Spotlight Running Club

Impressive progress, Johnny. Do you run exactly 6 miles or 6.2 miles? If exactly 6, it would be worth doing an extra 0.2 to get your 10k. You would then have a decent idea how you would do in a little 10k race ;)

I did 6.3 on Sunday in just a few seconds short of an hour, so that's 10K passed. :D
Just got in from my 6th or 7th run since I started doing it regularly again. Decided to step it up from the 3.5 mile runs I've been doing, and drove round to get a new route. Found a decent 5.1 mile effort and managed it in 45:17. I definitely got the pace wrong and set off too slow, I had enough in the tank to do the last mile in 7:30, although it started to hurt a bit. Embracing the pain. Still feel I need to lose a bit of timber before running too much further than that on the road, can't be too good for the knees.
I did 6.3 on Sunday in just a few seconds short of an hour, so that's 10K passed. :D

8) :twisted:

Still feel I need to lose a bit of timber before running too much further than that on the road, can't be too good for the knees.

Fook - can you give me some please ? Got the opposite problem. Have had to stop running completely, cut down my cycling (very :evil:) , pump unreasonable amounts of protein and calories down my throat and pump, pull and push large blocks of metal (and myself) in various shapes and guises .... so far it's barely having any effect on the weight gain side of things. Other than to make sure my digestive system is in constant turmoil, bank balance takes a massive body blow, seem to be consuming food all the time and am kept aching both when I'm doing it and when I'm not ... :x.

Been on a 'clubbing marathon' ban for weeks too. For all that am still 55.3kg :eek:. Well that's 0.3kg on (or some dodgy scales) so maybe not a total disaster for 10 days' concerted effort. But still ..... it shouldn't be this hard :evil:
Kimajy - you're welcome to it! I've lost 21kg since when I was at my heaviest, in January this year. I still weigh 83kg which is still quite a lot to be taking up any sort of distance running. I really should take up rugby again at 6' and nearly 14 stone!

That said, I'm starting to quite enjoy the running, and I'm no longer getting the stiffness in the legs the day after. Going to attempt another 5 mile tomorrow and try to shave a couple of mins off today's time. Hoping getting back in shape will lead to better contributions on the dating thread!
You need to take up drinking again, Kimajy. :twisted: Even with all the exercise, I need to watch what I'm eating. (I'm trying to lose 2 - 4kg fat, while hopefully gaining muscle.) I can't really eat any junk food. Mind you, I do like to sink a few bevvies at the weekend.
Decided to take on my first 10k run tonight. I made a point of remembering all of the mile markers so I can start getting the pace right, and it worked a treat. Did the 6.2 miles in 55:41 which I'm really pleased with. The fact that the heavens opened about a mile from home probably helped, was as close to a sprint finish as I was physically capable of.
You need to take up drinking again, Kimajy. :twisted: Even with all the exercise, I need to watch what I'm eating. (I'm trying to lose 2 - 4kg fat, while hopefully gaining muscle.) I can't really eat any junk food. Mind you, I do like to sink a few bevvies at the weekend.

Alas drinking does nothing for my weight gain aspirations - if it did I'd have put on fat a long time ago ... you lose muscle first under stress and then in my case that probably gets restored before fat ever gets a chance. Just guessing - it's all still a bit of a baffle and everyone's body seems to react in slightly different ways.

I'll probably be happier when weight is up to 62kg (7kg up from where I started), which I've tried before and totally failed to stick to the calorie intake so failed miserably and never managed to gain more than half a kilo. I'm almost certain the appetite-suppressing fags (4 weeks off 'em come tomorrow :)) and the marathon clubbing sessions on a sandwich or two which used to accompany the drinking no doubt didn't help :!:

I actually don't enjoy alcohol in small quantities especially if I'm getting regular exercise. Immediately suppresses endorphones / feelings of healthy well-being and replaces them with its own effects... get p!ssed off by that as I prefer the natural state - never understood the culture of a pint after a game etc etc. ... why immediately trash a physical feel-good with a depressant ? Baffling ! Had no alcohol (or red bull which was far more of an issue !) for 82 days now (:eek:) so cards have never been stacked so favourably to succeed really. Anyhow .. Bit of fat can be accommodated (body fat is sub 5% even now) so not bothered about carb limiting. Used the gym scales today and they read a little over 57kg so hopefully have put some fat or muscle on (don't much care which !) since the last time I looked (55.5kg) despite a naughty 25-mile bike ride in the middle (which I could have avoided) and about 3/4 hour cycling a day which I can't really avoid.

The high protein thing is (slowly) starting to work though, after taking about a week to have any effect at all. Probably getting about 130g / day of it on top of 2000 calories at the moment (just - it's still a struggle !). Previous calorie count was probably about 1,500 - 1,750 depending on the day. Reckon it's just about enough to stop the vicious cycle of the body eating what's put into it and treading water on weight as fast as you exercise. Doing supersets on heavy weights which I think is meant to be a good thing too. Here's hoping anyway.

Kimajy - you're welcome to it! I've lost 21kg since when I was at my heaviest, in January this year. I still weigh 83kg which is still quite a lot to be taking up any sort of distance running. I really should take up rugby again at 6' and nearly 14 stone!

That said, I'm starting to quite enjoy the running, and I'm no longer getting the stiffness in the legs the day after. Going to attempt another 5 mile tomorrow and try to shave a couple of mins off today's time. Hoping getting back in shape will lead to better contributions on the dating thread!

Heck, 21kg is a lot to lose. Don't think your current weight is that excessive for your height (I'm only 5' 7" and slim build anyway). If you keep running (especially building up to longer distances) and managing your calorie intake it'll quickly fall off. Hopefully before you fall over ! Just cut out the beers - they're a kamikaze indulgence if you're trying to lose weight. Really bad news. Dancing actively for 6 hours straight whilst staying off the booze and staying hydrated works wonders for weight limiting too ... apparently ... and it's great fun too ;).

Rarely felt fitter than coming out of a 4-6 hour techno session when I've managed to stay off everything but water, Dioralyte and the odd sugar hit and danced all night. The euphoria at emerging feeling envigorated and tired rather than trashed is amazing too. The feeling carries on for hours. But a few drinks can be very hard to resist - especially when you're having so much fun !
If i'm right if you are serious about loosing weight then staying of the booze is very important as it inhibits your livers ability to break down the body's fat reserves to use as fuel.
Myself personally i stay to a strict paleo diet and follow the daily crossfit workouts and the results have been incredible, in the last year i have drunk alcohol on two occasions, i'm over 20kgs lighter but more importantly my strength, stamina and fitness are all much much better. I can almost bench press my body weight and deadlift over 1.25 times my bodyweight, now just need to work on my handstand push ups and muscle ups and i'll be happy.
I had a physio appointment last week, and was told to come back in a couple of months. The ITBS is pretty much gone, although I've still to continue applying ice. Got the OK to go from running every other day to 4 days a week. Means I'm up to around 25 mpw, so I'm happy with that. Still well short of where I was earlier in the year but I'm just glad to be past the worst.

Need to get a spring race booked so I have something to train towards.

7 miles today.

Well done on your first 10k run, Johnny.
Well, the January total detox and extra fitness campaign is showing results already, I just absolutely smashed my 10k PB with a 49:58. Very pleased with that, especially after the ridiculous 2 week binge I went on over xmas and New Year as I only went running twice over that fortnight. Anyone manage to keep up the training rather than eating and drinking for 2 weeks solid?
Anyone manage to keep up the training rather than eating and drinking for 2 weeks solid?

Had a couple of big (7+ miles) over the hols and a few weights sessions. Didn't make too much of a pig of myself, so weight gain was minimal.

Did another 7 miles on Saturday. Got it down to 9 min 7 sec/mi average pace. Want to get it to below 9min/mi on a 7 mile run soon.

49:58 for 10K is fast (almost 8min/mi?). Well done!
I shall be going for my first run of the new year tonight. Fingers crossed i won't pass out. Played 3 games of 7 a side last week so that should put me in good stead.

I did no exercise at all over xmas and New year, drank everyday from the 20th - 1st too. :rolleyes:
Did another 7 miles on Saturday. Got it down to 9 min 7 sec/mi average pace. Want to get it to below 9min/mi on a 7 mile run soon.

49:58 for 10K is fast (almost 8min/mi?). Well done!

Good work on the distances! I will start running further but it's just about finding the time. I found 10k to be quite a good training distance and generally found that 8.30 min/mi was a pace I was comfortable, but now stepping it up as I get fitter. Probably time to start slowly adding distance at that sort of pace now.

Problem is, you start getting towards 10 mile and upwards, it's going to take up a lot of time. I suppose I can mix it up and do longer runs when I've got time and stick to 10k when I haven't.
My intention has always been to make my longest runs about an hour in length. I don't have the energy, time or desire to do more. 6 miles takes me just under and 7 takes me just over, so I've decided to go literally ( ;) ) the extra mile. When I can do 7 miles in an hour, I'll go for 8.

I think I did 3 of the 7 miles on Saturday at ~8.5 min/mi, but it's tough going and to get there I was consciously sprinting (my perception!) for some parts. It's a technique I'll be building on in future runs. My leg wasn't happy afterwards and I ended up having to take a few doses of co-codamol. :lol:

The good thing is now the 4.6 mi runs I'm limited to at nights are now starting to feel like a walk in the park.
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The good thing is now the 4.6 mi runs I'm limited to at nights are now starting to feel like a walk in the park.

Everything gets easier with practice and commitment :)

Anyone manage to keep up the training rather than eating and drinking for 2 weeks solid?

I had the healthiest Xmas/New Year ever. Didn't drink a drop of alcohol, didn't smoke and had no festive cakes/mince pies etc etc. Went cycling every day bar one (have been told by my new trialthlon-competing PT to drop the running completely as I can't do both and put any weight on).

I actually lost a kilo over Xmas/New Year having to have 4 days off the gym due closures and completely interrupting / messing up my eating and training cycle with meals out. I completely misjudged it and wound up cutting too much. Taken till today to put it back on :evil:. Have now been handed a 6-week structured bulk-gaining programme to build on last year's achievements and hopefully get my BMI up to a 22 optimal by the end of February (+6kg to go). After that I'll hopefully be able to switch over to a strengthening and maintenance routine and maybe take up some running again and/or up my cycling.

I'm SO sick of forcing calories down my throat and rationing my bike time now not to mention the relentless need to eat all the time. Doing these things on your own without other people to encourage you can get tough after a while. It's been a 7 week hard slog to get where I've got doing it without any real help / structured guidance (+5.5kg) but I had no lapses on the gym trips and consumed masses of both food and gainers. It's all very hard won and so easily lost !!!! :eek:
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What time do you guys usually go for your runs and why?

Do you just pick a time when you are free to do so or do you always go at a specific time of day?
I get in from work between 4.30 and 5pm, get changed then warm up and go straight out for a run, then get in and get dinner on. Best time to eat is within an hour of vigorous exercise so that's how I work it. When I run at weekends I usually go at lunchtime, then get in and have lunch.

For me it's just about fitting it in to my routine. On the days I'm not running, I do workouts at the same time - press ups, sit ups, chin ups, burpees etc.
What time do you guys usually go for your runs and why?

Do you just pick a time when you are free to do so or do you always go at a specific time of day?

Weeknights - I've usually finished eating by 6pm (try to keep dinner light - medium), so I can go out somewhere between 7pm and 7:30pm. I couldn't run straight after work. I'd be too hungry unless I ate extra in the afternoon.

Weekend mornings - light breakfast, wait an hour, then go out (usually by 10am).