago. Not likely he'll get another one. But I expect he'll be staying at Chelsea.

Saddest part is how the Sun fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Johnny, I wouldnt worry too much about the Sun newspaper, they have never let small technicalitles like "no truth in it whatsoever" get in the way of them printing a story!!

hence the nickname in media circles "the Wapping liar" ;)
Great news for Sunderland Fans.....

Titus Bramble set to join the black cats for £750k.

I bet Puppylover can't contain her emotions right now.
Oooh. Former Magpie moving to Sunderland? Nice one.

He actually had a couple of good seasons at Wigan. Much improved.
Probably the best transfer news we have had this week, aprt from Joe Cole signing, is the fact Gerrard has commited himself. Apparently Mr Purslow is with Torre trying to convince him to do the same.

Mental. Even by yank standards.... Note the video on loop as well is from the France Ireland game as well. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

That is so cringeworthy, I had to turn it off :lol:

Interesting he talks about racism. I remember being at Valencia when he and his other black team mates got an horrendous ammount of abuse, it was terrible. I particularly remember Patrick Viera having a pop at the crowd because of it, it was that bad. And they had John carew playing for them :confused: Idiots.

Yet hes willing to go play for Barça :spank:
Nice first interview with Joe Cole.

Common consensus dictates that Cole's only motivation for choosing Anfield ahead of White Hart Lane and the Emirates, both of whom could offer Champions League football, was the lure of cold, hard cash.

That, though, is unfair on Cole. More thoughtful than many of his peers, the former Chelsea player, a devoted Beatles fan, is clearly brimming with excitement at the challenge which awaits and affection at the thought of winning over the fans who once showered him with such opprobrium. Money alone could not by that sort of love.
“I could have stayed at Chelsea, because the fans loved me and I won things, but I wanted to challenge myself,” said the England international in his first interview since being handed the No 10 shirt – not the iconic No 7, as expected – vacated for him by Milan Jovanovic.
“I am looking forward to the challenge. When I knew Liverpool were interested it was a no-brainer because they are the biggest club in the country.
"I tried to take everything out of the equation, take the financial and location side out and just thought in football terms. I thought about the semi-final of the Champions League in 2005 and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
“That is the thing I am looking forward to. You talk to Liverpool players and talk about the European nights. I experienced it as an opponent and it was immense. The club finished seventh last year, which was not good enough.
“I jumped on board because with the players we have here and the players we are looking to bring in, the club is definitely going in the right direction.”
At least Liverpool have a head start. For all the travails of last season – and for all Hodgson's insistence that only “new investment” can lift the club's fans – Cole recognises that he will hardly be alone in trying to rescue one of the Premier League's grandest institutions from its gradual fade.

“I am excited about playing with Fernando Torres and I know Steven Gerrard, Jamie Carragher and Glen Johnson from England,“ he said.
“Stevie committing to Liverpool was the best bit of news I could have had. He is Liverpool through and through and I know from playing with and against him for the last 10 years what a quality player he is.
“I know how much this club means to him. I think players can play for other clubs but with Liverpool you have to live and breathe it.”

Great to hear it's for football reasons, I mean he could have got the same wages at Spurs.

I reall hope he can stay injury free and show us what he can do. He's 28 and should be in his prime.
Great to hear it's for football reasons, I mean he could have got the same wages at Spurs.
I think he could have stayed at Chelsea and gotten the same wages as what he (reportedly) ended up with in the end at Liverpool, once he realized that he wasn't going to get what he initially asked for.

I have no doubt that his main motivation was potential minutes on the pitch. That's all he's ever wanted.
I think he could have stayed at Chelsea and gotten the same wages as what he (reportedly) ended up with in the end at Liverpool, once he realized that he wasn't going to get what he initially asked for.

I have no doubt that his main motivation was potential minutes on the pitch. That's all he's ever wanted.

I agree, but also he would have got minutes on the pitch at Spurs, plus he could have stayed in the area he grew up in and currently resides.

I think like it says, he is looking forward to the challenge of helping Liverpool recover.

I also supsect with the club up for sale he may know something we don't ;)
We also desperately need a decent left back now Insua has gone, me thinks Hodgson has one lined up already, why else let insua go now Auralio has gone also :confused:

I'm hearing from friends, and just read on tinternet that Wayne Bridge might be joining us. Not a bad buy if he does. Maybe Joe Cole might get on the blower and tell him how wonderful life is so far, plus he wouldnt have to move far !!
I'm hearing from friends, and just read on tinternet that Wayne Bridge might be joining us. Not a bad buy if he does. Maybe Joe Cole might get on the blower and tell him how wonderful life is so far, plus he wouldnt have to move far !!

could happen.........if we get kolarov, which is apparently a case of "when" and not "if" Must say out of all our purchases last season he disappointed the most. got caught out of position far too often leading to some sloppy goals condeded.