Spotlight Running Club

Picked up a second hand treadmill for £100 last year. Only used it properly a couple of times when it was too dangerous outside.

Hate using it with a passion, but, when there is no alternative...........

I have a friend who does a lot of treadmill running. I did a couple of my off road runs last summer with a head cam recording the whole run. Put it on a DVD and sent it to her. She thinks its great to have some scenery to watch as she is running on the treadmill. :D
I have a friend who does a lot of treadmill running. I did a couple of my off road runs last summer with a head cam recording the whole run. Put it on a DVD and sent it to her. She thinks its great to have some scenery to watch as she is running on the treadmill. :D


This weather is screwing up my training, never wanted a thaw to happen so much, our nearest weather station tells the story :(

Roads are treacherous atm..
just done my last long one. 11miles in 2hrs. IT Band pain is coming on again (I've not been taping them up in training)... night of foam rolling in order.

Other than that felt good, no cramp. soles hurt a bit from the ****ty river paths. New base layer did its job.

One more short recovery run at weekend, and thats me lot till Race Day.
just done my last long one. 11miles in 2hrs. IT Band pain is coming on again (I've not been taping them up in training)... night of foam rolling in order.

Other than that felt good, no cramp. soles hurt a bit from the ****ty river paths. New base layer did its job.

One more short recovery run at weekend, and thats me lot till Race Day.

Reassuring news, I can rely on you and Barbie to hoiyk me over the line:D

We have 4 or 5 inches of snow, most of the roads are clear but not runnable as the sides of the road are piled with snow, frustrating times. I wanted to have done my last long run tomorrow, looks unlikely. We are visiting friends nr Manchester on Sunday (no snow over there), do you think Sun is too close to race day to run 16/ 17k?
Reassuring news, I can rely on you and Barbie to hoiyk me over the line:D

We have 4 or 5 inches of snow, most of the roads are clear but not runnable as the sides of the road are piled with snow, frustrating times. I wanted to have done my last long run tomorrow, looks unlikely. We are visiting friends nr Manchester on Sunday (no snow over there), do you think Sun is too close to race day to run 16/ 17k?

you should be fine, just take it easy and dont over exert yrself. i think babs will be showered and in the pub by the time we cross the line!
This weather is pants:eek: Tried doing a long run on the treadmill yesterday, good grief what a chore and sooo much harder than running on the road.

I'm sure a lot of the energy of the stride is absorbed by the springy treadmill surface making the run seem more tiring, or maybe it's simply the monotony. Read on a running forum to set the incline to 1% etc, any views on treadmill running?

I agre re long runs on a treadmill but there is so much else you can do on them than just that.

I like to do a 8x800m session. As follows , all at a gradient of 1.
8 mins 10kph warm up
800m@13kph followed by 2 mins heel and toe jogged recovery repeat x8.

Or this morning.
5mins @ 10kph warm up followed by 400m@12kph, 10 press ups and 10 crunches repeat x15.

Also i like to do a hill session at times start off at 0 gradient and put it up by one every 90 seconds see how far you can take it and then decrease 1 every 90 seconds on the way down.
A lovely -10 outside atm and many inches of snow on the ground:spank:

Totally frustrating for getting out for a proper run at the moment. Have managed to develop a loathing for treadmills this week:eek:
im all done. another 10miler, kept it steady and kept HR around 170 where poss. bit tired but in a much better place than i was this time last year in new york, where i ran with an ave HR of 180+ :lol:
Absolutely brilliant day for Brighton Half Marathon - well organised, lots of support on the street and perfect weather for a run (cold, sunny and a light wind). However it would appear that the course was actually about 0.4 miles too long (somebody is going to be in trouble today :lol:) My Garmin clocked me as running 13.5 miles but I didn't think too much of it as I thought I could have clocked up the extra distance weaving amongst people and not taking the most direct path, however reading Running World message board and the Brighton Half Marathon Facebook page, it would appear everybody ran between about 13.48 - 13.53 miles. Am not overly bothered (would certainly prefer to run too far than too little) as it makes everyone's times even more impressive.

Was hoping to sneak just under 01:55 but official time was 01:49:23 - never in my wildest dreams did I think that this ex-fag-ash-Lil-wino would be a sub 01:50 half marathon runner :lol: Tom was hoping for sub 01:40 and ran 01:36:30 - if the course was too long then could shave 3/4 minutes off those times so room for improvement next year :lol:

Well done to Chu on smashing his PB and well done to David on completing his very first race in a storming time :D

Great to see everyone for celebratory beers afterwards - after 4 weeks of teetoller-ness they were well overdue. Now back on the wagon for 8 weeks and full-on training in readiness for the full marathon on April 15th :spank:
- if the course was too long then could shave 3/4 minutes off those times so room for improvement next year :lol:

Cheers Babs.

Im sticking to what my watch says - i checked my sat overlay and the route i ran was pretty straight with hardly any wobble. :lol:

Got to half way feeling easy, (kinda like an 8mile sightseeing run) but really started work from 8 till 10 and lost a bit of focus wondering when the final turn for home was. trying to not let my pace drop below 11mins/mile. It was hurting, but I wanted to complete the distance at the 4th time of asking. no cramp, IT Band taping held up (just), and just nice to feel sore in different areas this morning.

Concentrating on speedwork now and finding a BUPA 10k place this May or poss having a go at the London 10K again in July. want to get my 10K time down to around the early 50mins... and then see if i can crack that 2hr mark at this years Royal Parks Half in Oct...

Next Year Brighton. Maybe... ;)
Absolutely perfect day for the run, could not have wished for better conditions, having arrived to a virtual hurricane on Saturday, hopes were not good for sunshine! What a difference a few hours can make, glorious sunshine, not a cloud to be seen and virtually no wind:D

I tried to keep up with Chu for the first mile and let him zoom off up the hill soon after!

The extra distance meant I peaked too soon, my phone was telling me the finish line was near, I started my sprint finish to realise there was still a half mile to go:lol::lol:

It was great seeing so many people of all ages taking part and being a part of the race, special mention to the lady with the horn near the top of the first hill, she was ace:D

Especially nice to finally meet Barbie & Tom for drinks afterwards where much of the chatter was about running and climbing mountains, would never have thought that would be the topic of conversation a few years ago. Totally impressed with their times, gives an insight into what some good training can achieve.

roll on 2013..:D
Like you, I was feeling fairly happy until the final turnaround. Seemed to take ages between 9miles and 10miles, I let it break me slightly:eek: The final 3 miles were tough, seeing the pier and thinking 'it's not getting any closer':lol:
Like you, I was feeling fairly happy until the final turnaround. Seemed to take ages between 9miles and 10miles, I let it break me slightly:eek: The final 3 miles were tough, seeing the pier and thinking 'it's not getting any closer':lol:

Start till mile 8...
"nice place Brighton"... "wow, what a a view"
"get out of my ****ing way"

Replaced from 8-finish by...
"wheres the left turn onto the front... wheres the left turn onto the front... x 3miles..."
"right, broken 10miles, and it hasnt broken you, dont do a New York and get emotional and blub"
"watch says 12miles, wheres the ****ing sign... is this course too long??? wtf!"
"the west pier aint getting any closer..."
"the big wheel aint getting any closer..."
"****, i can feel the tape slipping"
"keep upright, dont slouch, **** i've run out of sweets to munch on, ****ety **** my HR is hitting 190"
"keep your form, too many people watching, dont end up running like a planet of the apes extra"
"wheres the f***king finish, my watch says 13.1miles in under 2:04 and the finish is nowhere to be seen, i've been cheated!"
The final 3 miles were tough, seeing the pier and thinking 'it's not getting any closer':lol:

:lol: The course didn't throw up any surprises for me as it was essentially my training runs for the last few months, however I had exactly the same feeling about the pier when running the full marathon last year. I could see it but it just wasn't getting any closer :lol: And then the worse thing was getting to the pier (which I thought was the finishing line) and realising it wasn't and I had to head way down Madeira Drive - without doubt the longest half mile or so of my life :spank:
saying that, i was all geared up to motor for the last mile, but as i didnt until i could see the finish banner. cost me that 1:59:59.

might have to have another go next year. :lol: