Spotlight Running Club

Can't believe that pace, amazing. I'd struggle to do 10km at that pace let alone a marathon.

Well done again.
Can't believe that pace, amazing. I'd struggle to do 10km at that pace let alone a marathon.

Sub 4:00 - 9:09min miles
Sub 3:30 - 8:00min miles

Mens WR 2:03:38 - 4:41min miles!

when's your next race Mr Ferd! ;)
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Cheers Andy - can't say I was looking so fresh at about mile 23 :oops::lol:

So, did spectating give you the urge to get your trainers back out ;) I must say 2012 was much easier than 2011 - I guess a combination of a year's more running experience plus WAAAAAY cooler weather.

Yep, I've been looking at a few half marathons this morning. I fancy run to the beat but the £50 fee I think is steep.

Yeah I think the conditions yesterday were perfect, couldn't of been any better for you.
Did anyone enter the LDN Marathon ballot yesterday?

I went for my run after work at 5, got half way then remembered. Sprinted back home like never before but it was already closed. :( Rather annoyed with myself.

Now all i need to do is get a sub 3:10 run in before mid july and i'll have my place...:rolleyes:
If i cut out any drinking between now and then I may have a chance.
Did anyone enter the LDN Marathon ballot yesterday?

I went for my run after work at 5, got half way then remembered. Sprinted back home like never before but it was already closed. :( Rather annoyed with myself.

Now all i need to do is get a sub 3:10 run in before mid july and i'll have my place...:rolleyes:
If i cut out any drinking between now and then I may have a chance.

Entered yesterday am, how many usually enter and how many places up for grabs?

If you are capable of < 3:10, crazy not to give up the ale for a few months8) Would love to be able to do that kind of pace for a marathon but that ship has long since left the harbour!

How about the charity place option, are they mega bucks for London?
Entered yesterday am, how many usually enter and how many places up for grabs?

If you are capable of < 3:10, crazy not to give up the ale for a few months8) Would love to be able to do that kind of pace for a marathon but that ship has long since left the harbour!

How about the charity place option, are they mega bucks for London?

Most charity places for London want you to raise £2,000 minimum.....of which the first £500 or so goes to the London Marathon organisers :rolleyes: Most other marathons charge charities the same for a place as they do for individual runners. This is one of the reasons why I have no desire to run London as I don't like the way they hold charities to ransom. Plus it is just SO busy - if I'm running a marathon I want to run it in my best time possible, not to be weaving around giraffes and bears and the like :spank::lol:

Saying that, Chu sent me a link last week, that if I can run a sub 03:50 marathon (so I have 50 weeks to knock 10 minutes off this year's time) then I would get an automatic place at VLM so that is one to aim for, just to say I have :lol:
:lol: Much easier to be a bird mate :lol:;)

Was reading (listening) to a book the other day, guy said that female runners were as good if not better than blokes at ultra distances, a female runner has won the Badwater ultra.

(Don't think I am allowed to say 'bird' in relation to the fairer sex on here :) ...)
Was reading (listening) to a book the other day, guy said that female runners were as good if not better than blokes at ultra distances, a female runner has won the Badwater ultra.

(Don't think I am allowed to say 'bird' in relation to the fairer sex on here :) ...)

Wow, tres impressive :eek: I think it might be to do with the fact that we (I) am a stubborn old cow so we are good at perseverance :lol:

I don't think the GFA automatic places are weighted equally though - I would think it's harder for a bloke to run sub 03:10 than it is for a bird :)lol:) to run sub 03:50 - I guess there's more competition for places amongst blokes, that's why the times are harder.
Saying that, Chu sent me a link last week, that if I can run a sub 03:50 marathon (so I have 50 weeks to knock 10 minutes off this year's time) then I would get an automatic place at VLM so that is one to aim for, just to say I have :lol:

which should enable you to start ahead of the costumed hoards. :lol:

Entered it at 7am - didnt get an email, and thought system had buggered up so entered again in the afternoon just to be sure. looks like im in the ballot twice. :lol:

if any of you lot are looking for a 'fast' course, my friend who is aiming to get a sub 3:10 time is running Chester Marathon in Oct to get that time.

Also, 'Good for Age' isnt guaranteed. it says 'might' get a place - so if you can run sub 4hrs and are 89, you should be in with a shout.
Please send your good for age application to this address:
Good for age
Virgin London Marathon
PO Box 3460

Your application will need to reach us by 13th July 2012. Late entries aren't accepted under any circumstances and it's your responsibility to make sure everything we need reaches us by the closing date, so we recommend you send everything to us by special delivery and check it has been received.

Your application will be reviewed by our panel and if it's accepted we'll send you a good for age entry form. The completed entry form will need to be returned to us by 27th July 2012.

Appears as though Evolution is correct, mid July to get entries in?
Appears as though Evolution is correct, mid July to get entries in?

Aye, if it was October then i think i would have a really good chance of the sub 3:10 but as it's only two months to do it in it's unlikely.
Been looking for really flat courses that have a marathon around that time and there don't seem to be that many options.

I think I'll just stick to the training I'm doing at the moment and if i stay injury free all should be good for next year.

I did it for a charity place back in 2010 and had to raise a minimum £2000. I could do this option again but there aren't any charities that i have a strong affiliation with.
Asking the same people for money again even though its for a great cause it's never easy, especially if the charity has no significant links to me, family or friends.

I hope some of you who applied get a place though, truly an amazing event to be a part of :D
Definitely not good for PBs though :lol:
which should enable you to start ahead of the costumed hoards. :lol:

Well you'd think so, but Tom was in the 3:30 pen last year and ended up running an extra 0.8 miles on his Gamin as he swerved past giant bananas and Spongebobs:spank::lol:

I can see why people want to run London (the history, the crowds etc) but as a race it has little appeal to me. I'll alway run Brighton as it's my 'local', Edinburgh also appeals a lot to me so that would be probably be next on my list of UK road marathons to enter.

I want to carry on running 1 or 2 road marathons a year to hopefully improve my time but I'm also getting more and more interested in the more 'challenging' kinds of races so we've got Beachy Head Marathon this year, and if I survive that I really like the sound of the Snowdonia Marathon :lol:
Well you'd think so, but Tom was in the 3:30 pen last year and ended up running an extra 0.8 miles on his Gamin as he swerved past giant bananas and Spongebobs:spank::lol:

I can see why people want to run London (the history, the crowds etc) but as a race it has little appeal to me. I'll alway run Brighton as it's my 'local', Edinburgh also appeals a lot to me so that would be probably be next on my list of UK road marathons to enter.

I want to carry on running 1 or 2 road marathons a year to hopefully improve my time but I'm also getting more and more interested in the more 'challenging' kinds of races so we've got Beachy Head Marathon this year, and if I survive that I really like the sound of the Snowdonia Marathon :lol:

No MdS on the list? :lol:

If I get into London, I might turn up an hour late just to start at the back, and see how many fruit n veg i can pick off.
I started quite far back in 2010. Think it took 25mins to get over the start line.
Had to even do a bit of garden hopping early on to bypass all the slower people :lol: