Spotlight Running Club

:lol: Definitely an interesting run there.

It wasnt an official 1/2 marathon unfortunately, just a route i've set out myself to get back in to it.

Looking like January will be the first time i get to run in a a proper 1/2.
If you fancied a change of winter scenery, I can highly recommend Barcelona 17th Feb. Ran it this year, nice flat (ish) course, lovely route. Will probably do it again in 2014.
Great South Run on Sunday and I've come down with this shitty cold. Headache, dry cough. Did a 10 mile run on Friday afternoon and was feeling fine, haven't managed a run since. I was quite hopeful of a good time but will have to see what happens now.
Great South run today, managed a 1:19:54 which I was dead chuffed about! Sub 1:20 was the target, but I thought it would be a bit out of reach with the weather and feeling rough all week. I had to get as close as I could to a sprint for the last 400m to beat it.

I've got nothing to compare it to but thought it was a great event, less than ideal conditions! Had a hailstorm as we were waiting to set off, was decent for most of the race after that, until mile 8 where you turn back into the wind, all the way along Southsea seafront to the finish. 40mph gusts and rain, really tough. It was really well supported despite the weather, it really keeps you going when it gets tough. Looking forward to more races like that!
Top effort there Jack, the week off probably helped as much as if you had done a couple of runs.. Have you looked at any of the longer off road races in your neck of the woods? You really are spoilt for choice down there!
Thanks! Yeah I was going to take it easy and just do a slow run in the week, just for my sanity, but the cold cancelled that. It's weird, I felt fine yesterday but I'm full of a cold again today. Maybe I was just ignoring it yesterday.

I got involved in the Clarendon Marathon at the start of the month, but just as part of a 4 man relay team. It's a good event - Salisbury to Winchester on the old Clarendon pass - been used for centuries apparently. They run a marathon, half, and the relay all at the same time, really well run. Very hilly, got loads of respect for the marathon runners on that one - maybe next year! I've been meaning to pencil in some local events over the winter, the Reading half and London marathon are ages away so need something to keep me focused. I'm going to join a local club too once I've stopped working nights in a few weeks time.

Definitely getting the bug!
Valencia marathon this Sunday, really looking forward to the event (did the race last year) but feel under prepared. Upside it's a lovely route around the city and pan cake flat with a finish area that will take some beating anywhere in the world. No definite expectations time-wise, went out for final 10 mile run on Sunday and felt rubbish so survival is the name of the game come Sunday :)

Hope everyone is staying fit and healthy, hope you are back to some form of running MarkB?
Valencia marathon this Sunday, really looking forward to the event (did the race last year) but feel under prepared. Upside it's a lovely route around the city and pan cake flat with a finish area that will take some beating anywhere in the world. No definite expectations time-wise, went out for final 10 mile run on Sunday and felt rubbish so survival is the name of the game come Sunday :)

Hope everyone is staying fit and healthy, hope you are back to some form of running MarkB?

Valencia marathon sounds great, like you said try and enjoy the run - even if you are feeling under prepared!

I rested completely for about 6 weeks and I've started to go out for some very short slow gentle runs ( 2 miles - 4 miles) to try and get some miles back in my legs and see if I've started to heal and I've noticed a few things:

1) Sometimes running without checking your time every 500m can be a welcome change. i'm going to start leaving my watch at home once in a while and just enjoy the run!
2) always frightening how quickly you lose the fitness levels even after a short break!
3) If I didn't run, I would be a huge fat arse as I've put on 7 pounds in six weeks.

On the plus side I now feel the most motivated towards running than I have for years (I suppose when you can't do something it makes you appreciate how much you love it!), and the groin injury is almost healed - so I'm actually looking forward to winter running this year!

Let us know how the Valencia run goes! Good luck mate.
Gosport Half Marathon this morning. I surprised myself and ran 1:40:20! I'd been aiming at 1:45, but stayed with a group running at a pace I was happy with, was 1:18-1:19ish through 10 miles and felt really good so I really kicked on from there.

Bit of a dull course but very flat and fast, and a decent goody bag at the end. Good morning's work!
Valencia marathon sounds great, like you said try and enjoy the run - even if you are feeling under prepared!

I rested completely for about 6 weeks and I've started to go out for some very short slow gentle runs ( 2 miles - 4 miles) to try and get some miles back in my legs and see if I've started to heal and I've noticed a few things:

1) Sometimes running without checking your time every 500m can be a welcome change. i'm going to start leaving my watch at home once in a while and just enjoy the run!
2) always frightening how quickly you lose the fitness levels even after a short break!
3) If I didn't run, I would be a huge fat arse as I've put on 7 pounds in six weeks.

