Spotlight Running Club

I've entered my first race at the end of March, I say race - competitiveness will not be in my mind I don't think - making the start line will be good enough for me as I always enter 5/10k's and get injured! This one is only a 5 miler though, and I comfortably got through 4 miles in 38 minutes yesterday so I'm hoping one more mile won't break me!! :lol:
Been getting back into it over the last couple of weeks after a little lay-off for Bugged Out, the move to Scotland, and the bad weather. I've been running a decent 5.2 mile circuit to get back into it. Was feeling good today so decided to set off quickly and try to maintain a quick pace. Clocked 38:37 which I'm pretty pleased with. Think I'll get back on the 10k training runs later in the week.
6miler in the cold and wet, hated it, struggled to even get going, HR peaking over 190 again for for time in 12 months, concluded compression socks not good for the dodgy calf, which did a minor spazz after 5miles. nor is the cold.

couple of deer in the park lifted the mood slightly, tried 50m of forefoot bouncing, despite feeling a tad uncomfortable, will probably get easier over time, reverted back to the foot slapping, and can defo feel where that energy is going...

really am in a mental hole atm, want to run, conscious of calf going again, just really all over the place.
feels like im back to square one and then some. at least with ITB syndrome, you could grit teeth and run through it.

Why not give the barefoot (ie; vibram) running a proper go? A few months of transitioning and all your woes could be over? It really does seem like a niracle cure to so many running injuries. Seems like you have nothing to lose at this stage by giving it a go for a few months. Have you tried any swimming? Hope you turn the corner soon.
Why not give the barefoot (ie; vibram) running a proper go? A few months of transitioning and all your woes could be over? It really does seem like a niracle cure to so many running injuries. Seems like you have nothing to lose at this stage by giving it a go for a few months. Have you tried any swimming? Hope you turn the corner soon.

im now down to 4mm heel to toe on both my green silence and the Nike Free 3.0 v4, this from chunky support shoes which I last wore in the Brighton Half.

I just need to focus more on technique, and not be so slap happy wearing what I wear, because they are very unforgiving for anything approaching heel striking!

My mind wanders. which doesn't help. I can put up with bad weather in a race, but not on a sunday morning running around on my own!
How's it going, peeps? Thinking of upping my big weekend run from 7 to 8 miles from this weekend and my evening runs from 4.5 to 6 miles when the evenings get lighter and I can run on country roads.
How's it going, peeps? Thinking of upping my big weekend run from 7 to 8 miles from this weekend and my evening runs from 4.5 to 6 miles when the evenings get lighter and I can run on country roads.

I've been slacking over the last 6 weeks since I've been in Scotland. Working 60+ hours a week and poor weather have seen to that. I've only been doing my 5.5 mile circuit around Peterhead once or twice a week. Times are decent enough, did it in 40:22 last night but I feel I need to somehow find the time to step it up to 10k+ again and get out there at least 3 times a week.

For 2-3 weeks before I moved I was doing 10k every other day with the occasional longer run, and the results were amazing.
10.5miles on monday night in 1hr 19min. Two long inclines in the route as well so quite happy. Next race Lpool half marathon on 17th March, probably on for 1hr 38ish , hoping the race situation will pull me along a bit quicker though!
How's it going, peeps? Thinking of upping my big weekend run from 7 to 8 miles from this weekend and my evening runs from 4.5 to 6 miles when the evenings get lighter and I can run on country roads.

Go for it :) The longer the better imvho... A few inspirational running related videos (apologies for anyone who has seen them), "Running The Sahara" - total inspiration, know it word for word almost! The James Cracknell Trilogy are hard to beat for pure motivation. Most recent purchase; "Unbreakable - Western States 100", incredible video, in my all time top five films ever, quite possibly the best film I have ever watched.

