Spotlight Running Club

Happy new Year to you too.

I've just set myself the target of ensure i do 50k each week. Manchester mara in April my only confirmed event.
I've started training for a local half marathon which is in March, now I have one under my belt I am determined to make a decent effort to train for it and get a half tidy time!
5 weeks without a proper run for me after a calf injury. Physio tomorrow am, I'm praying I can get it sorted before all my fitness leaves me. As long as I'm fit:

Reading half
London marathon
Clarendon marathon - Salisbury to Winchester, mainly trails, very scenic and hilly
Great South Run

I'll hopefully join a running club so maybe some smaller events to try myself at various distances.

That's some serious mileage WeLuv, good luck! And to everyone else
I've just noticed this on twitter and think i'll sign up for it.

It's basically a race that starts at exactly the same time all over the world. The winner :twisted: (obviously its more about the taking part and raising money) is the last person to be overtaken by the 'chase car' which sets off at a set pace (which increases) 30 mins after the race start.
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I've signed up for the above and now also got a place in the Great North Run. Good few events coming together now.
Some good events there Evo, nice one.

My first run in 6 weeks tonight, I did 10k on the treadmill. Took it nice and slow, nearly an hour, but I've got to be careful with it. It felt absolutely fine though and I felt like I could run all day at that pace. 13 weeks til the marathon now. I won't get near the target I had in mind couple of months ago, but touch wood I can keep fit and run a respectable time.
Wanted to set myself a 1/2 marathon bench mark to improve on for the GNR. Ended up doing it in 1:36:14. Alot quicker than expected.
Good time Evo. Have you got a target for your marathon?

I'm back in proper training after that injury. 28 miles last week in my first full week back, 8 miles before my nightshift yesterday and 35 miles planned in total for this week. I've been upping the mileage without pushing the pace too much, but my calf is feeling strong and I don't feel that I lost as much fitness as I thought I might. Reading Half is 5 weeks Sunday, it should be a good indicator of how I'm doing before the marathon.
Good to hear you are back in fighting mood, Jack. You young whipper snappers are just too speedy for me!

Working in London last week, was a nice change tbh, worst thing about the big city for me is taking 10+ minutes to get a gps signal for the watch! Wanted to clock my first 50+ mile week but fell a few miles short. Been a less miles more hills this week.

For anyone who has never tried it, off road night time running with a head torch, it's simply the best experience EVER (ok so a 3some with the Minogue sisters might equal the experience)..Seriously, it's brilliant to be out on the trails/ in the woods at night with a decent head torch. I got one of these little babies;

My little lad comes with me sometimes and thinks it's the best thing he has ever done!

Jack, have to salute you with the treadmill...In the hotel last week I intended doing 10k on the treadmill, turned all data off and thought I must be somewhere near as it seemed like hours had passed, turned the display back on 28 minutes done, could have cried, seemed to take another hour to get to five miles! Anyone doing a lot of miles on one of those has my utmost respect :)

Good luck with upcoming races folks...
Cheers pal, it's good to be back running. You realise how much you love it when injured. I think I could do with a head torch. I'm working days, nights, sometimes both so running at all hours, usually when it's dark, and some of my routes are poorly lit. I'm planning on doing a trail marathon in October so will start training on hills and trails after London.

Totally agree on the treadmill, I hate the things. Had to be done though when easing back in after injury. I never did over 7 miles on one but it felt like an eternity. Give me the cold, rain and wind over that all day long.

Still good mileage getting close to 50. I'm a few weeks away from that but building towards it.
How long do people find sports insoles work for? I did 2 * 4.5 mile runs at the beginning of the week and in bed Friday - Saturday my feet still had a dull ache, enough to make me take a paracetamol. I changed my trainers recently, but kept the same insoles (because I thought they're supposed to last longer than trainers). The other possibility is my trainers don't have enough cushioning. Ordered new insoles for now...
There is raging debate over cusioning is less more / is more to much / can you never have enough etc. Personally speaking less is more, 15mm+ hoka type soles are not for me.

Never used any insoles, only what comes with each pair of trainers I buy. Were the insole fitted / seperate purchase from your trainers presumably?

Any thoughts of entering a little race yet, JV? :)
I've never used insoles. I'm using Mizuno Wave inspire trainers which have plenty between me and the pavement, seem to be fine. Just over 9 weeks til the marathon now, it's coming round quick. I ran 17 miles on Sunday but have been struggling to stick to my training program as I've been working nights, 70 hour weeks and moving house/decorating. I've been making sure I fit in a long run at the weekend and at least 1 quicker run during the week to get the more important runs in my plan ticked off. Hopefully back to the 40-50 mile weeks after I finish with the move early next week.

Any recent events WeLuv?
Sounds like you are almost there with the training Jack. My belief is that if you do along run of 20 or more miles you are home and hosed. Never used a training plan, I love just making it up and not being tied down to doing for eg 8 x 400m sprints thurs, 2 x 1 mile and 4 mile medium pace blah blah ytpe schedules. Almost spoils the essence of runnig for me. Although I realise to achieve a time goal it is neccesssary.

No recent events, training almost exclusively for the North Downs Way 100 in August. Did a week of 7 X 10 miles last week, enjoyed every moment but the final 10 last Sunday was tough. Formentera trail 1st March doing the wimps half version 38km. Then NDW50 in May with Barbie & Tom, really looking forward to this event. My age seems to tell me long and slow miles are my calling :) If I complete the NDW100 sub 30 hours that is my passport for entering the WS100 lottery, my ultimate wet dream race!

Gl with the training, you will fly once realised from the shackles of work.
There is raging debate over cusioning is less more / is more to much / can you never have enough etc. Personally speaking less is more, 15mm+ hoka type soles are not for me.

Never used any insoles, only what comes with each pair of trainers I buy. Were the insole fitted / seperate purchase from your trainers presumably?

Any thoughts of entering a little race yet, JV? :)

The 'temporary' trainers I had were Karrimors - cheap, but recommended by the assistant in Sports Direct. :confused:Should have read the reviews online first. "Like running in clogs" is an accurate description. Anyway, got some Nikes during the week and new insoles came too, so running with that combo for now. Did ~9 miles today and I could actually concentrate on running rather than the vibrations running up my legs... I run on hard roads/pavements pretty much all the time - would seem to make sense to have some cushioning!
I've been out in all sorts of conditions with the current climate and Im embracing it as you never know what the weather will be like on race day.
Does the weather have much of an impact on whether you guys decide to go for a run or not?
Good to hear the remedy wass a simple one for you Johnny. The idea of less cusioning is supposed to force you run with a forefoot stride so you are landing on the ball of your foot and the body's natural springs and so on absorb the impact for better than the heel strike. I tried to transition to forefoot running last year, which coincided with me getting some injuries that could have been a direct result of trying to run minimally too much too soon. If you look at the running gait of someone like Anton Krupika, it is a thing of pure beauty.

Barbie once said to me the best training runs are the ones that are most uncomfortable, and I think she is right. When in the UK, never ducked a training run, there is something perverse and massochisitic about running in driving rain in midwinter!

Here in Ibiza during the warmer months, there is no option other than train as late at night as possible or very early morning, the heat makes it excrutiating.
I've been running in all conditions since I got over the injury to get back on track for the marathon. It seems to be paying off too. I'm up to 19 miles on my long runs, will do 20 next weekend, and I ran a 1:36:53 PB at Reading Half today.

That all said, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of this weather. I had to stand in a queue to pick my bag up for an hour after the race, in the wind and rain in just my shorts and vest and a bit of foil. Not the best!

6 weeks til my first marathon and feeling confident.