Spotlight Running Club

I have been cheated by Endomondo:cry:

Thought I had done my first in-training sub 25min 5km yesterday. Was checking out my route today and noticed in parts it was zig zagging across the road (I was running in straight lines!). Obviously clocked more mileage than I actually run, must have been losing gps from time to time. Went back and checked all previous runs and another one I thought was particularly fast doing 8km in 40 odd mins was a similar story of zig zag lines:spank:
I have been cheated by Endomondo:cry:

Thought I had done my first in-training sub 25min 5km yesterday. Was checking out my route today and noticed in parts it was zig zagging across the road (I was running in straight lines!). Obviously clocked more mileage than I actually run, must have been losing gps from time to time. Went back and checked all previous runs and another one I thought was particularly fast doing 8km in 40 odd mins was a similar story of zig zag lines:spank:

ditch the phone and get a proper training watch with a HR monitor! - Worry less about whats strapped to yr arm, and concentrate on what you are doing! ;)


Will report back findings on the Green Silence shoes once they've been delivered and tested.
Deffo on for a watch, have been trying to decide this week which model of the Garmin, the 110 looks a decent entry level one to start with. Would have liked the virtual trainer feature on the more expensive models but not sure I could slip the spend past wifey so easily:lol:

GL for the BUPA, presumably it's televised?
Deffo on for a watch, have been trying to decide this week which model of the Garmin, the 110 looks a decent entry level one to start with. Would have liked the virtual trainer feature on the more expensive models but not sure I could slip the spend past wifey so easily:lol:

GL for the BUPA, presumably it's televised?

I got the 305. its a bit bulky but u get used to it. has the 'pacesetter' on there (which would have come into play if they measured the course correctly 1 as 0.15 miles behind at what I thought was 8miles).

you can customise the fields to display up to 4 bits of data - i've customised mine now to 2 of 2 screens... 4 fields tend to be a bit hard to read while on the run.
I got the 305. its a bit bulky but u get used to it. has the 'pacesetter' on there (which would have come into play if they measured the course correctly 1 as 0.15 miles behind at what I thought was 8miles).

you can customise the fields to display up to 4 bits of data - i've customised mine now to 2 of 2 screens... 4 fields tend to be a bit hard to read while on the run.

The 305 is ace, absolute bargain at a touch over £100. Had my first run with the watch today, was a poor effort on my part, had been awake since a around 02:00...the pace maker smashed me! I setup to try and dip under an hour for 10k on a nice easy route, staggered home punch drunk four mins after the pace maker:oops:
The 305 is ace, absolute bargain at a touch over £100. Had my first run with the watch today, was a poor effort on my part, had been awake since a around 02:00...the pace maker smashed me! I setup to try and dip under an hour for 10k on a nice easy route, staggered home punch drunk four mins after the pace maker:oops:


my 2 pairs of Green Silence hace arrived. one pair for inconspicuos training, and a lairy pair for racing. (see facebook)
first outing for the Brooks Green Silence. first impressions, very light minimal shoe, enough cushioning without losing the feel of the road. as these are designed to be run on a more natural mid to forefoot footstrike, you will know when you are heel striking, but strangely im finding the transition from mild support shoes very easy. as you all know ive had issues initially with shin splints and then ITB syndrome, even after todays run, im not feeling any soreness, or stiffness in the legs. seems for me at least, the less 'support' i have the better is it for me a least. these will definitely last a 10k, and maybe a half marathon. and at £60 a pair, bargain!

So Brighton Marathon on Sunday, anyone else running it this year?

I must say I have absolutely LOVED training for it this year, last year was my first marathon and the training was tough at times as my poor little body wondered what I was making it do, going into this unchartered territory :spank: This year I wouldn't go as far as saying I have found it easy (I don't think running 20+ miles is ever going to be easy :spank:) but it's definitely been a lot easier with another year of running under my belt.

I've been running 5x a week - 2 x fast 6 miles, 2 x hill/interval 3 miles and then one long run which has increased each week, the longest runs being 20, 22 and 24 miles. Also been throwing a bit of trail running into the mix which I definitely feel has made me a better runner - running on the road seems a walk in the park after running off-road on the hilly South Downs :lol:

Last year I ran it in 04:29:16, so this year I am aiming for sub 04:10, before I aim for the big sub 04:00 next year - after which I'll probably have to hang up my running trainers as I don't know how I'll ever better that :lol:

Good luck to anyone else running it - if all goes to plan should be in the pub, with a very long overdue and well deserved beer in hand by 1.30pm 8)
So Brighton Marathon on Sunday, anyone else running it this year?

I must say I have absolutely LOVED training for it this year, last year was my first marathon and the training was tough at times as my poor little body wondered what I was making it do, going into this unchartered territory :spank: This year I wouldn't go as far as saying I have found it easy (I don't think running 20+ miles is ever going to be easy :spank:) but it's definitely been a lot easier with another year of running under my belt.

I've been running 5x a week - 2 x fast 6 miles, 2 x hill/interval 3 miles and then one long run which has increased each week, the longest runs being 20, 22 and 24 miles. Also been throwing a bit of trail running into the mix which I definitely feel has made me a better runner - running on the road seems a walk in the park after running off-road on the hilly South Downs :lol:

Last year I ran it in 04:29:16, so this year I am aiming for sub 04:10, before I aim for the big sub 04:00 next year - after which I'll probably have to hang up my running trainers as I don't know how I'll ever better that :lol:

Good luck to anyone else running it - if all goes to plan should be in the pub, with a very long overdue and well deserved beer in hand by 1.30pm 8)

Good luck Sarah!

That's one hardcore training regime, I'm sure you'll see the benefit on the day.
you'll easily get that time this year. ;)

I wish - still got a bit of a way to go to crack that elusive 4 hour barrier :twisted:

(And tbh I don't know if I want to go under 4 hours just yet, at least it gives me something to aim for next year, if I went sub 4 this year then I wouldn't know how to top it next year :lol:;))
I wish - still got a bit of a way to go to crack that elusive 4 hour barrier :twisted:

(And tbh I don't know if I want to go under 4 hours just yet, at least it gives me something to aim for next year, if I went sub 4 this year then I wouldn't know how to top it next year :lol:;))

you took such a big chunk off your half time compared to 12months ago, thats why I think you'll get under or at least very close.

you've 'only' got to maintain your half pace for an extra 13.1miles. :lol:

question for ya. did you quit smoking well before the St Albans race?
you took such a big chunk off your half time compared to 12months ago, thats why I think you'll get under or at least very close.

you've 'only' got to maintain your half pace for an extra 13.1miles. :lol:

question for ya. did you quit smoking well before the St Albans race?

No I ran St Albans Half in June 2010 about 8 months after I started running, I didn't run a Half last year - I was meant to do one in February but I had a broken toe so I had to withdraw. I would have probably been running about 1:57 though this time a year ago so it has been a gradual improvement, it's not like I smashed 18 minutes off my PB overnight :lol: And you know I do put the miles in :twisted:

I cannot even comprehend running 26 miles at my Half pace - Tom is aiming for sub 3:30 so that means 8 minute miles :eek:

Yep I stopped smoking September 2009 mate so had a full 8 months of non smoking before St Albans.
Wow :eek: Still a bit speechless/shock-shocked/high from Brighton Marathon yesterday.

It was an absolutely perfect today for running – cold, sunny, bit of a breeze, we couldn't have wished for better conditions. Gus Poyet started proceedings at 9am and there's little hanging around like you get at London and some of the bigger races (last year in London it took Tom half an hour to get over the starting line, this year we were over 2 and 4 minutes after the gun).

The course was pretty much the same as last year - a few inclines in the first 10 miles but after that it's flat. The first 15 miles were an absolute breeze, in fact in hindsight I was definitely a bit lairy and went off too fast (half marathon split time of about 1:52 - oops :oops:). From miles 16 - 18 I didn't feel great and felt a bit sick – I had the same problem at the same distance last year and think it's down to eating/drinking too much of the energy drinks/sweets they give out. I only train with water, some dissolvable Lucozade stuff and a few Lucozade sweets so my body doesn't need/can't handle all the Powerade/energy blocks/gels – definite learning for next year is just to take my own sweets. Once that passed, the last few miles were tough but bearable and the support on the home straight going along the seafront is fantastic. At mile 25 I checked my watch and had the realisation that there was a tiny chance I could get under 4 hours (I was hoping for about 4 hours 4/5 mins if everything went to plan on the day) so somehow (really don't know how :lol:) I mustered up a burst of energy and managed to sprint the last 400 metres – must have looked a complete tit :oops: but crossed the line in official time of 03:59:46 :D

Could not believe it, from fag ash lil wino waster to sub 4 hour marathon runner in 2 and a half years :lol:

Tom did amazingly – was hoping for 3 hours 30 mins and absolutely smashed it in 03:25:33, coming in position 579 overall – so proud of him :D

I cannot recommend Brighton Marathon enough – Tom did London last year and now Brighton and said he much preferred Brighton. London obviously has the history and raises millions for charity, but it's not the best race if you just want to run a marathon in your best time, as it's just so busy all the way around. We both booked our places for 2013 at the Brighton Marathon Exhibition on Saturday, places open to the general public at 9am tomorrow morning if anyone fancies it ;)

Going to spend a couple of months reverting to ‘old Sarah' and then we begin training for our next projects – trekking to Everest Base Camp and then the Beachy Head Off Road Marathon in September and October respectively.

Then I think 2013 is the year I'm going to tackle an Ultra :spank: :lol: Any other Ultra runners on here?
Wow :eek: Still a bit speechless/shock-shocked/high from Brighton Marathon yesterday.

It was an absolutely perfect today for running – cold, sunny, bit of a breeze, we couldn't have wished for better conditions. Gus Poyet started proceedings at 9am and there's little hanging around like you get at London and some of the bigger races (last year in London it took Tom half an hour to get over the starting line, this year we were over 2 and 4 minutes after the gun).

The course was pretty much the same as last year - a few inclines in the first 10 miles but after that it's flat. The first 15 miles were an absolute breeze, in fact in hindsight I was definitely a bit lairy and went off too fast (half marathon split time of about 1:52 - oops :oops:). From miles 16 - 18 I didn't feel great and felt a bit sick – I had the same problem at the same distance last year and think it's down to eating/drinking too much of the energy drinks/sweets they give out. I only train with water, some dissolvable Lucozade stuff and a few Lucozade sweets so my body doesn't need/can't handle all the Powerade/energy blocks/gels – definite learning for next year is just to take my own sweets. Once that passed, the last few miles were tough but bearable and the support on the home straight going along the seafront is fantastic. At mile 25 I checked my watch and had the realisation that there was a tiny chance I could get under 4 hours (I was hoping for about 4 hours 4/5 mins if everything went to plan on the day) so somehow (really don't know how :lol:) I mustered up a burst of energy and managed to sprint the last 400 metres – must have looked a complete tit :oops: but crossed the line in official time of 03:59:46 :D

Could not believe it, from fag ash lil wino waster to sub 4 hour marathon runner in 2 and a half years :lol:

Tom did amazingly – was hoping for 3 hours 30 mins and absolutely smashed it in 03:25:33, coming in position 579 overall – so proud of him :D

I cannot recommend Brighton Marathon enough – Tom did London last year and now Brighton and said he much preferred Brighton. London obviously has the history and raises millions for charity, but it's not the best race if you just want to run a marathon in your best time, as it's just so busy all the way around. We both booked our places for 2013 at the Brighton Marathon Exhibition on Saturday, places open to the general public at 9am tomorrow morning if anyone fancies it ;)

Going to spend a couple of months reverting to ‘old Sarah' and then we begin training for our next projects – trekking to Everest Base Camp and then the Beachy Head Off Road Marathon in September and October respectively.

Then I think 2013 is the year I'm going to tackle an Ultra :spank: :lol: Any other Ultra runners on here?

Well done madam a very good time.You must be very happy with your efforts.
Wow :eek: Still a bit speechless/shock-shocked/high from Brighton Marathon yesterday.

It was an absolutely perfect today for running – cold, sunny, bit of a breeze, we couldn't have wished for better conditions. Gus Poyet started proceedings at 9am and there's little hanging around like you get at London and some of the bigger races (last year in London it took Tom half an hour to get over the starting line, this year we were over 2 and 4 minutes after the gun).

The course was pretty much the same as last year - a few inclines in the first 10 miles but after that it's flat. The first 15 miles were an absolute breeze, in fact in hindsight I was definitely a bit lairy and went off too fast (half marathon split time of about 1:52 - oops :oops:). From miles 16 - 18 I didn't feel great and felt a bit sick – I had the same problem at the same distance last year and think it's down to eating/drinking too much of the energy drinks/sweets they give out. I only train with water, some dissolvable Lucozade stuff and a few Lucozade sweets so my body doesn't need/can't handle all the Powerade/energy blocks/gels – definite learning for next year is just to take my own sweets. Once that passed, the last few miles were tough but bearable and the support on the home straight going along the seafront is fantastic. At mile 25 I checked my watch and had the realisation that there was a tiny chance I could get under 4 hours (I was hoping for about 4 hours 4/5 mins if everything went to plan on the day) so somehow (really don't know how :lol:) I mustered up a burst of energy and managed to sprint the last 400 metres – must have looked a complete tit :oops: but crossed the line in official time of 03:59:46 :D

Could not believe it, from fag ash lil wino waster to sub 4 hour marathon runner in 2 and a half years :lol:

Tom did amazingly – was hoping for 3 hours 30 mins and absolutely smashed it in 03:25:33, coming in position 579 overall – so proud of him :D

I cannot recommend Brighton Marathon enough – Tom did London last year and now Brighton and said he much preferred Brighton. London obviously has the history and raises millions for charity, but it's not the best race if you just want to run a marathon in your best time, as it's just so busy all the way around. We both booked our places for 2013 at the Brighton Marathon Exhibition on Saturday, places open to the general public at 9am tomorrow morning if anyone fancies it ;)

Going to spend a couple of months reverting to ‘old Sarah' and then we begin training for our next projects – trekking to Everest Base Camp and then the Beachy Head Off Road Marathon in September and October respectively.

Then I think 2013 is the year I'm going to tackle an Ultra :spank: :lol: Any other Ultra runners on here?

Good on you Sarah. I could tell you were on to a good time when I saw you go by around mile 13
Good on you Sarah. I could tell you were on to a good time when I saw you go by around mile 13

Cheers Andy - can't say I was looking so fresh at about mile 23 :oops::lol:

So, did spectating give you the urge to get your trainers back out ;) I must say 2012 was much easier than 2011 - I guess a combination of a year's more running experience plus WAAAAAY cooler weather.