Decided to make the transition to minimalist running, every piece of evidence points to this being the best way to stay injury free. Had a run this am in my 8mm drop NB trying to run on the forefoot, calves ache. Need some proper 0mm drop, going to have a couple of miles tonight in some old school type plimsoles :) No races upcoming so have a few months to adapt, will prob do long runs as normal as I would miss it too much to not be doing a sunday long run.
What do people use for hydrating on longer runs? Camelbak?!

It depends what you mean by longer runs.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking you need to drink loads when running moderate distances.

If you are sufficiently hydrated before your run (ie your pee is a nice clear / pale yellow colour:D) - You shouldn't need to take anymore on when doing up to 10 miles.

Others may advise differently - but I've never took on any additional liquids when running up to that distance. it just makes you feel lousy and has no real benefit - plus i hate the idea of having "kit" with me when running.

I see loads of new runners clutching those circular bottle things with the handle - but can only think that they look cumbersome as well as unnecessary.

obviously make sure you rehydrate plenty afterwards, but I'm sure I don't need to tell you that anyway!
I tend not to drink 30mins before and during anything up to 10 miles (have done 13 without taking anything before) but make sure I've had plenty during the day.

I hurt my shoulder playing football on Monday and it's really hampered my running :evil: :lol:
What do people use for hydrating on longer runs? Camelbak?!

Contrary Mary post upcoming.... I use a single bottle Camelbak for runs of 10k upwards, the hydration and zip pouch are useful don't know I am wearing it these days. On a hot day in June wore it during a HM and was really glad of the extra hydation. On longer runs 15/20m+ I use a backpak 2L water bladder and or two 750ml water bottles in the front straps. I would post a pic but I look a right c*nt, like something off ghost busters!

To be realistic and put this level of hydration into context I hate being parched and drink a lot of water through the day and approx 1 pint through the night. Previously I put this down to a high salt intake but I have almost stopped salt and still drink loads of water. I am at the extreme end of the spectrum I would imagine.
I'll see how I get on with 8 miles at the weekend. It's only an additional mile from what I'm used to... I have a feeling come summer I may need water, though, as I get hot very easily. Running around at temps just above 0C in just t-shirt and shorts feels right to me. :lol: My bladder's generally rubbish, so would try to avoid over drinking before/during a run.
Contrary Mary post upcoming.... I use a single bottle Camelbak for runs of 10k upwards, the hydration and zip pouch are useful don't know I am wearing it these days. On a hot day in June wore it during a HM and was really glad of the extra hydation. On longer runs 15/20m+ I use a backpak 2L water bladder and or two 750ml water bottles in the front straps. I would post a pic but I look a right c*nt, like something off ghost busters!

To be realistic and put this level of hydration into context I hate being parched and drink a lot of water through the day and approx 1 pint through the night. Previously I put this down to a high salt intake but I have almost stopped salt and still drink loads of water. I am at the extreme end of the spectrum I would imagine.

Bloody hell! :lol: Do you not wonder how much faster you may be if you weren't carrying the additional weight?

I did this ridiculous run called the PARA 10 in 2011 (and doing it again this year) and people were carrying litres and litres of fluid as well as gel pouches etc.. I had six jelly beans in my pocket :lol:. I know I wouldn't have beat the Para's qualifying time if I had carried all the extra weight and it seemed to really slow down those I ran with who had the water with them. But I was really dehydrated afterwards, seeing stars etc - which is not big or clever.
Bloody hell! :lol: Do you not wonder how much faster you may be if you weren't carrying the additional weight?

I did this ridiculous run called the PARA 10 in 2011 (and doing it again this year) and people were carrying litres and litres of fluid as well as gel pouches etc.. I had six jelly beans in my pocket :lol:. I know I wouldn't have beat the Para's qualifying time if I had carried all the extra weight and it seemed to really slow down those I ran with who had the water with them. But I was really dehydrated afterwards, seeing stars etc - which is not big or clever.

Talking of jelly beans, I wonder what it would be like doing a long run with a smartie:eek:

On my Sunday long runs, speed is not an issue and the extra weight is probably an extra bit of training. I sometimes like to setoff into the countryside with the intention of running as far as I can before getting too tired. It is virtually impossible to navigate around here without getting lost so I never know where I will end up, psychologically just having the water and some form of energy in the backpack puts my mind at rest. I wouldn't chose to take the extra burden but see it as a necessary evil. The heat over here is going to be a killer for me this summer.
Talking of jelly beans, I wonder what it would be like doing a long run with a smartie:eek:

On my Sunday long runs, speed is not an issue and the extra weight is probably an extra bit of training. I sometimes like to setoff into the countryside with the intention of running as far as I can before getting too tired. It is virtually impossible to navigate around here without getting lost so I never know where I will end up, psychologically just having the water and some form of energy in the backpack puts my mind at rest. I wouldn't chose to take the extra burden but see it as a necessary evil. The heat over here is going to be a killer for me this summer.

Makes perfect sense. I guess a move from the frozen north east coast to Ibiza may also mean I'd have to review my hydration needs :lol: :lol:
Nice one, I'm back proper now. Had a serious case of SAD up until the winter solstice, been lurking on here a lot though. Get it in some form or another at that time of the year, a course of 5htp is doing the trick though.

Good stuff - glad it's behind you. I've only had 3 days of serious depression this Winter. Couple of days after a domestic and one day round New Year. That's unprecedented for me. I put it down to being on my bike every day - kept riding through the whole Winter and surprisingly it kept me free of the doldrums. I think my 5 1/2 months free of booze and red bull helped a lot too - not so many ups but no downs - and months free of cigs too has kept me feeling far fitter than usual over Winter. Keeping active is definitely the key to a happier state of mind.

I prefer to put the chest band on prior to gym entry as lifting my t shirt up mid session and exposing my little pot belly is not an option. Well worth the money (I think they are a tenner at the gym). Aldi do a bike computer and band at sometime during the year as a special. It might be worth it so you dont go into the zone where you are burning all that muscle you have been building. A beefcake at work who knows his stuff never does more than 20mins of low HR (120 ish) cardio unless he is cutting.

Lol. I don't give a monkeys what people think of me at the gym. Would definitely not suffer a chest band through a weights session on account of modesty :lol: .. after all there's not much left to the imagination by the time you hit the locker room !

I've maxed out at about 62kg so just trying to maintain what I've put on to be honest. Cut my cycling down to 20-40mins/day on strict instructions of a PT and followed a specified high calorie diet plan (over 3000 calories/day) and structured weights plan with loads of expensive mass gainer stuff but gained only a kilo after following it for 5 weeks. Doing my own thing beforehand I put on 6kg in not much more time. It makes ya think a bit about whether what you pay these guys for is worth it and whether something from your own research that you've worked out yourself is actually better, doesn't it !!!

I may start another round of hypertrophy in a week or so see where it gets me but I'm not going to be kept off longer bike rides for much longer.

Realised, yet again, that once you push yourself past the mental aversion to running in the freezing cold, once you're out and running you barely notice it.

Need to stop being such a pussy. never bothered me before, but this winter it's put me off running on several occasions.

It's the same with cycling, Mark. By the time you hit the top of the first hill and your blood's flowing you're thanking the lord you didn't put more clothes on (well I am anyway). I always take electrolyte hydration (with carb boost) when running. Dehydrate and lose energy very quickly after only about 2-3 miles if I don't - but then I don't carry much in the way of "reserves". Just think it depends on how your body reacts to exercise and how you're made to be honest !
Ran a 1hr 35m 37s yesterday in Lpool half marathon, pleased with that time. Great event too, weather was great with lots of supportive spectators.
Ran a 1hr 35m 37s yesterday in Lpool half marathon, pleased with that time. Great event too, weather was great with lots of supportive spectators.

That is a cracking time, you must be well pleased with that.

I've looked in to the Liverpool half previously. What is the turn out like?