Spotlight Running Club

Cheers guys but I'm out unfortunately, gutted about it.

I've broken two ribs (due to excess booze & a bouncy castle at a wedding) so been told I can't run for 6-8 weeks.

Done this before Ibiza last week and I took a hefty elbow from a dancing loon smack in the ribs whilst in Space which hasn't helped the recovery.

Was in London yesterday and saw all the road closure signs, really sunk in then that I couldn't run.

Still going to run the Great South Run at the end of the month even though the Dr is saying it will be pushing it.

Hopefully I can get in to the Royal Parks next year.
bummer guys.

I've still not shaken off this cough, so havent been out training. got 16 days to go before the Brum Half, so might be able to get out for one light run (even if to induce a massive coughing fit to get rid of all this gunk), and try and get thru yet another Half with disrupted training.

last race for me this year. Birmingham Half Marathon.

another not so perfect training prep. will be New York all over again, and will be running on experience.

Live on Channel 5 apparantly. I shall be the one at the back of the pack with orange tape on my legs. 8)
last race for me this year. Birmingham Half Marathon.

another not so perfect training prep. will be New York all over again, and will be running on experience.

Live on Channel 5 apparantly. I shall be the one at the back of the pack with orange tape on my legs. 8)

Good luck with this mate.

I'm in the same boat for the following Sunday with the Great South Run.

The ribs are still screwed so it's going to be interesting.
Good luck with this mate.

I'm in the same boat for the following Sunday with the Great South Run.

The ribs are still screwed so it's going to be interesting.

cheers. I just got to make sure I dont blub when I reach 8miles and I'll be fine.

15,000 in the field. I might start plum last again, and see how many I can overtake. :lol:

I may have the possibility of a London Marathon Place next year, so getting to the finish of this one unscathed is key to having a happy winter! 8)
Some questions for the spotlight running pro's...

1) Any of you run twice per day, if so has it been useful?
Reading a few articles suggest it is beneficial to get mileage up if done sensibly a couple of times per week. I need to get mileage up in a short space of time, the twice per day seems like a reasonable option.

2) Running watches, any good recommends?

Hope everyone is keeping injury free?
I did try running twice a day when i ran the LDN marathon back in 2010 as i only started training in Jan for it. I didn't find it worked all that well for increasing miles and found myself alot tireder as well.

I think 3 times a week, slowly increasing each time with a long run at the end is the best way, just my own personal method though.

As for watches never found one i was a fan of, just use my iphone for all my timing and tracking now.

Just got my first outdoor run of the year out of the way today, managed 10miles which im more than happy about. Loving the weather is alot more milder this year than the last few.
Just got my first outdoor run of the year out of the way today, managed 10miles which im more than happy about. Loving the weather is alot more milder this year than the last few.

10 miles 8)

I use my android device but thought it would be useful to know heart rate whilst running, maybe not so important at my novice level.
Some questions for the spotlight running pro's...

1) Any of you run twice per day, if so has it been useful?
Reading a few articles suggest it is beneficial to get mileage up if done sensibly a couple of times per week. I need to get mileage up in a short space of time, the twice per day seems like a reasonable option.

2) Running watches, any good recommends?

Hope everyone is keeping injury free?

Hello :lol:

Personally I don't know what you'd really achieve by running twice a day - for a half marathon you want to be training 3/4 times a week (split between long run, intervals, hills, shorter runs) so I don't know what you'd really gain by running twice a day....apart from tired legs. One thing I have learnt from running for the last couple of years is that your rest days when you're not running are SO IMPORTANT to you as they'll help you stay injury free.

I think a training programme should be a individual thing as what works for one per person won't necessarily work for another. When I'm in full on training mode, I tend to do one long run a week, 2 x 6 milers, 2 x 3 miles hill runs or intervals but different things work for different people. Your most important thing should be getting one long run in a week (increasing distance by no more than 10% a week).

We have a Garmin Forerunner 205 but tbh I only really use it for the mileage, Tom uses it more for heart rate and stuff but that's all a bit technical for me :oops::lol:

How is the training coming on David?
Hello :lol:

(increasing distance by no more than 10% a week).

How is the training coming on David?

Hello :) Hope you enjoyed your travels, you should be required to file a blog as per your long trip, loved reading about your journey as it unfolded previously8)

The 10% rule has been well and truly kicked into touch:oops:

As for my training, I can say with absolute confidence; I won't be zooming past you at any stage :) We moved house and everything went out the window for a month so am really behind. Finishing the course under the three hour cutoff will suit me :lol::lol:
I would never run more than once a day and try to have a couple of good rest days per week. But training is a personal thing, so find your own way.

Although I will say that trying to over train will do more harm than good.

Consistency is definately the key to improvement.

I went out for my first run of the year last night, 6 miles, but it felt like 16 miles.

However I know I will be cruising some decent distances by the end of the month now I'm back in a routine.

I have a £17 casio from amazon which has a stop watch on it and i've used it for three years and never needed anything else. (i've even started wearing to work - classy:lol:)

just went out yesterday for a'shakedown' and lasted all of a mile and half.

shins sore, quads sore (same spot where i had the cramp in brum)' glutes did feel like theyve actually worked tho, which is a positive.

for running watch, get yrself a garmin. ive got the forerunner 205. shop around as prices vary alot.

see ya at the startline.
Hello :) Hope you enjoyed your travels, you should be required to file a blog as per your long trip, loved reading about your journey as it unfolded previously8)

Trip was absolutely fantastic and climbing Mount Kinabalu and reaching the summit for sunrise was just incredible - I think I'm still a bit high on mountain life as we're just in the process of booking flights to Nepal to do the 14 day Everest Base Camp Trek - my life has changed from clubs to mountains :lol:

As for my training, I can say with absolute confidence; I won't be zooming past you at any stage :) We moved house and everything went out the window for a month so am really behind. Finishing the course under the three hour cutoff will suit me :lol::lol:

:lol: You'll be fine, there's still 5 weeks to go and as Mark said below it's all about getting in a routine - you'll be racking up the miles before you know it ;)
I did 10 miles on Monday as i always try and get a longish run in first just to see how me legs feel after a few months off and they felt fine.

Thought I'd go for the same again tonight which i don't usually Managed to do it but my legs are really feeling it tonight. :rolleyes: