Spotlight Running Club

Congrats barbie.
I intend to try and run a half marathon at some point. Don't think I could hack a full one.
Congrats guys!
I know how it feels having done London last year.
It is definitely up there in the top 3 things i've ever done.
If you ever get the chance to do one, i'd always say go for it :)
I went a bit overboard with the Powerade and felt like I was running with a belly-full of glucose and came close to being sick a couple of times :oops:

congrats again!

:lol: i cant face eating anything sweet for a week afterwards.

did you feel the urge to blub at any stage?
Good to meet you on Sunday Sarah, if only briefly around the 20 mile mark. I really was feeling the heat at that stage, not good.

I can only agree totally with your comments, was an excellent, well organised event. If anyone wants to run a marathon then I can really recommend Brighton.

I managed to drag myself round in 04:43:06, fairly happy with that. I said to myself at the end that I would never do a full marathon again but yesterday I also signed myself up for next years event.

I'm still in pain this morning and can hardly move my legs but it was such a buzz that I would recommend to anyone.
Good to meet you on Sunday Sarah, if only briefly around the 20 mile mark. I really was feeling the heat at that stage, not good.

I can only agree totally with your comments, was an excellent, well organised event. If anyone wants to run a marathon then I can really recommend Brighton.

I managed to drag myself round in 04:43:06, fairly happy with that. I said to myself at the end that I would never do a full marathon again but yesterday I also signed myself up for next years event.

I'm still in pain this morning and can hardly move my legs but it was such a buzz that I would recommend to anyone.

All I can say is stairs OUCH :spank:

At least there's no way next year can be as hot (can it :eek:) so in comparison I'm sure it will seem like a stroll in the park for us ;)
All I can say is stairs OUCH :spank:

At least there's no way next year can be as hot (can it :eek:) so in comparison I'm sure it will seem like a stroll in the park for us ;)

Yeah it wasn't a pretty sight climbing the stairs in to the office this morning. Giving everyone a laugh hobbling about.
Brighton Marathon - with a doubt, the hardest :twisted: hottest :twisted: but most amazing thing I've ever done :D

I can't believe that this ex fag Ash Lil/wino/waster has actually run a marathon :lol:

Wow! Well done Sarah (and AndyJB). I know exactly how you feel, used running to help me stop smoking in 1992. There were no smokers chewing gum, patches or any other support systems back then. I became addicted to running instead. :lol: Have never craved a cigarette since. Have done 9 Great North Runs (half marathon) and loads of races all around North East England running for my local Athletic Club. :D

Once again congrats.

PS You did a decent time too. ;)
Had some stuff through the post from Sue Ryder y'day. They have some charity places available in various marathons, including New York l8r this year.

If any of you marathon runners wanted to enter for Sue Ryder, I would be happy to help raise some funds for such a worthy cause
Had some stuff through the post from Sue Ryder y'day. They have some charity places available in various marathons, including New York l8r this year.

If any of you marathon runners wanted to enter for Sue Ryder, I would be happy to help raise some funds for such a worthy cause

whats the min sponsorship/deal for NY?
The Ballot for next years London Marathon is open today, guessing it won't be for long as it never is.
Anyone interested should get their name down :)
whoa! good thread! can't believe i ignored it until today :spank:

i did a lot of athletics when i was a teenager and always used to go running a lot.

then in 2004 i did my first marathon which i finished in 3:40h. i had trained a lot for it and it was an amazing experience. i always wanted to run another one but didn't do it again so far. First, because of my summers in ibiza (where i also had some marathons of sorts!) and now because of work and because training just takes so much time. still, i love going for a nice run and normally go about twice a week.

the thing with the marathon training is, it doesn't need that much to be able to actually “survive” and finish a marathon. the question is a) do you have a time goal? and b) do you need to be ready to run the next day again? because also a normal runner who's used to run a say 10mile run twice a week will get through a marathon if he's strong enough mentally, but his legs will kill him after the marathon for a few days. if you start training seriously you obviously will finish the marathon in a much better time and, even more important, your legs won't feel as bad afterwards.

the key in marathon training IMO are two things: a) running a lot. when i trained for the marathon i ran like 200K a month (or 50K a week). your legs just have to get used to run a lot, it's as simple as that. and then b) do an effective training. I just read in this thread that people do 20+mile training runs. Stop doing it, it's unnecessary and harms more than it helps. After such a long run your muscles need too much time to recover and like this, the training effect goes completely lost. I do understand when people say they want to do one really long run as a training for a marathon, but then do it once and that's it. Apart of one single 25K (not miles!) run, I never did longer training runs than max 20K. Interval training is the way forward. There are many different schemes on how you can do it (PM me if you want) and your training will be much more effective and efficient!

Speaking about all that actually makes me want to start training again and doing a marathon again!
Given the state my leg is at the moment, short Sharp intervals and focused strength work is what ill mainly be doing in training as soon as I shake off this throat infection. Race again in 4 weeks.

Also will find out 5pm whether new York marathon app has been successful.