Spotlight Running Club

thanks! There were over 8000 runners yesterday, a sizeable field! Its a good route too. Starts and finishes outside the Liver buildings and takes in a lot of the waterfront.
How's everyone getting on? I'm back in training now that I'm back to the warmer climates of the South, and registered for the Great South Run in October which will be my first proper race.

I did a 89 minute 10 mile training run back in January, but I'm some way off running that distance after slacking with the training in Scotland. Ran a 38 minute 5 mile this morning, with a hangover, so I plan to build slowly from that over the next few months. Got my eyes on the Reading half marathon this time next year, and will probably judge from that whether I've got it in me to train for a full marathon.
I've been going to the gym more now than ever so my distance running has taken a hit. Watching the VLM today though has made me want to start up properly again. So i'll be up early doors for a 10K.

Anyone take part today?
Still at it. Did 8 miles on Sat + 6 miles on Sun, after a 9 day break (due to :eek: last weekend, plus wind/rain during the week). Times were a bit slower. Should have 5 exercise slots this week, so will try and make 3 of them running. Only ~7 weeks till Ibiza and want to be in reasonably good condition for it. :twisted:
Suffering my first 'proper' injury, daft as it sounds did something to my knee whilst sat at my desk, my left knee is twice the size of my right knee :( I think this is the longest period (7 days) I have gone without a run since starting last year, going absolutely stir crazy. Thankfully no races on the horizon until York marathon in October.

How could anyone watch the VLM and not be inspired to throw on a pair of trainers and run? How incredible are the elites, in fact everyone taking part is a massive achiever.
How could anyone watch the VLM and not be inspired to throw on a pair of trainers and run? How incredible are the elites, in fact everyone taking part is a massive achiever.

Definitely inspirational. I wasn't going run due to the hangover, but felt lazy by not doing anything after watching a big of the marathon. If the 10 mile and half marathon go well I may push on with the training and give a marathon a shot.
My friend ran the London Marathon yesterday - she finished in 4 hours 59 minutes, I'm so proud of her and really inspired to try it myself. Buuuuuuuuuuut I figure I'll try a half marathon first - aiming for the Cardiff Half in October. Although with a niggly right achilles at the moment I need to get that sorted first! Did a nice 4 miles yesterday though in 38 minutes - I'm not the fastest of runners but I like to try :)
I was tracking 7 friends yesterday who were taking part just to see how well they were doing. Really good tracking system they have in place now.
Made it interesting to see how each of them were running it. One person ran almost perfect equal splits something i could only ever dream of doing.
Still glad I've got the fastest time out of 18 friends / people i know who have done it since i did in 2010 :twisted:.

Just signed up for a 1/2 marathon in June, day before i head over to Ibiza. :D
My friend ran the London Marathon yesterday - she finished in 4 hours 59 minutes, I'm so proud of her and really inspired to try it myself. Buuuuuuuuuuut I figure I'll try a half marathon first - aiming for the Cardiff Half in October. Although with a niggly right achilles at the moment I need to get that sorted first! Did a nice 4 miles yesterday though in 38 minutes - I'm not the fastest of runners but I like to try :)

A couple of friends did the Cardiff half last year, they absolutely loved it and say it is their favourite of perhaps a dozen they have done.
I play a lot of soccer.... or futbol... as some of you might know it. futsal or outside.(outdoors)

Usually I run about 56 km in a span of 5 or 6 days. Mainly in the spring and summer.
how does that translate into this thread? well.. a lot of 10 k! I can never do half marathon.. I would get bored. That simple. Carry on!

I'm not sure I can commit to the amount of training required for a marathon. I like my weekends too much, and I'm not in the greatest shape. Did my first 10k in a while on Wednesday in 52:40, felt fine but I keep getting annoying blisters. I entered myself into the Great South which is 10m in Oct, I'm looking to run a good time but I really think I lack the commitment required for a marathon.
First week back after four weeks sidelined due to a knee injury, was climbing the walls desperate to get out and run, became even grumpier and cantankerous than usual! Total 24 miles for the week and everything is feeling good, fantastic 12 miles yesterday in the Santa Eularia countryside, struggling in the heat here atm, and it's not yet that warm! Hopefully there will be some form of acclimatization, was dreaming of those chilly winter / spring days in the uk!

How is everyone getting on?
Did a ironman 70.3 (half ironman) in mallorca on the 11th may. 1.2mile swim, 56mile bike, half marathon. Splits were 30.18min swim, 3hr 05min bike, 1hr 50min run. Pretty pleased, firsttime at the distance, could take 15mins or even 20 off that next year with more training and the experience of this year. Great event, great bike course, run is down the prom on the beach so the support Is phenomenal! 8mileclimb on the bike was tough but the descending was scary. Quite a few victims unfortunately. Defo back for it next stop same distance race in Nottingham 2nd june!
Hello :lol:

Not been on here in aagggeeess but just checking in to say I ran my first ultra marathon on Saturday :D

It was meant to be 51 miles but due to my shocking navigation skills I ended up running 57 miles! :oops::oops::oops:

Race report is here It's 3 and a half years since I started running and bought my first pair of trainers and went for a 1 mile jog around the park - proof if you need it that anyone can run!