Spotlight Running Club

Went for a run last night, first long run in a while and did 14 miles.

Some huge whale of a woman who literally took up the whole pavement was blocking my run, said excuse me....her response was "f*ck off you idiot" :rolleyes:

Also wore my old running trainers, i now have massive blisters on the inside of my feet. I got some custom made soles made with my latest pair so think i'll have to stick to getting them now.
"Sixty-two miles is not particularly far in the ultrarunning world" :eek:

Does anyone know if ultra runners run relatively slow in compariason to say your average fairly experienced marathon runner who can usually make good a good time?

Or are they just that fit they can run at a decent speed whatever the distance?

Depends who you are I guess! Monhamed Ansel completes the Mds in 18 hours, a guy I know took nearly 60 hours!

The Spartathalon (many regard as the hardest race to finish in the world) you have to go a certain pace to avoid missing the checkpoints, total 245 km in 36 hours. One of the qualifying criteria is you must have run 100km in 10.30 hours, or completed one of several other races.

(Currently having wet dream about finishing this race ^ )

Some brilliant podcasts and reading on this site if you get interested in ultras;
Cheers for those links, will have a look, not that i think i'll ever be able to compete in anything like that.

One event i've wanted to do for the last few years the The Great Wall Marathon.
Just costs quite a fair bit to do it.
Completed my first marathon yesterday in Valencia :) Four hours 30 minutes and some seconds....

What an amazing experience in a wonderful city, one of the most exhilarating things I have ever done. Looking now for a suitable spring marathon :)

Hope everyone is staying injury free and those with injuries are healing speedy.
Completed my first marathon yesterday in Valencia :) Four hours 30 minutes and some seconds....

What an amazing experience in a wonderful city, one of the most exhilarating things I have ever done. Looking now for a suitable spring marathon :)

Hope everyone is staying injury free and those with injuries are healing speedy.

Well done, fella. :D

I achieved my 6 miles in less than an hour (or, as it turned out, 56 minutes) yesterday.

Next goals -
average speed < 9min/mi for a run (hopefully this week!)
7 miles in an hour
running down then up the big hill that makes one way into the village
Impressive progress, Johnny. Do you run exactly 6 miles or 6.2 miles? If exactly 6, it would be worth doing an extra 0.2 to get your 10k. You would then have a decent idea how you would do in a little 10k race ;)
I hate running. Was always better built for rugby than running any sort of distance. However, as I quit the gym recently as I'm moving house/areas, I've decided to start doing it anyway. I only made this decision over the weekend, so yesterday I drove a couple of routes to get accurate distances, and went out for a little warm up run. I did 3 miles in just over 22 minutes and decided it's not nearly a long enough run, despite me blowing pretty hard on the uphill back to my house. The really annoying thing is that my calf muscles are so tight that the stairs are a daunting task at the minute. I thought I warmed up and down plenty, but clearly not. Hoping that it's just because it was my first run in a while.

As soon as I'm not feeling the tightness in my legs, I'm going to find a decent 4.5-5 mile route, and start working on doing that in a decent time before stepping up to 10k.
Impressive progress, Johnny. Do you run exactly 6 miles or 6.2 miles? If exactly 6, it would be worth doing an extra 0.2 to get your 10k. You would then have a decent idea how you would do in a little 10k race ;)

Oh, I will do more next weekend. I decided I'd run out for 28 minutes or when my watch indicated 3 miles, whichever came first. Next weekend I'll probably run out for 30 minutes. (An hour at a time is about as much I plan on doing.) I'd be surprised if that didn't get me up to 10k.
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well done WeLove. Very decent time. what were the weather conditions like?
Ive started making my own ice baths after my longer runs now, works an absolute treat for sorting out my legs.
Completed my first marathon yesterday in Valencia :) Four hours 30 minutes and some seconds....

8) .. well done !

running down then up the big hill that makes one way into the village

:twisted: .. there's something about running (or riding !) hills which gives you so much more of a sense of achievement. You'll conquer that one really soon I'm pretty sure.

I hate running. I only made this decision over the weekend, so yesterday I drove a couple of routes to get accurate distances, and went out for a little warm up run... The really annoying thing is that my calf muscles are so tight that the stairs are a daunting task at the minute. I thought I warmed up and down plenty, but clearly not. Hoping that it's just because it was my first run in a while.

You'll be fine in a day or so - I get that when I haven't run in a while and run on-road. Strangely I don't seem to get the same effect when I run off-road. No idea why. I got exactly the same when I started cycling a few weeks ago - a mere 15 miles had my leg muscles tight, stiff and pulsing and still were next day. Just put it down to it doing me good :). Actually got a lot of benefit from using compression garments - if the problem is localised try these :

Got back on the weights on Saturday and it's reminded me of the life of pain and discomfort that comes with that ... the Leg Adducer machine left me virtually unable to walk this morning, two days later :rolleyes:. Was nothing for it but to get back in there and do another session today.
Johnny, there's a great 10k in Ayr on Boxing Day. It's almost totally flat, as it's along the beach front and back. I did it last year as my first race and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Johnny, there's a great 10k in Ayr on Boxing Day. It's almost totally flat, as it's along the beach front and back. I did it last year as my first race and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Never knew that! It's something to think about, but would mean taking it easy-ish on Xmas day. :lol: I'm not against doing a 10K, but maybe leave it a little longer till I have more confidence and am just a little faster.
well done WeLove. Very decent time. what were the weather conditions like?
Ive started making my own ice baths after my longer runs now, works an absolute treat for sorting out my legs.

Thanks. Conditions were absolutely perfect. After thunder and lots of rain during the night, the morning was pure bliss, the conditions you dream of for running, 14oC, nice autumnal sunshine, warming to 21oC at the end (lots of showers to run through final 15km :) )

You are a tough guy with the ice bath! Tried a couple of times with simply cold water, it does work but is not enjoyable. Not sure I will be adding ice any time soon:eek: You got any races in mind/ planned?
I got a run in at avg pace 8:48 min/mi yesterday. Only 3.66 miles, but first time dipping below 9 min/mi. I wonder now if 8 min/mi is feasible. :D