Spotlight Running Club

Probably more happy with being called a young gun than any run time. Im 35. :)

That is deffo young gun talk!

Seriously guys, I cannot recommend the film mentioned above highly enough. Watch it before a race and I promise you will shave minutes off your times!

One of the best threads on the forum, love reading about the amazing improvements everyone is banging out.
Cheers guys. I am 27 so still relatively young i guess!

I am capable of a sub 40mins 10K. Went out again last night and was 18 seconds slower than the night before. (Ate a sunday roast 3.5 hours previous which i thought may have been a dangerous move :lol:)

65K in total last week. Havent really done more than 2 10Ks in a week for 12 months and they were sporadic.

Just looked back to runkeeper and the first ever 1/2 marathon i ran in 2010 (the day i got a London Marathon place) 1st Feb and ran it in 1.49.29.
I'm determined to get properly back into the training now. 15 weeks til the Great South Run and I want to post a good time in my first proper event. The fact that Ibiza round 2 is in 11 weeks probably won't help things, so the bulk of the training must be done before that. Went for a 10k run after work at about 4pm, 51:47 but I was fairly content with that considering the heat down here today and the pollen count. It felt like running with a cold. Training can't wait for more suitable weather.
I am finally back under the 40min 10K mark. Managed 39.57 then threw up :lol:
I think that may be due to the snack of scotch pancakes about 30mins before but who knows.
Fitness improving steadily and I'm getting used to running in this heat! 48:41 10k on Thursday afternoon and just got in from an 8 mile - 1:06:01

Averaging about 23-25 miles a week now, regular 5 mile or 10k runs in the week and doing a longer run every weekend, slowly building up the distance over time.
So I found out today that I got a place in the London Marathon 2014. Anyone else go in the ballot for it?
Yea i always enter the ballot, 5th year in a row i received my 'Sorry' magazine.

Still the best thing ive ever done when i did it for charity in 2010.
Well in Jack :) Keep us informed how the training goes, sounds like you are ready for a marathon already with your mileage!

Ran my first race in Ibiza yesterday; Sant Mateu 10k. Felt in tip top shape, had done a training 10 on Wednesday 55 mins at prob around 90% race pace (or so I thought), was hoping faintly to go sub 50 mins yesterday. That went all wrong big style, 57:01 my slowest ever 10k!! Usually I train early morning or late evening to avoid the heat, there was no escape yesterday, race kicked off at 10:00 was 27oC when I finished. Great event if anyone is in Ibiza near the end of September fantastic atmosphere (no fun runners though!), cannot recommend highly enough, chip timing yet intimate village party atmosphere, perfect.

Have entered Ibiza trail half marathon 3rd Nov (full marathon and 10k also on same date), should be a touch cooler by then, my first off road experience so need to get the trail shoes out pronto!

Main target for the year is Valencia marathon 17 Nov, originally hoped for sub 4 hours but a serious of silly injuries over the summer probably put paid to that, seems to have taken an age to get back to where I was fitness wise.

Keep fit and injury free folks, happy running :)
Well well , badly heeled as I am *cough*

I am running 28 miles.
Let's see where this "jack" of trade
goes towards.

Probably more if I chose to kick the football around.
After 4 years of running I've picked up my first injury.:cry:

I've got a trail race around Helvellen in 3 weeks which is now screwed.

It's a groin strain thing, where I have a really bad stabbing pain in my abdomen whenever I run, thought it was a hernia, but it ain't.

Tried the old "running through the pain" thing for a few weeks, whilst resulted in my almost passing out on Wednesday.


I feel so frustrated about it, it's ridiculous.

I will never, ever put off going out for a run again. It's when you can't do it when you realise how much you enjoy it!
Well in Jack :) Keep us informed how the training goes, sounds like you are ready for a marathon already with your mileage!

Ran my first race in Ibiza yesterday; Sant Mateu 10k. Felt in tip top shape, had done a training 10 on Wednesday 55 mins at prob around 90% race pace (or so I thought), was hoping faintly to go sub 50 mins yesterday. That went all wrong big style, 57:01 my slowest ever 10k!! Usually I train early morning or late evening to avoid the heat, there was no escape yesterday, race kicked off at 10:00 was 27oC when I finished. Great event if anyone is in Ibiza near the end of September fantastic atmosphere (no fun runners though!), cannot recommend highly enough, chip timing yet intimate village party atmosphere, perfect.

Have entered Ibiza trail half marathon 3rd Nov (full marathon and 10k also on same date), should be a touch cooler by then, my first off road experience so need to get the trail shoes out pronto!

Main target for the year is Valencia marathon 17 Nov, originally hoped for sub 4 hours but a serious of silly injuries over the summer probably put paid to that, seems to have taken an age to get back to where I was fitness wise.

Keep fit and injury free folks, happy running :)

Great work mate! You'll get used to the conditions I'm sure, you're one of the most determined runners I know! Sounds fantastic fun. At least you've now escaped the northern winter running!
After 4 years of running I've picked up my first injury.:cry:

I've got a trail race around Helvellen in 3 weeks which is now screwed.

It's a groin strain thing, where I have a really bad stabbing pain in my abdomen whenever I run, thought it was a hernia, but it ain't.

Tried the old "running through the pain" thing for a few weeks, whilst resulted in my almost passing out on Wednesday.


I feel so frustrated about it, it's ridiculous.

I will never, ever put off going out for a run again. It's when you can't do it when you realise how much you enjoy it!

Feel your pain, Mark. I became a total misery to be around when injured twice over the summer, and not being able to get out running, poor wifey went through the mill. Hope you are dealing with it better than I did?

Almost worst than the injuries for me was the psychological effects once I was back to full running. All the usual aches and pains of running I thought were going to turn into another injury such was my paranoia about getting injured again. Took me a while to get back to normal and stop thinking negative thoughts on every run.

An upside was to try and take better care of my body generally and not put off exercises that I don't really enjoy ie; core and general leg strengthening. As barbie has said to me before running is the easy fun part, it's all the other stuff like keeping injury free that is the hard part!

Hope you have had a proper diagnosis and have an idea of when you can be back out there..
Completed the Cardiff half marathon this morning - I had the pace of a snail - finished in 2 hours 51 minutes, but I've never run that distance before so I was really pleased :)

Something to build on - I will be entering more - thoroughly enjoyed myself - even though my legs aren't currently agreeing!
My 7yr old Daughter finished a 1k fun run today for age 6-11,raising 40e for the club and was giving 5% back.. So she is happy and got paid..:)
I ran in my first proper event today, really enjoyed it. Ran as part of a relay team in the Clarendon marathon, which is an off road trail marathon from Salisbury to Winchester. Woeful 4:31:30 as a team but I ran the tougher 3rd leg which was 8 miles and really hilly, and ran it in 1:06:20 which I was chuffed with. Great experience and atmosphere.

3 weeks til the Great South which I'm looking forward to even more now.

Good work sparkle! I've still never run that distance, it's a long way
Completed the Cardiff half marathon this morning - I had the pace of a snail - finished in 2 hours 51 minutes, but I've never run that distance before so I was really pleased :)

Something to build on - I will be entering more - thoroughly enjoyed myself - even though my legs aren't currently agreeing!

Great event, the weather was an added bonus. I was on the sidelines watching, hopefully if I can shift the stomach ulcer I've been nursing since February I'll be able to take part next year.
Thank Jack - I was ok til mile 10 - then it really started to take its toll - especially as they put the steepest hill right just before mile 12!! There were people flaking out by the side of the road - it was really tough but the support from the crowds was fantastic!! Great atmosphere!!

Hywel - I will definately be doing it again, there was a great atmosphere :) however I'm not so sure it would be so great in the wind and rain. I'm going to try for the Llanelli one in March definately!

Oh and a bit of an update - I was a bit silly and looked at the gun time - my chip time was 2 hours 40 - so I was 11 minutes faster than I thought - very pleased at that :)
Signed up for a 10km cross country in Tatton Park at the start of Decemeber. Should be a breeze this. Exactly what I like, not too far distance wise and the terrain is what I'm favoured for. Only done one big run this year in the Manchester 10km which I probably should have trained for. I'll be happy with a time of sub 45 minutes for this one.
Just got back from my first 1/2 marathon in a while. Battery on my phone died at 19.3km so only have my time up until then 1hr29 averaging 4.36/ km so i think i'd have finished around the 1hr37 mark.
Very happy with that after doing Gatecrasher until the early hours albeit sober.

Clocked up a total of 90km since last Sunday (inclusive), finally got the running bug back.

Been using the strava app which i really like. You can create segments over the areas you run so you can try and set pbs for certain sections. etc. They can be viewed by anyone so can act as a challenge trying to beat others. Can also be a hindrance if you try to run at a set pace but you know theres a segment coming up you want to run that little bit faster over. :lol:
Won't you get an official time, Evolution? Impressive at around 1:37, especially after a l8 one. Not sure I will ever get that speedy with the advancing years!

Yesterday's long run was 'interesting' got caught up in the middle of a load of rally cars tearing around the roads outside Sant Joan. Had to keep off the road and watch the race for an hour and half! I clearly wasn't meant to be where I was at the time and arrived around a corner to the amusement of the assembled crowds on the hillside before being chaperoned of the course:oops: