Spotlight Running Club

Given the state my leg is at the moment, short Sharp intervals and focused strength work is what ill mainly be doing in training as soon as I shake off this throat infection. Race again in 4 weeks.

Also will find out 5pm whether new York marathon app has been successful.

Keep us posted as to whether you are successful mate.
whoa! good thread! can't believe i ignored it until today

I just read in this thread that people do 20+mile training runs. Stop doing it, it's unnecessary and harms more than it helps. After such a long run your muscles need too much time to recover and like this, the training effect goes completely lost. I do understand when people say they want to do one really long run as a training for a marathon, but then do it once and that's it. Apart of one single 25K (not miles!) run, I never did longer training runs than max 20K. Interval training is the way forward. There are many different schemes on how you can do it (PM me if you want) and your training will be much more effective and efficient!

Speaking about all that actually makes me want to start training again and doing a marathon again!

I think the jury is still out on that statement and different coaches have different opinions. The key point to note in your statement is recovery time, if you do go beyond 20miles then you need to leave enough time between that run and race day to recover. I usually follow a 16 week plan that I have developed for myself (I am a running coach also). My base mileage outside of marathon training is usually 42miles per week and my plan usually involves building that up gradually for 12 weeks, to approximately 64 miles per week with my longest run being 24miles at week 10. I then taper for 4 weeks until race day.

My marathon apprenticeship is still ongoing though as I had an amazing debut with a time of 3hrs 1min in 2009, but then this year at the Great Welsh Marathon, whilst trying to go under 3hrs I hit the wall at 24 miles and eventually finished in 3hrs 50. I learnt more from that though than I did in my debut and I am now planning my attack of the Snowdon Marathon in October.
That's rejection 1. 2more and I'm definitely in for 2014!

Time for plan b and finding a half for the autumn.8)

If you like hills the Robin Hood Nottingham half is really good fun. Great atmosphere and a lovely course through Nottingham and the Sherwood forest. It's normally around 11-14 Sep I think...
Got meself a gammy knee :( :( :(

Not quite sure what's wrong with it, I ran to work about 10 days ago and after about 20mins my knee felt painful, like I'd twisted it or something. I eventually stopped running and was getting pains all the way from my knee to my hip.

Since then I've rested it for a week but it's never felt the same, kind of feels weak and if I turn it in certain ways it's painful again. I can't twist it without feeling pain, it's only ok if I'm walking in a straight line, if that makes sense??

I attempted to run in again this morning and it was just fooked after about 5mins, really painful to run on. Now in work I'm getting shooting pains in the kneecap and like an aching all round it.

Thinking it might be the dreaded "runners knee"?? I guess the best way to treat this is rest?

Sooo annoyed! I really hope it's nothing chronic. Best get down the doc's :(
Got meself a gammy knee :( :( :(

Not quite sure what's wrong with it, I ran to work about 10 days ago and after about 20mins my knee felt painful, like I'd twisted it or something. I eventually stopped running and was getting pains all the way from my knee to my hip.

Since then I've rested it for a week but it's never felt the same, kind of feels weak and if I turn it in certain ways it's painful again. I can't twist it without feeling pain, it's only ok if I'm walking in a straight line, if that makes sense??

I attempted to run in again this morning and it was just fooked after about 5mins, really painful to run on. Now in work I'm getting shooting pains in the kneecap and like an aching all round it.

Thinking it might be the dreaded "runners knee"?? I guess the best way to treat this is rest?

Sooo annoyed! I really hope it's nothing chronic. Best get down the doc's :(

Does it feel like a nervy pain. A bit like a toothache sensation which u cant pin down where exactly it is? If its what I think it is , it could be IT band syndrome. Best see a sports physio. They guy I use is very good. I can pass on his details to you. He's based in ealing tho. Will send you some links and info of some treatments you can do at home in the meantime.
Bumping this one back up!

Nearly 3 months on and still having problems with my knee :cry:

Rested for a month and it's better, but still nowhere near up to the standard to run a half marathon, I can just about do 5k at the moment, it's really getting me down :evil:

Finally got an appointment with the physio after a 6 week wait! And it looks like it's "runners knee" as expected, or as he called it, a mis-aligned kneecap. He's given me loads of stretches/strengthening exercises to do.

I've also started pilated as apparantly I don't have very good core strength either which is also putting pressure on my knees. I swear I feel like an old woman physically at the moment!!

