
big financial centres need to be reigned in and taxed more and that there need to be international treaties to ensure there are no hideouts anywhere on the planet for the fat cats. They need to pay their fair share too.
I don't share this view. Financial centers shouldn't be taxed any more than any other businesses. And after living in a country with a 13% flat tax, I'm increasingly convinced that everyone should pay an equitable share of their income. It's fair, easy, and encourages people to pay instead of running off to Monaco or Switzerland or wherever...
We are not talking about paper pushers here. One part of the first wave of cuts has targeted those considered not worthy of funding by Cameron, the kids with special needs and such. Cameron of all politicians should recognise the need for this type of nhs service?

where did you get this info? id like to have a peek myself...
I don't share this view. Financial centers shouldn't be taxed any more than any other businesses. And after living in a country with a 13% flat tax, I'm increasingly convinced that everyone should pay an equitable share of their income. It's fair, easy, and encourages people to pay instead of running off to Monaco or Switzerland or wherever...

what was the taxation in Russia before?
Corporations in most countries pay little if any taxes. If you run/own a company you don't pay tax on gross income but net income. I think a flat 13% tax across the globe would be good for every country. That will not happen because the haves do not wish it to be.
where did you get this info? id like to have a peek myself...

Not 100% certain where I read this, will find it before the end of the day.

The taxation of financial institutions in this country is a delicate one for the time being? Considering we don't produce anything of note in this country anymore, we need the finance industry here for the moment? Seems like we are stuck fast for a while:spank:

Total revolution is what is really needed.
I don't share this view. Financial centers shouldn't be taxed any more than any other businesses. And after living in a country with a 13% flat tax, I'm increasingly convinced that everyone should pay an equitable share of their income. It's fair, easy, and encourages people to pay instead of running off to Monaco or Switzerland or wherever...

Life must be about balance to create fairness in this world. It's as simple as we make it.

We have a minimum wage so therefore we should also bring in a maximum wage of four times the national average.

Any (unt who moans about not being able to survive on £250,000 needs to be taught a serious lesson in perspective. They are an equal drain on society to the benefit scrounger that everyone loves to jump on.

I see them as scroungers at the other end of the scale.
We have a minimum wage so therefore we should also bring in a maximum wage of four times the national average.

Any (unt who moans about not being able to survive on £250,000 needs to be taught a serious lesson in perspective. They are an equal drain on society to the benefit scrounger that everyone loves to jump on.

I see them as scroungers at the other end of the scale.
If you take away people's ability to earn, you take away the incentive to innovate.

I will never begrudge someone making more money than me. Perhaps a uniquely American perspective but they are certainly not scroungers. Every extra thing they buy keeps someone else in a job (that said, I'm not a believer in trickle-down economics as a state policy).

djchewie said:
what was the taxation in Russia before?
Not sure... been this way for at least a decade.
children are poss worst affected by the cuts.

youth clubs, sure start centres, volunteer groups, sports facilities, etc, etc are being wiped out totally and that doesn't even begin with extra curricular, after school club styles things.

obviously kids are the only group disenfranchised and pretty much unable to have their views represented, which is compounded by the fact that they are the very ones increased investment should be being made in.

the cuts in those areas are totally directly impacting on allowing people to make better lives for themselves. laissez-faire doing what laissez-faire does, making sure those who are alright, stay alright and denying others a chance to break out of the confines of their lives.
the capitalist model as we know it cannot continue indefinitely. as the world's population increases to frighteningly high levels, there will be ever more ferocious competition for resources. what wealth there is therefore needs to be pooled and distributed more evenly otherwise the alternative is potentially massive social unrest. Most wars are caused by land disputes (or religion) and there will be even more conflict as state budgets dry up. It is vital therefore that tax receipts are kept high to ensure that the poor are protected against a very uncertain and possibly bleak future
the capitalist model as we know it cannot continue indefinitely. as the world's population increases to frighteningly high levels, there will be ever more ferocious competition for resources. what wealth there is therefore needs to be pooled and distributed more evenly otherwise the alternative is potentially massive social unrest. Most wars are caused by land disputes (or religion) and there will be even more conflict as state budgets dry up. It is vital therefore that tax receipts are kept high to ensure that the poor are protected against a very uncertain and possibly bleak future
It is infinitely better policy to work to create opportunities for the poor to make a living wage than to than to try to solve the issue on the taxation side.

And anyway, future wars will be over water. ;)
It is infinitely better policy to work to create opportunities for the poor to make a living wage than to than to try to solve the issue on the taxation side.

And anyway, future wars will be over water. ;)

Did you spill my Evian!!
If you take away people's ability to earn, you take away the incentive to innovate.

I will never begrudge someone making more money than me. Perhaps a uniquely American perspective but they are certainly not scroungers. Every extra thing they buy keeps someone else in a job (that said, I'm not a believer in trickle-down economics as a state policy).

Not sure... been this way for at least a decade.

I don't begrudge anyone making more money than me. £250,000 is more money than I'll ever hope to earn. Society should be fair.

If this takes away innovation then it might be time for us all to look at what drives us.

Are people that horrible that there's no such thing as altruism?
I don't begrudge anyone making more money than me. £250,000 is more money than I'll ever hope to earn. Society should be fair.

If this takes away innovation then it might be time for us all to look at what drives us.

Are people that horrible that there's no such thing as altruism?

altruism in the new con-dem landscape =

eating the cake but not before chucking a few crumbs to the plebs to keep them quiet. oh and get charities to do your dirty work for you for zilch. let's think of a name for that - ah yes the big society - oh look see we have moved on from mummy - there is such a thing as society nah nah.
Are people that horrible that there's no such thing as altruism?
Altruism is not taking away someone's earnings if they breach some artificial barrier.

Altruism is people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who have created substantial wealth while innovating and moving the whole world forward, while at the same time recognizing that they could put their wealth to use effecting positive change through Gates' private foundation. You don't need government or oppressive tax policy for that.
Altruism is not taking away someone's earnings if they breach some artificial barrier.

Altruism is people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who have created substantial wealth while innovating and moving the whole world forward, while at the same time recognizing that they could put their wealth to use effecting positive change through Gates' private foundation. You don't need government or oppressive tax policy for that.

If I'm willing to subscribe to a maximum wage for my earth shattering skills then why shouldn't they?

I'll say it again - anyone who says they can't survive on £250,000 needs a slap and possibly some greed counselling...or community service work looking after the forgotten end of society.
I don't begrudge anyone making more money than me. £250,000 is more money than I'll ever hope to earn. Society should be fair.

If this takes away innovation then it might be time for us all to look at what drives us.

Are people that horrible that there's no such thing as altruism?

The butcher, baker, grocer, and fish monger are not nice to people out of the goodness of their heart but because it is in their own self interest to have a customer return. This may be hard to fathom but being selfish is a good thing it drives economies. People buy consumer good to better their own lives. My second point is the care and education of youth is a requirement because an ill educated society can not thrive. The future war will be fueled by fuel and water.
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I've gone as far as I can with this discussion.

There's always going to be millions of opinions where the economy and nature of capitalism is concerned.

I think it sucks. Every time someone wins, someone ALWAYS loses out in equal measure.

Can we disagree, shake hands and move on?
The butcher, baker, grocer, and fish monger are not nice to out of the goodness of their heart but because it is in their own self interest to have a customer return. This may be hard to fathom but being selfish is a good thing it drives economies. People but consumer good to better their own lives. My second point is the care and education of youth is a requirement because an ill educated society can not thrive. The future war will be fueled by fuel and water.

PS - might become a fish monger if a typical wage is £250,000
where did you get this info? id like to have a peek myself...


Google the following:

Cuts in Respite Care
Cuts in Sheltered Housing
Cuts in Homeless Services
Cuts in Disability Services

These searches will bring up real examples of how goverment spending cuts are affecting / will effect the delivery of these essential services to the vulnerable post April.
I've gone as far as I can with this discussion.

There's always going to be millions of opinions where the economy and nature of capitalism is concerned.

I think it sucks. Every time someone wins, someone ALWAYS loses out in equal measure.

Can we disagree, shake hands and move on?

A fair exchange is not a swindle. We could go back to the days of a dozen eggs for a shirt.:lol: Money only have the value that we place on it.