
people i pay for, smashing up things i pay for, while asking me to pay more.

unfortunately we spent beyond our means during the labour years and we now have to pay it back. the public sector is too big, far too big. it's quite simple.

ed milliband. managed to stand up and allude to the fact we face 'the cuts' is because of his colleagues and that if he were in power he'd be making cuts too. crazy.

on the rioters/anarchists/middle-class-toffee-nosed-tweed-wearing-c*nts. what a joke they are. ironically filming the police as they goad them with sticks. i'm of course presuming this home made footage is to show in court, not youtube - which kind of makes a mockery of the whole thing. absolute utter waste of time, money and effort policing these clowns who have no political agenda beyond the debating area of their uni-that-used-to-be-a-college.

'tory scum'

such a cliche.
on the rioters/anarchists/middle-class-toffee-nosed-tweed-wearing-c*nts. what a joke they are. ironically filming the police as they goad them with sticks. i'm of course presuming this home made footage is to show in court, not youtube - which kind of makes a mockery of the whole thing. absolute utter waste of time, money and effort policing these clowns who have no political agenda beyond the debating area of their uni-that-used-to-be-a-college.

All half a million of them.

Every single one - making videos while the police beat them with sticks.

Using up the taxpayers money.

Either crusties on benefits, teenage yoofs fresh out of borstals or middle class champagne socialists politely sipping tea in fortnums.

Bored of this line tbh - these were just normal people. Stop generalising.
people i pay for, smashing up things i pay for, while asking me to pay more.

unfortunately we spent beyond our means during the labour years and we now have to pay it back. the public sector is too big, far too big. it's quite simple.

ed milliband. managed to stand up and allude to the fact we face 'the cuts' is because of his colleagues and that if he were in power he'd be making cuts too. crazy.

on the rioters/anarchists/middle-class-toffee-nosed-tweed-wearing-c*nts. what a joke they are. ironically filming the police as they goad them with sticks. i'm of course presuming this home made footage is to show in court, not youtube - which kind of makes a mockery of the whole thing. absolute utter waste of time, money and effort policing these clowns who have no political agenda beyond the debating area of their uni-that-used-to-be-a-college.

'tory scum'

such a cliche.

Regardless of the trouble caused by a minority, there were hundreds of thousands of people who turned up showing the strength of feeling against the cuts.

You talk about cliches, but it seems like you have a typical cliched Tory mindset.

The public sector is bloated, no doubt. But the "**** it, let's throw them all on the dole" approach is completely devoid of any compassion for the people involved.

A governments job is to look after it's people, not slash and burn their careers and futures in such a broadsided manner.

No doubt when you're outside looking in, when it doesn't effect you, it seems "quite simple".

Bet it wouldn't be quite as simple if it was your job / house / family on the line.
Is a bloated public sector really a bad thing?

I would be interested to hear the informed views on the actual benefit to the average Joe in the street of a privately run nhs for example?
Is a bloated public sector really a bad thing?

I would be interested to hear the informed views on the actual benefit to the average Joe in the street of a privately run nhs for example?
In general, it's not the best thing. Government is inefficient.

But there is a set level of service that each population expects from its government (NHS in Britain, for example) and other functions that the government takes upon itself when not necessarily prudent. The trick is to provide the first group of functions at minimal cost, and try to limit the second group.

But as noted above, a recession is generally a bad time to throw people out on the street.
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sickening isnt it!

Blair must have earned neigh on £50m since leaving office.

maybe more - who knows? pretty incidental to this discussion though don't you think?

the system is the problem, not random individual millionaires selected by yourself purely for partisan motives
maybe more - who knows? pretty incidental to this discussion though don't you think?

the system is the problem, not random individual millionaires selected by yourself purely for partisan motives

so long as the lying shyster is paying his fair share of taxation, i have no problem with him. ;)

so how would you change the system? How do citizens of Olly World live their lives? - seriously i'm interested!
In general, it's not the best thing. Government is inefficient.

Ultimately the cost of the inefficiency is shared out across our population and the money generated by the inneficiency stays within our economy (generally?). In a privately driven operation, the money is likely to be siphoned away by those running the show?

That's my very simplistic view:lol::lol:

No doubt the Tories are chomping at the bit to break up the nhs and start bleeding the system of cash. Cameron 'poured his heart out' talking of mending 'broken Britain'. The first casualties of his cuts are those very people he is supposed to be saving, messy times ahead.
so long as the lying shyster is paying his fair share of taxation, i have no problem with him. ;)

so how would you change the system? How do citizens of Olly World live their lives? - seriously i'm interested!

nice try but I do represent the mainstream view you know - ie that the big financial centres need to be reigned in and taxed more and that there need to be international treaties to ensure there are no hideouts anywhere on the planet for the fat cats. They need to pay their fair share too. It is criminal that ordinary people are thrown on the scrapheap to pay for other people's excesses. I appreciate that ordinary people don't feature on your radar much but if crime and a black economy thrive because the employment situation is so bad and the numbers of police are cut, then you WILL start to notice those irritating proles.
Ultimately the cost of the inefficiency is shared out across our population and the money generated by the inneficiency stays within our economy (generally?). In a privately driven operation, the money is likely to be siphoned away by those running the show?

That's my very simplistic view:lol::lol:

No doubt the Tories are chomping at the bit to break up the nhs and start bleeding the system of cash. Cameron 'poured his heart out' talking of mending 'broken Britain'. The first casualties of his cuts are those very people he is supposed to be saving, messy times ahead.

I very much doubt the NHS will be dismantled. It just needs to be run BETTER. And if as a consequence some back office paper shuffler loses their job, then tough titties. Should working for the NHS in whatever capacity make anyone immune for being fired? If the nice nurses and doctors start losing their jobs, i may well dress up in black and start hurling a few things myself. ;)
In general, it's not the best thing. Government is inefficient.

But there is a set level of service that each population expects from its government (NHS in Britain, for example) and other functions that the government takes upon itself when not necessarily prudent. The trick is to provide the first group of functions at minimal cost, and try to limit the second group.

But as noted above, a recession is generally a bad time to through people out on the street.

All organizations have waste. The benefit of a government run healthcare is cost control. The less fortunate can get care. The population should have the option to pay for and get private care if they want. When profit is the motive care takes a back seat. The lack of good health care cost a society more money in the long run. With regular check up you can catch illness at an early stage and save lives and money.
nice try but I do represent the mainstream view you know - ie that the big financial centres need to be reigned in and taxed more and that there need to be international treaties to ensure there are no hideouts anywhere on the planet for the fat cats. They need to pay their fair share too. It is criminal that ordinary people are thrown on the scrapheap to pay for other people's excesses. I appreciate that ordinary people don't feature on your radar much but if crime and a black economy thrive because the employment situation is so bad and the numbers of police are cut, then you WILL start to notice those irritating proles.

You represent the mainstream do you? full of yourself much? :lol:

so was it you who nicked all my gear then? :confused:
All organizations have waste. The benefit of a government run healthcare is cost control. The less fortunate can get care. The population should have the option to pay for and get private care if they want. When profit is the motive care takes a back seat. The lack of good health care cost a society more money in the long run. With regular check up you can catch illness at an early stage and save lives and money.

^ what he said.

I very much doubt the NHS will be dismantled. It just needs to be run BETTER. And if as a consequence some back office paper shuffler loses their job, then tough titties. Should working for the NHS in whatever capacity make anyone immune for being fired? If the nice nurses and doctors start losing their jobs, i may well dress up in black and start hurling a few things myself. ;)

We are not talking about paper pushers here. One part of the first wave of cuts has targeted those considered not worthy of funding by Cameron, the kids with special needs and such. Cameron of all politicians should recognise the need for this type of nhs service?