On the plus side I now feel the most motivated towards running than I have for years (I suppose when you can't do something it makes you appreciate how much you love it!), and the groin injury is almost healed - so I'm actually looking forward to winter running this year!

Let us know how the Valencia run goes! Good luck mate.

Good to hear you are at least getting out of the house and stretching the legs.

re: point 1), I read a post on fb by one of my heroes Scot Jurek who said (not verbatim) .."If you ever need to re-find your running mojo, leave the bloody watch at home and enjoy running for what it is." I did this and enjoyed my run more than I had done for months. I got into the habit of beating ten bells of crap out of myself for not achieving a pre training run time target, where is the enjoyment in that?!!

Valencia marathon was quite possibly/ probably/ without doubt the best sporting moment of my life (I have been in the stadium when Leeds won promotion and then div1, that doesn't come close!). Timewise was not spectacular 4:24 but there is a story behind the time and I felt good until mile 20/ 21 after a torrid build up week.

If you fancied Valencia next year, I seriously could not rave about it enough, the city knocks Barca into a cocked hat for starters. The race route is pancake flat, bands and dance music blasting out around the route, virtually every half km, A LOT of Spanish chiccas to follow when the going gets tough! Sign up in January and it's €40! Oh yes, almost forgot, the post race beers are quintessential!!

Hope your recuperation is continuing apace, it's hard to keep a good man down.
Gosport Half Marathon this morning. I surprised myself and ran 1:40:20! I'd been aiming at 1:45, but stayed with a group running at a pace I was happy with, was 1:18-1:19ish through 10 miles and felt really good so I really kicked on from there.

Bit of a dull course but very flat and fast, and a decent goody bag at the end. Good morning's work!

Not a lot to say about this post other than wtf, are you wearing wings!

Great result Jack, flipping loads of potential for some mo-fo times :)
Good to hear you are at least getting out of the house and stretching the legs.

re: point 1), I read a post on fb by one of my heroes Scot Jurek who said (not verbatim) .."If you ever need to re-find your running mojo, leave the bloody watch at home and enjoy running for what it is." I did this and enjoyed my run more than I had done for months. I got into the habit of beating ten bells of crap out of myself for not achieving a pre training run time target, where is the enjoyment in that?!!

Valencia marathon was quite possibly/ probably/ without doubt the best sporting moment of my life (I have been in the stadium when Leeds won promotion and then div1, that doesn't come close!). Timewise was not spectacular 4:24 but there is a story behind the time and I felt good until mile 20/ 21 after a torrid build up week.

If you fancied Valencia next year, I seriously could not rave about it enough, the city knocks Barca into a cocked hat for starters. The race route is pancake flat, bands and dance music blasting out around the route, virtually every half km, A LOT of Spanish chiccas to follow when the going gets tough! Sign up in January and it's €40! Oh yes, almost forgot, the post race beers are quintessential!!

Hope your recuperation is continuing apace, it's hard to keep a good man down.

Top work mate, it looks like it was mission accomplished given that you felt underprepared the week beforehand.

It sounds like a fantastic occasion - nice finish to your year's running challenges too.

(By the way, that Formentera Trail run looks goooood!)
Not a lot to say about this post other than wtf, are you wearing wings!

Great result Jack, flipping loads of potential for some mo-fo times :)

Thanks! No wings, just been training lots, and I prepared pretty well and felt good on the day.

My 19 week London marathon training plan starts in early December, and it's going to be a fairly tough one, so I'm hoping for more improvement. I've got an idea about what sort of time I want in the VLM but going to keep that quiet for now, got a few hundred miles to cover before I can get too excited about that.

I know it's far too early but I've already got ideas in my head about running some races abroad. Very jealous of where you live!
Top work mate, it looks like it was mission accomplished given that you felt underprepared the week beforehand.

It sounds like a fantastic occasion - nice finish to your year's running challenges too.

(By the way, that Formentera Trail run looks goooood!)

Cheers, it's mazing how much effect the mental side of running plays in one's results.

Treat yourself to a weekend in Ibiza/ Formentera race, it's a great time of year and the route looks amazing. Would be a nice target to aim at for getting back into full stride. Signed up for the 38km version, looks like a nice way to kick off the springtime.
HNY :)

Big year ahead for my running; Formentara all round marathon - March, North Downs Way 50 - May, North Downs Way 100 in August main targets for 2014.

What is everyone's plans / intentions for the year?