Spotlight Running Club

Wow! Well done above two posters. I'm still at it, trying to do 3 runs a week (in addition to two weights sessions) at the moment. Still keeping to ~8 miles a session as a maximum. Think I have a black toe. :x
I'm still at it too, but really think I need to go out and get a decent pair of running trainers fitted. Every time I run I get to 4-5 miles or so then start to feel my feet blister up. Frustrating as I'm starting to step up the distance with 10 mile and half marathon events planned. Did a 49:30 10k yesterday but it hurt, will be a few days before my feet have recovered enough for another run. Will be on the bikes and rowers in the gym this week instead of going running.
Bupa 10k on Monday.

Apart from a 6 miler with Mr WeLuv while in Ibiza, not had motivation at all.

If I get thru this unscathed, Ealing Half Marathon will be my target this autumn.
Bupa 10k done. 57:48. not to shabby considering i aint trained for best part of 6 months. at least my calf didnt explode this time.
Well done Chewie. Very decent.

I keep on finding other sports to distract me from my running, this month its golf :spank:
Well done Chewie :)

I went out Saturday morning, cracked 5 and 1/4 miles, my blisters have just about cleared up now. Some Ibiza party training probably helped with that Saturday night!! *need a dancing smiley here*
What I don't need a week and a bit before leaving for Ibiza... I seem to have developed a dull on-and-off pain around the top of my left leg, left groin area and left nut (:eek:), though it's hard to say where exactly it centres on. Yes, I've given my bits the once over for lumps. :eek: I'm assuming it's most likely down to running/weight training. Anyone else had anything like this? Does it sound consistent with an injury related to exercise? (Weirdly enough, when I'm running, I'm not aware of it at all.)
Been doing daily 20-25 mile bike rides for a few days (with a couple of hours' tanning on the hillsides in the middle :lol:) so still no running for me. Far prefer the bike now to be honest but if I get bored might chain it up somewhere and do some trail running in Devon if the weather holds up for a change. Gym's out of the question now the nights are light - if it isn't outdoors it isn't on my list !

What I don't need a week and a bit before leaving for Ibiza... I seem to have developed a dull on-and-off pain around the top of my left leg, left groin area and left nut (:eek:), though it's hard to say where exactly it centres on. Yes, I've given my bits the once over for lumps. :eek: I'm assuming it's most likely down to running/weight training. Anyone else had anything like this? Does it sound consistent with an injury related to exercise? (Weirdly enough, when I'm running, I'm not aware of it at all.)

You probably just strained your groin a bit. I've had similar symptoms after certain extended sessions in the bedroom .... or awkward bouldering moves. There are lots of ways it can happen (!)
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You probably just strained your groin a bit. I've had similar symptoms after certain extended sessions in the bedroom .... or awkward bouldering moves. There are lots of ways it can happen (!)

Awkward bouldering moves? :eek: :lol:

My groin is better but now have a sore neck (either die to running or way I've been lying). I've decided to give myself a bit of a break and stick to 2 runs + 2 weights sessions a week, where previously I was trying to hit 5 or 6 sessions overall.
hernia? get it checked out. just in case.

If there's no lump, it could be a 'sportsman's hernia' aka Gilmore's Groin. The testicle pain definitely points that way. If there's any chance of it being that, rest now, do not aggravate. I played on (football) through mine and was crippled for months as a result. Might still need an op. With weights as well as the running you need to strengthen your core to avoid this sort of damage. You don't want to let it get to the stage I did, where you can't walk properly and a laugh or cough feels like someone's slicing across you stomach.
Hope it heals for you soon Johnny!

I'm so pleased, after a weekend of hitting some training for Ibiza hard (a party session that started Saturday and ended Monday evening - ouch!) I ran my fastest ever mile today - 8 minutes 34 seconds!! The other 2 miles were a 9:24 and a 9:55 but I was pleased :)
I've had two hernias back in the day, neither of them were giving me any pain but had them sorted out as it's obviously better than left. Hopefully you'll be sorted soon JV.

