Spotlight Running Club

Great to hear you are fullly back in the zone. Mark. The Formentera race will be first Saturday in March....:)

After what seems like months of waiting, my most eagerly awaited race to date is next Saturday :) The North Downs way 50 miler, absolutely buzzing for this race. Need to finish inside the cutoff of 13.5 hours to be eligible for the NDW100 in August which in turn would be my qualifying race to enter the WS100 ballot. A long journey ahead :) A certain other forumite is likely to finish the race way ahead of me and be waiting patiently at the finish for me if boredom has not taken it's toll!! The cutoff sounds very accommodating, but the course is pretty tough from what I read on peoples blogs, Box Hill steps sound like some kind of sadistic torture...

Keep on running folks.
Did a local 10K this morning having not ran around lunch time for a good while. Jesus the heat was a killer :eek:.
Went off what i felt was too quickly (didnt have a watch / garmin with me :spank:) and felt pretty drained late on, came round the corner to the finish line to see no sprint finish was needed for a sub 40min, just nipped at at 39:53. :D
Last run was Liverpool Rock n Roll marathon, and my first full. went round in 3:40min, didnt train too hard for it so happy with that. Need to get some more races/triathlons planned
Nice times there guys. I've been trying to get over a calf injury so my mileage is quite low at the moment, more physio tomorrow. That said, it's been getting better and better so I've just signed up for the Great South Run and Bournemouth marathon in October. Targets are 70 mins for the GSR (10 miles), and sub-3:30 for the marathon. Will hopefully have an injury free training program this time round.
Injured my calf on Sunday so having abit of a rest and hitting the gym instead for a week! More positively though this has given me the excuse to get some new training shoes (Adidas Adios Boosts) so I look forward to getting them on my feet :)

Just wondering, obviously a fair few keen runners and clubbers on here. What do you guys do when you're in Ibiza? Do you bother training at all or just take time away from it all? I'm worried about how much 'damage' a week of been on it with the lads will do to my times etc!
I don't bother doing any training, other than maybe a bit of swimming.
My friend carried on doing 10Ks in midday heat, absolute mental case :eek:

It won't take you too long to be back to your best, especially when you're already running decent times.
Since taking 3 weeks off in April due to illness and bad weather ( :p ) I'm struggling to get my pace back. I was probably doing average 8:30 min/mi but now I'm struggling to get below 9 min. Could be to do with the temperatures now - even 13C can feel roasting when you're running - or maybe I've just lost it. That said, I'm trying to lose the mindset where time matters - basically the number one I reason is to keep the flab off!

Had to cut back exercise sessions from 4 a week to 3, due to a more stressful job that requires a fair amount of overtime, and I have to split these between weights and running. Right now, it's more likely to be 2 runs (usually 9 miles at weekend and 6.5 during the week), 1 weights a week to lose 1 - 2 kg for summer.
I've been struggling with pace too. I can't even manage 5 miles at the pace I ran a half marathon in in March. Just need a bit of time to catch up after an injury and holiday lay-off. I ran just over 7 miles today at midday, nearly killed me in that heat. It took just under an hour but felt so much tougher than it should do for that pace and distance. More physio tomorrow, and instructions to really focus on core work and strengthening my calfs, glutes and hamstrings, which kind of got neglected in different ways while marathon training.
Did the GNR yesterday, crossed the line in 1:26:29. Was aiming for sub 130 so was very pleased / surprised with that. Was quite hot to begin with and those hills were a killer!
Thats a great time. Ive not done any just running events lately but my last two triathlon runs have been a 41:20 10k (olympic distance ) and a 1:41 half marathon (half ironman distance), was happy with both :)
Impressive times chaps. Watched a lot of coverage from the GNR which was excellent.

NilSatis, there is a half tri event here in Figueretas in October, have no idea if it's a good or bad event, it popped up when looking through elitechip for local events.
Done the Edinburgh Marathon in 2012, was aiming for anything under 4 hours. I done it in 3:59:59! No joke! :)

Since then I've been doing shorter distances. Broke my PB at the 5k a few weeks ago, 19:53. Which I was pretty chuffed with!
Did the GNR yesterday, crossed the line in 1:26:29. Was aiming for sub 130 so was very pleased / surprised with that. Was quite hot to begin with and those hills were a killer!

Cracking time Evo, going 3+ mins quicker than target pace is massive!

I've got 2 half marathons coming up in the next month, am also chasing down a 1:30 but think I may be a bit off. We'll see.

I've fairly recently joined my local running club and am loving it, racing regularly is great. Ran a 19:13 5k a couple of weeks ago which was my first timed 5k, I got the pacing horribly wrong but it's something to work on.
Impressive times chaps. Watched a lot of coverage from the GNR which was excellent.

NilSatis, there is a half tri event here in Figueretas in October, have no idea if it's a good or bad event, it popped up when looking through elitechip for local events.

gutted I havent seen this! Id have definitely made plans to do it. Im in mallorca in two weeks for the full Ironman Id have rather done the Ibiza one!
Its ridiculously cheap too , 80euros now, but 40euros! if you entered some months ago. A Half distance I did in UK last month was 120quid and Ironman branded ones are double that.
Hope its a success, one for next year if its on again. Thanks for letting me know!
Thanks Guys. :)

I've entered the Manchester Marathon in April as my next target, aiming to go for Sub 3hrs.
I think i may join a local running club, i didnt realise how much competitive running can spur you on to push that little bit harder.
10K PB of 38:30 the Saturday prior to the GNR. I didn't think i'd ever be running these times.
I can't recommend joining a club enough, I can't believe the improvement I've made in just 6 weeks or so.

Club tempo run tonight - 8.2 miles with 3 regrouping points on the way round. 6:54 min/mile average for me - there's no way I'd have run a training run anywhere near that pace for that distance if I wasn't running in a group.

I bet there are loads of local races and leagues you aren't aware of too. We've got one called Hampshire Road Race League - it's 12 races over the winter, a mix of 5 mile, 10k, 10 mile and HM distances, I think it'll be really good for my marathon training and a good guide to how I'm progressing.