Spotlight Running Club

Has anyone ever tried to run a marathon or distance race alongside a pace maker?

Considering trying it in my marathon in early July to try and get my sub 3:10.
When I've done marathons before my split times tend to be all over the show with some really slow/fast miles.

Is it easy to try and stick to the perfect speed you require if you know you are capable of finishing within a time?
Has anyone ever tried to run a marathon or distance race alongside a pace maker?

I've thought about it, I tend to run positive/negative splits (usually because I go off to quick!)

I'm gonna give it a go if there's any pacers in the BUPA 10K in a couple of weeks.
Has anyone ever tried to run a marathon or distance race alongside a pace maker?

I was a few places behind guy in the Brighton HM in Feb who had a flag protruding from his backpack type thing. At the time, I thought "Surely that flag must slow him down a bit, must be a charity thing". After the race I said to the wife, "I ran most of the way behind a guy with a flag, what a nutcase". Wifey replied "You daft bugger, he was a pace maker with a time on his flag so you know you are going the right pace":oops:

They are a great idea in races imho. I cannot keep an even pace for the love of god.

Deffo worth giving it a go, Evolution. If you can do 3:10 with an undulating fast / slow pace, wouldn't it follow that doing an even 3:10 pace until say 23 miles, you would have a bit left to motor on ahead of 3:10 pacer as you have used your energy efficiently?
getting more and more interested in the more 'challenging' kinds of races

So I thought if I'm becoming interest in the 'more challenging' types of races, that I may as well dive straight in at the deep end and have signed up for this little beauty :eek::lol:

It's essentially a similar format to the MdS (ie a 150ish mile multi-day run across the Sahara Desert carrying all the provisions you need on your back) but the Sahara Race is in Egypt and finishes up at the Pyramids which we thought would be a pretty special way to cross the finishing line.* Algo we've wanted to see the Pyramids for years but other trips have always taken precedence so I guess this kind of kills two birds with one stone :lol:

Fortunately, because there are more lunatics than you think out there, plus places on such races are limited, then we've got 21 months until February 2014 to prepare ourselves (physically and mentally).

*The reality is that IF (huge IF) I even make it to the finish line, the last thing I will feel doing is admiring the Pyramids :oops::lol:
Wd Barbie, an amazing target to be aiming at, and what an achievement it will be 8)8)

I still miss your Ibiza reviews though:lol:
For the record, ran the Chester HM Sunday 13th May, perfect conditions, lovely course, great organisation, great local support. Flopped badly, had been hit with a sickness bug inherited from the children, nothing to eat for best part of 24 hours. Limped home in 2:19:37:oops:, can honestly say it was the hardest 2:20 of my life physically and mentally. :eek:

Entered the humber half; to slay the dragon of Chester. Has some good reviews, particularly going over the Humber bridge whilst it's closed to traffic. Cardiac Hill lasting a mile from miles nine to 10 sounds interesting:eek: Most reviewers say the heat of the past few years has been the biggest handicap, string vest it is then:lol:

It's hard for anything on this thread to compete with ^^^ from now one :)
Entered Sheffield half marathon at the last minute and broke two hours...just, chip time of 1:59:36. Was on a huge high after the race, which had some great local support around the route. A lovely way to finish the race storming up the straight in the Don Valley stadium. Definitely a recommended race for any of you northern monkeys:D

If you are like me and can't go far without a drink in this weather, Tesco have a great offer atm:- Four bottles of Lucozade sport for £1.84, (just noticed offer runs out tomorrow).
Entered Sheffield half marathon at the last minute and broke two hours...just, chip time of 1:59:36. Was on a huge high after the race, which had some great local support around the route. A lovely way to finish the race storming up the straight in the Don Valley stadium. Definitely a recommended race for any of you northern monkeys:D

If you are like me and can't go far without a drink in this weather, Tesco have a great offer atm:- Four bottles of Lucozade sport for £1.84, (just noticed offer runs out tomorrow).

Brilliant result mate! :lol:

Love the fact that you got straight back on the horse so to speak with another Half Marathon and knocked almost 20 mins off your time.

Respect 8)
Entered Sheffield half marathon at the last minute and broke two hours...just, chip time of 1:59:36. Was on a huge high after the race, which had some great local support around the route. A lovely way to finish the race storming up the straight in the Don Valley stadium. Definitely a recommended race for any of you northern monkeys:D

If you are like me and can't go far without a drink in this weather, Tesco have a great offer atm:- Four bottles of Lucozade sport for £1.84, (just noticed offer runs out tomorrow).


Bloody amazing - from newbie runner to sub 2 hour Half Marathoner in less than 6 months. Well done and very well deserved :D

Do you always use Lucozade Sport David, we tend to use these tubs

Also this stuff is amazing (I find) for recovery
Thx ppl :D

Those two products look useful. I became a regular user of lucozade sport after the Brighton HM, proving that giving free products during a race actually works as a marketing ploy. Liking the look of the CherryActive, wifey is going to be happy, yet more expense for my new found hobby:lol::lol:
Thx ppl :D

Those two products look useful. I became a regular user of lucozade sport after the Brighton HM, proving that giving free products during a race actually works as a marketing ploy. Liking the look of the CherryActive, wifey is going to be happy, yet more expense for my new found hobby:lol::lol:

:lol: You could be having a mid life crisis and spend all the money you're spending on running on booze and women, so really running is saving you money :lol:;)

I take the Cherry Active concentration after all my long runs and it really does help recovery time, the odd time I haven't, I really feel it.
ran 58:28 in bupa london 10k. bloody hottest ive ever run in, sun beasting down on bonce, and i missed the fugging water station at 3km and the next wasnt till 7k. got to halfway in 27:38, and eventually had to slow it down as HR was getting a bit too high, and it wasnt worth killing myself to get a PB. lack of training due to house move in the last 3 weeks prob didnt help.

plus side, running a lot better, loving the more minimal lightweight trainers, the endless massages in koh samui/ealing has really got my legs a lot more flexible. a bit tight on the IT band but taping did its job. compared data from last years run, and at least my max HR has dropped by 5%, and ran 2mins quicker, in much less favourable conditions.

sub 55 is doable, sub 50 is what i should be capable of based in half PB

5 weeks before the Nike British 10k. and 3 weeks before the builders are due in!
ran 58:28 in bupa london 10k. bloody hottest ive ever run in, sun beasting down on bonce, and i missed the fugging water station at 3km and the next wasnt till 7k. got to halfway in 27:38, and eventually had to slow it down as HR was getting a bit too high, and it wasnt worth killing myself to get a PB. lack of training due to house move in the last 3 weeks prob didnt help.

plus side, running a lot better, loving the more minimal lightweight trainers, the endless massages in koh samui/ealing has really got my legs a lot more flexible. a bit tight on the IT band but taping did its job. compared data from last years run, and at least my max HR has dropped by 5%, and ran 2mins quicker, in much less favourable conditions.

sub 55 is doable, sub 50 is what i should be capable of based in half PB

5 weeks before the Nike British 10k. and 3 weeks before the builders are due in!

You're down on the results site as 59:28, if that's wrong you should contact them to get it changed, every minute counts ;)

Every day I have been running in this weather has reminded me how much I hate running in heat (and this is 7am Brighton 'heat' not middle of the day Sahara 'proper heat') :spank: :evil: :lol:
You're down on the results site as 59:28, if that's wrong you should contact them to get it changed, every minute counts ;)

Every day I have been running in this weather has reminded me how much I hate running in heat (and this is 7am Brighton 'heat' not middle of the day Sahara 'proper heat') :spank: :evil: :lol:

59/58... that min makes no diff to me when PB is 57!

I dont mind heat, i hate running under a direct sun with no cloud cover, and I ran out of shadows in the run into the City.
59/58... that min makes no diff to me when PB is 57!

I dont mind heat, i hate running under a direct sun with no cloud cover, and I ran out of shadows in the run into the City.

I am freelancing at said company who sponsor said run, quite a few people I work with ran it. They know I'm a bit of a runner so offered me places at this, Bupa Great North, Bupa South but none of them really appeal - too many people on too crowded a course :spank:

I've never raced a 10k before as the distance doesn't really interest me but am forcing myself to do one (signed up for Brighton 10k later this year) as I think it will help me working on 'speed' and when I say 'speed' it is in the loosest send of the word :spank: The last 4 weeks I've been going out and running a fairly flat 10k along the seafront and my 10k pace is the same as my HM pace, I seem incapable of running any faster :oops:
I am freelancing at said company who sponsor said run, quite a few people I work with ran it. They know I'm a bit of a runner so offered me places at this, Bupa Great North, Bupa South but none of them really appeal - too many people on too crowded a course :spank:

I've never raced a 10k before as the distance doesn't really interest me but am forcing myself to do one (signed up for Brighton 10k later this year) as I think it will help me working on 'speed' and when I say 'speed' it is in the loosest send of the word :spank: The last 4 weeks I've been going out and running a fairly flat 10k along the seafront and my 10k pace is the same as my HM pace, I seem incapable of running any faster :oops:

you could prob eek out 30 secs a mile or so. gonna make use of the UKA facilities down picketts lock and try some timed traffic free laps.

one gripe about sunday was the stagger between each wave wasnt large enough. like some people paid attention to them. traffic dodging for a mile or so. forgot to say, Stu Hirst ran it, bumped into him in the loos at green park station of all places :lol:
I am freelancing at said company who sponsor said run

can you tell em that changing the year on the tshirt they give (a crappy cotton one) is a kop out, and mine will be used to decorate the house in. ;)

plus having a public crossing point just after finish line which cuts across the path of runners eager to get their bags is a bad idea!:x