I've done 5K runs every night so far this week, heat is a killer. Hate running in anything other than about 2 degrees :lol:
Been doing various distances the last couple of weeks amongst other cardio and weights in the gym. Did a 49:10 10k and a 22:20 5k (that hurt) in the last week. Still getting blisters when I get to around the 7-8k mark. Need to get some new trainers fitted ASAP if I'm going to get serious about training for these 10m and half marathon events.
This popped up on my fb today from a running quotes page, love it;

"I don't mean to sound like a drill sergeant, but if your body never knows what it feels like to go longer, harder, or faster, your mind will never trust that it can. And the only way you can force your mind to believe it is by crossing your own fence, too… How long depends on your fitness level, but here's a guideline: Go long enough so you're super uncomfortable and every fiber of you is screaming at your brain to tell your body to slow down. Then go at least a minute–or 5–longer.

That experience, whether it's on the track, climbing hills, or doing interval work, retrains your mind along with your lungs. Suddenly, you'll realize burning isn't a bad thing; it's the desired outcome. Through those workouts you also learn you, too, will survive, you will recover, and you will run again, faster than last time because now you know you can... With running, it's holding onto the distinct memory of conquering pain that lets us do it all over again."
I like it! I've been making a habit of finishing runs with as close to a sprint as I can manage for the final 1km or so, to make sure it's really hurting and I'm not finishing with the feeling that I've got more to burn. Not sure how much it helps but it's got to better than not doing it.
I like it! I've been making a habit of finishing runs with as close to a sprint as I can manage for the final 1km or so,

There's no better feeling than crossing the line at as full pace as possible. I tried to do it at the Manchester 10 Km but only managed the last 400 meters. can't argue having just come back from a fairly major ankle injury though.
Been doing various distances the last couple of weeks amongst other cardio and weights in the gym. Did a 49:10 10k and a 22:20 5k (that hurt) in the last week. Still getting blisters when I get to around the 7-8k mark. Need to get some new trainers fitted ASAP if I'm going to get serious about training for these 10m and half marathon events.

Jack, You have my sympathies. I have suffered with blisters virtually since starting to run. Tried every different sock on the market, wide fitting trainers, snug fitting trainers. Still plagued at the moment. If new trainers don't help you, I can recommend a book called "Fixing your feet". Has some great tips and tricks for lessoning the effect of blisters. I have found the only sure fire way I can avoid blisters is to tape my feet in duct tape prior to a run, drastic, but works.

good luck.
Jack, You have my sympathies. I have suffered with blisters virtually since starting to run. Tried every different sock on the market, wide fitting trainers, snug fitting trainers. Still plagued at the moment. If new trainers don't help you, I can recommend a book called "Fixing your feet". Has some great tips and tricks for lessoning the effect of blisters. I have found the only sure fire way I can avoid blisters is to tape my feet in duct tape prior to a run, drastic, but works.

good luck.

Thanks for the tips, I'll look into that.

I went for a 10k run in the sun yesterday afternoon, it was far too nice to be in the gym. I tied my trainers as tight as I possibly could, it was better but still really started to feel the bottom of my feet burning and blistering about a mile from home. Luckily close enough for it not to affect my time and I ran a 47:51 which I'm sure is a PB.

I fly to Ibiza on Saturday so I guess that'll be my last lengthy run before that. Will step up the training after that for the Great South in October, Reading half early next year and the London marathon if I'm lucky enough to get a place. I've been doing weights a fair bit recently which can't be helping my running, have put on 8lb in the last month or so and am now 14st 10, being that heavy can't be great for distance running so I'll focus on the cardio after my holiday and try to strip down.
first 5k park run for a while. 7:30 first mile. the. dreaded ITBS flared up again and literally limped home 51st and just under 30mins.
