Spotlight Running Club

Runner's knee still causing me jip. Have had to pull out of the Royal Parks half because I've not been able to run more than about 3-4k since May without being in pain, never mind 13 miles!! :(

Going back to the physio on Friday and think I will ask for an x-ray just to determine it's definitely not anything more serious. It's worse when I'm running but I also feel it pretty much all the time, so just want to be sure.

Hope it's not one of those injuries that practically hinders my running forever now :( :( :(
I have decided to take up cross country running and trail running as I like trees and grass.

8) - the only running I do is on trails - get bored as what not far too quickly on pavements and give up !

Get a good pair of shoes from these guys - best investment you'll ever make for trail running :)
I got out of bed this morning to my first 2.5 mile run since about July :oops: then went to tesco on the push bike so another 30 mins blowing out me arse :lol:
Gonna have a bash on me weights tomorrow(got a free weight set up in the garage) and then beers at weekend for my birthday and derby game.
Then Monday starts my 9 month slog to be slim for Ibiza in June, 4th visit and I WILL FIT IN with the cool super gym bod look that is all over the island :D
Brighton Half Marathon February far we have:

Andy B
Tamsyn (Ferd's Barry)

Anymore for anymore :lol:

neighbour wants to run with me in the evenings after i get back from ibiza is interested in running too. trying top get him to sign up and commit. :lol:
8) - the only running I do is on trails - get bored as what not far too quickly on pavements and give up !

Get a good pair of shoes from these guys - best investment you'll ever make for trail running :)

Cheers - These look nice!

I've done two "cross country" races this year and much preferred the training to pavement pounding. Plus as long as you don't go over on an ankle, the terrain (beach, grass, mud, trails) has less impact on my weary bones- although it does sap the energy more!

I did a race on Sunday which, although unbelievably gruelling, has totally inspired me to seek out similar events.

select your knee problem, and give it a go. £13.99 from:

It wont cure it, but taping will help. Has your physio looked at your whole body movement?

hope you get it sorted.

Thanks for the advice, but I can't see my knee problem on there. My physio thinks I've got chondromalacia (runners knee) - my kneecap is moving over to the side when I run and rubbing on the ligaments or something :confused: basically I'm running like a total gimp and turning my knees in when I run :lol:

I need to re-train my whole core muscles (doing pilates now) and my inner thigh muscles to bring it back in line.

I want an x-ray though to rule everything else out. Don't think it's going to be a short term fix unfortunately. Going to the physio today at 12pm so will report back!
Thanks for the advice, but I can't see my knee problem on there. My physio thinks I've got chondromalacia (runners knee) - my kneecap is moving over to the side when I run and rubbing on the ligaments or something :confused: basically I'm running like a total gimp and turning my knees in when I run :lol:

worth a read: (scroll down past the smoothies)

you can get KT tape too for instructions.

should have you out running in no time ;)
Thanks for the advice, but I can't see my knee problem on there. My physio thinks I've got chondromalacia (runners knee) - my kneecap is moving over to the side when I run and rubbing on the ligaments or something :confused: basically I'm running like a total gimp and turning my knees in when I run :lol:

I need to re-train my whole core muscles (doing pilates now) and my inner thigh muscles to bring it back in line.

I want an x-ray though to rule everything else out. Don't think it's going to be a short term fix unfortunately. Going to the physio today at 12pm so will report back!

Since starting Pilates a few years ago, I have no more joint issues at all and I am running, skiing, swimming, etc pain free... Really worth it, especially as you get older (like me!). The knee tape thing helps, worth a try if your physio can show you how to adapt it for your problem. Good luck !
Since starting Pilates a few years ago, I have no more joint issues at all and I am running, skiing, swimming, etc pain free... Really worth it, especially as you get older (like me!). The knee tape thing helps, worth a try if your physio can show you how to adapt it for your problem. Good luck !

Got to have a MRI scan, also been told no running, no cycling, nothing strenuous. Bah!! :spank:

Looks like I will become a Pilates expert over the next few months :lol:
u taking yr running gear to ibiza?

I planning on at least 2 strolls down Playa Den Bossa at 6am.

Ran around Talamanca at 6/7 am a fair few times from Marina Botafoch along to Sa Punta via the Ferry Terminal. It's a great route.

It's funny dodging the casualties lining the boardwalk at Talamanca when you're up and fresh as a daisy thinking "That used to be me" :lol:
Ran around Talamanca at 6/7 am a fair few times from Marina Botafoch along to Sa Punta via the Ferry Terminal. It's a great route.

It's funny dodging the casualties lining the boardwalk at Talamanca when you're up and fresh as a daisy thinking "That used to be me" :lol:

Ran past a few outside Bora Bora. Nice run just before the sun popped over the horizon. Got very warm 30 mins later.

How's everyone's training going?
Royal Parks Half this weekend!

Good Luck to AndyJB, and also Beckiboo (I assume you're fit to run?)


Nope.... still stuggling with my knee injury. Topped off with a bad back now which osteo thinks is a "displaced disc" :cry:

Really, really gutted but I know I just have to give everything up for a while until I'm feeling better :(

Best of luck Andy!