Spotlight Running Club

did the liverpool triathlon a week ago, posting a 10k of 44:10 which after tough conditions on the bike I was quite happy with. Still know I can go faster, need to have a few quieter weekends to encourage more long runs!
40secs a mile faster is a great improvement Id love to see that in my own running! 8)

That's not a shabby 10k time, even more so after a swim and bike8) Any ambitions for the full monty?

Watched UK Ironman from Bolton on Sunday evening. Folks completing a 2.5 mile swim, 120 mile bike ride and then a marathon are fully deserving of the title ironman. Puts the poncy footballers efforts at sport into context imo.
That's not a shabby 10k time, even more so after a swim and bike8) Any ambitions for the full monty?

Watched UK Ironman from Bolton on Sunday evening. Folks completing a 2.5 mile swim, 120 mile bike ride and then a marathon are fully deserving of the title ironman. Puts the poncy footballers efforts at sport into context imo.

when u buying yr wetsuit and carbon framed bike? :lol:
That's not a shabby 10k time, even more so after a swim and bike8) Any ambitions for the full monty?

Yeah, I'll probably do a half-Iron distance (1.2mile swim, 56mile cycle, 13.1mile run) early next year (in Mallorca hopefully) and see if I survive before moving up.
Theres guys in the tri-club who prefer the long distance to olympic and sprints, I personally think theyre mad, but they say its about heart rate and "just a different kind of suffering":D
when u buying yr wetsuit and carbon framed bike? :lol:

Would love to Chu, but I would still be swimming while the guys were crossing the line, to do three or four lengths in the pool near kills me, beside which I dislike swimming with a passion. As for cycling, I would rather sit on a javelin for fun than go on a bike ride. Kinda rules out triathalon for me!
Yeah, I'll probably do a half-Iron distance (1.2mile swim, 56mile cycle, 13.1mile run) early next year (in Mallorca hopefully) and see if I survive before moving up.
Theres guys in the tri-club who prefer the long distance to olympic and sprints, I personally think theyre mad, but they say its about heart rate and "just a different kind of suffering":D

Keep us posted, fascinated by the event, but have no desire to get involved as per the above post.

Have you read or listened to a book called "Here to win" by Chris McCormack the Ozzy legend tri fella? Bought the audio book recently and really enjoyed listening whilst out running, highly recommended.
will do!

Ive not read his book , but he raced the Liverpool tri a couple of weeks ago and I watched him cross the line in 5th place in the pro race (1hr498), mine was err... ahem 2.32:oops: ). He was inundated with people wanting photos autographs etc.
oh and his 10k time was 32:17 !! (fastest was 29:51 :eek:)
Just been to collect some insoles from the podiatrist, £28, wtf:eek:

Joining a friend for a run around London on Sunday morning as part of the real relay, setting off from Old Kent Road @ 01:00 if anyone fancies joining in. We will be taking the same route as the Olympic torch, through Peckham, Brixton etc. Destination Kings Road, 10 miles in total.

Later the same day, the final leg leaves Tower Bridge approximately 13:00 heading for the Olympic stadium. The organisers are expecting several hundred runners to turn up, celebratory drinks afterwards venue tbd.
Just been to collect some insoles from the podiatrist, £28, wtf:eek:

Joining a friend for a run around London on Sunday morning as part of the real relay, setting off from Old Kent Road @ 01:00 if anyone fancies joining in. We will be taking the same route as the Olympic torch, through Peckham, Brixton etc. Destination Kings Road, 10 miles in total.

Later the same day, the final leg leaves Tower Bridge approximately 13:00 heading for the Olympic stadium. The organisers are expecting several hundred runners to turn up, celebratory drinks afterwards venue tbd.

ooohhh.... Sunday u say?
Lord Seb Coe had been lobbied for several weeks to allow us (or at least one runner) to finish inside the Olympic Stadium. It was declined saying they were rehearsing for the opening. Lord Seb Coe was then invited to meet us at the entrance, he declined. We were met by 5 or 6 security guards that wouldn't allow us go any further. They can be seen in the background to the left of the video wearing florescent shirts and their security passes.

Endurancelife The Real Relay finish at The Olympic Stadium.
This is an edited version of The Real Relay Finale. This is the final stage 672 from Tower Bridge, London to The Olympic Stadium via Victoria Park. Anita Rani, her director and a cameraman are in the video as they were filming for The One Show (aired Monday 23rd July). Hopefully I've captured the carnival spirit of this event. We raised over £13,500 for the Chicks Charity who provide respite care for disadvantaged kids.

The Real Relay Finale

Hope you enjoy, cheers, Les

PS WeLuvIbiza a.k.a. Jake is in the video too.
I'm currently getting over ITBS, which has been extremely frustrating. Today I did 40 minutes with no discomfort, so it's getting better. I've been seeing a physio.

It's been really ****. I can only run every other day, I haven't trained with my club in months, and I've missed loads of races.:(
will do. Im training and going over with quite a few IM vets so I should get good training advice.
With the £££ its cost I'll finish the thing or get carried off the course in a box!
hauled myself out for the first time to take in the new area. running around Lea Valley is much nicer than traffic dodging in west london.

Royal Parks Half in 8 weeks and managed an 8miler in 80mins after a month of inactivity.
Just started. Have gone from wanting to give up (1st session) to being able to run just over 30 mins without walking breaks in 8 sessions. It's amazing how quick you can improve.

Ideally, I want to be running 2 hours twice a week, on top of 3 weights session. I'm expecting to get bored of Sunday foraging soon, so that might allow for 3 runs...
How's the running going, peeps?

My mam gave me a Garmin watch for my birthday. Did 4.2 miles last night in 46 minutes. Probably only been out 15 - 20 times, but I'm noting improvements all the time.

Trying to do 3 weights sessions and 3 running sessions a week now. A session = ~ 1hour.