Jogged into work this morning and after about 20mins it started playing up :spank:

The question is... I'm still signed up for the Royal Parks half in 2 months. Do I push on with the exercises, hope it gets better and on the day strap it up and drag myself round? Or quit the race, rest for a few months until the knee is 100%
I've also started pilated as apparantly I don't have very good core strength either which is also putting pressure on my knees.

The question is... I'm still signed up for the Royal Parks half in 2 months. Do I push on with the exercises, hope it gets better and on the day strap it up and drag myself round? Or quit the race, rest for a few months until the knee is 100%

It seems doctors are using the "you don't have a very good core strength" for every sort of injury these days. A few different friends have had various injuries and they've all been told they don;t have a good core strength.

If i was you i'd push on with the exercises and hope for the best. Your knee may never hit 100% so you could give up and be waiting around forever.

My right knee used to give me lots of grief to the point where it would complete seize up times. Carried on doing my usual running with additional stretches etc the physio told me to do and it sorted itself out.....ran a marathon since then too.
It seems doctors are using the "you don't have a very good core strength" for every sort of injury these days. A few different friends have had various injuries and they've all been told they don;t have a good core strength.

If i was you i'd push on with the exercises and hope for the best. Your knee may never hit 100% so you could give up and be waiting around forever.

My right knee used to give me lots of grief to the point where it would complete seize up times. Carried on doing my usual running with additional stretches etc the physio told me to do and it sorted itself out.....ran a marathon since then too.

Thanks, you've confirmed what I wanted to do really. Like you say, I could stop running for two months and the pain might never go away anyway. I'm going away for a year soon anyway so that can be my rest period!:twisted:
Becks, I know youll look like a tosser doing it, but have you considered power walking within the training, much less impact and good work out ??

I'm dusting off my running shoes for the fist time since London 2010 and am back on it this week (yes im mad as its 34 degrees here), need to lose this portly belly :spank:
Becks, I know youll look like a tosser doing it, but have you considered power walking within the training, much less impact and good work out ??

I'm dusting off my running shoes for the fist time since London 2010 and am back on it this week (yes im mad as its 34 degrees here), need to lose this portly belly :spank:

I happen to think I'll look quite cool power walking :lol:

I'm still exercising - bike to and from work every day plus I do aerobics etc in the gym (maybe not the best rest my knee needs but I ain't giving up everything!)

I'm going to limit myself to one run a week - although at the moment I can't see myself getting about 5k :( I'm going to persevere with the exercises and hope that helps. I have only been doing them for 2 days - I'm so impatient!
Brighton Half Marathon February far we have:

Andy B
Tamsyn (Ferd's Barry)

Anymore for anymore :lol:
Awww, just checked the date and it's 19th which would clash with our half term Ibiza visit :(

Ahh that's a shame - if nothing else the post race beers will be fun :lol: I'm doing another nonsense 3 months of not drinking before the full marathon in mid April but think I'll definitely deserve a few beers after the half ;)
A few things learnt from my last post in this thread regarding my IT Band Syndrome...

Kinda found out about Osteopathy, as an ex client now is the fundraiser for the British School of Osteopathy, anyway, as part of their training/exams, the students are give subsidised treatment £22 a session. all supervised of course.

I was a bit dubious at first, and went primarily to sort my back out.

1st session involves a lot of talking. medical history, old injuries, new injuries. As much as you want to tell, which will help determine a course of treatment.

You get pulled and manipulated in all sorts of ways, but now 6 weeks later, my back has eased, and ive had work on my legs to increase mobility in them, and apart from my right leg which still needs a bit of work, they dont feel stiff, and feel a lot more mobile around the hips and glutes, which in turn has stopped me from having a slapping quad heavy stride (9:30min miles), to propelling off the correct set of muscles (glutes) (7:30min miles).

Need to work now on the endurance at that speed (or rather mentally believe that I can run 6miles+ at that pace)

The IT Band was still giving me mild signals around 3-4miles worth of running so now I have a new series of stretches which i did prior to my last run, and tried taping up both IT Bands with Kinesiology Tape (Rock Tape) after reading up about it on various blogs from people with the exact same problem.

Ran a total of 6 miles and didnt feel even a twinge. 8)

Now I only have tendonitis in my left foot to sort out. :lol::spank: