
try this:


and let us know your score. (mine was 61)

With a total Prosperiscore of 77%, your prosperity in comparison to others is prosperous.

Congratulations! You've already achieved a reasonably high level of personal prosperity. Based on your responses, we'd like to make a few suggestions of things you could do which could enhance your prosperity even more.

It may be easier said than done, but buying your own home should make you happier.

Faith is a very personal matter, but "believing" tends to mean more happiness.

Work isn't so important to you, but studies show the benefits of maintaining a good balance between work and leisure.

Politics is important to you, but don't allow it to stress you out.

We're not preaching, but studies show that people in exclusive relationships tend to be happier.


What a load of smug b*llocks.

Suddenly going to join a religious cult and practice monogamy to increase my prosperity rating.

Errr hello. :rolleyes:
try growing up in a house with a wood burning stove, and ****ting in a bucket.

you dont know how good you've had it.
Sounds like the house my mom grew up in. Visits to grandma's were always fun... in the summer (although then you had to worry about snakes on the way to the outhouse, so at night the bucket came back into play :confused:). Thank goodness no one limited my parents' ability to work their way up to a decent middle class lifestyle.

Based on materialism or not, this salary cap idea is unworkable. Period.

And to reiterate - there are better ways to reduce poverty.

Rob's position reminds me of an old Russian proverb about how communism affected people's mentality. One farmer has 2 cows while his neighbor has only one. Instead of working harder to get a 2nd cow, the latter just went and killed one of his neighbor's :lol:
try this:


and let us know your score. (mine was 61)
With a total Prosperiscore of 57%, your prosperity in comparison to others is about average.

You've scored in the middle of our survey, but based on the answers you've given us, we'd like to make a few suggestions of things you could do which could enhance your prosperity even more.

1. You feel like you have little freedom of choice over your life, but maybe you can start by addressing some of the factors that are holding back your prosperity. Check out the next page for more details.
2. You live very close to a major road, which may be convenient, but moving a little further away would improve your prosperity score.
3. Faith is a very personal matter, but "believing" tends to mean more happiness.
4. Politics is very important to you, but don't allow it to stress you out.
5. Work isn't so important to you, but studies show the benefits of maintaining a good balance between work and leisure.

Sounds like the house my mom grew up in. Visits to grandma's were always fun... in the summer (although then you had to worry about snakes on the way to the outhouse, so at night the bucket came back into play :confused:). Thank goodness no one limited my parents' ability to work their way up to a decent middle class lifestyle.

i remember one time going back 'home' and i didnt go for a whole week, until i got into the main town before using a restaurants modern 'facilities'.

Rob's position reminds me of an old Russian proverb about how communism affected people's mentality. One farmer has 2 cows while his neighbor has only one. Instead of working harder to get a 2nd cow, the latter just went and killed one of his neighbor's :lol:

With a total Prosperiscore of 57%, your prosperity in comparison to others is about average

i think the lower your score, the more capitalist pig dog you are :lol:
i think the lower your score, the more capitalist pig dog you are :lol:
The 2nd page that explains your results showed that, among other things, living in Russia and living 2 blocks from a main road diminished my score. (The latter makes no sense... one of the best things about my neighborhood!)
I got 71 but the group seems to me to have a religious tilt. The parts about living within 5K of a main road and being political results in negative points is mind boggling, There will always be have and have nots. The way forward to help the have nots not take away from the haves (they should pay their share of taxes). IMHO
Scored 75, and also live within a short walk of a main road, it's my lifeline outa the village!

As for the religious clap trap, religious folk spend most of their time feeling guilty about not having gone to church or having read their bible for the day.
the graph rob shows.

correct me if wrong, but it essentially shows that equality in western europe is the highest (relatively) and most widespread in the world.
i got 74%, 66% if i said i didn't live near the sea (!!).

also the recommendations said this:

Faith is a very personal matter, but "believing" tends to mean more happiness.

so obviously it's a crock of ****
With a total Prosperiscore of 77%, your prosperity in comparison to others is prosperous.


What a load of smug b*llocks.

Suddenly going to join a religious cult and practice monogamy to increase my prosperity rating.

Errr hello. :rolleyes:

I got 77% too!! Let's rejoice in our prosperous, happy lives :lol:

I'm going to move away from the A12 and London City airport and then I'll be even MORE prosperous 8)
the graph rob shows.

correct me if wrong, but it essentially shows that equality in western europe is the highest (relatively) and most widespread in the world.

You got that as well, thought I was going mad... Sorry Rob, it's not that bad here after all

Basically as far as I can tell it's the politics of envy (not a pretty sight).
All half a million of them.

Every single one - making videos while the police beat them with sticks.

Using up the taxpayers money.

Either crusties on benefits, teenage yoofs fresh out of borstals or middle class champagne socialists politely sipping tea in fortnums.

Bored of this line tbh - these were just normal people. Stop generalising.

are you trying to mock something i didn't say?
Regardless of the trouble caused by a minority, there were hundreds of thousands of people who turned up showing the strength of feeling against the cuts.

You talk about cliches, but it seems like you have a typical cliched Tory mindset.

The public sector is bloated, no doubt. But the anti-cuts* it, let's throw them all on the dole" approach is completely devoid of any compassion for the people involved.

A governments job is to look after it's people, not slash and burn their careers and futures in such a broadsided manner.

No doubt when you're outside looking in, when it doesn't effect you, it seems "quite simple".

Bet it wouldn't be quite as simple if it was your job / house / family on the line.

anything other that pro-cuts is now deemed tory. typical left wing nonsense.

i don't think so many people should be dependent on or living off the state. that is my viewpoint.

and let's not forget. that viewpoint, pre-election, was shared by every major party.

if you disagree with that, then i'd be interested to hear your sugestions as to how we continue to fund it.

it would be a fair assumption to say that a fair whack of the anti-cutss crew are actually bitter lib dem voters with an axe to grind.

mind you, i'm still grinding an axe from the fox hunting ban, so i guess it's horses for courses.