DANKE, keine Sorge - das mache ich8)
besorg dir unbedingt eine schwimm- oder taucherbrille

damit kann man vereinzelte quallen rechtzeitig orten und ihnen ausweichen.
es gibts nichts nervigeres als ins wasser zu gehen, sich zu freuen dass
keine quallen zu sehen sind und dann mit der einzigen qualle weit und breit zusammenzustossen.
und die quallen kommen (soweit sie nicht schon da sind) - bei 165km küste weiss man halt bloss nicht wann und wo

Jellyfish Arrive
The suspected record influx of jellyfish to the island has started to unfold, after shoals were seen off the coasts of Formentera and the south-easterly tip of Ibiza.
A spokesman for the beach businesses in Ibiza and Formentera, Cesar Jerez, said that the potential damage to businesses, if the problem was not controlled, could run into millions.
His fears were backed by the president of the Hotel Association, Roberto Hortensius, who said that if the problem persisted it would certainly affect the influx of tourists to the island.
He claimed that the majority of tourists came here in summer for sun and sea tourism and that this offer would be put in jeopardy if the tourist did not feel safe going into the sea.
However he claimed that the association had been in talks with the different Town Halls, and hoped that a solution to the growing problem could be found soon.
Some of the solutions include the use of a machine that creates thousands of bubbles that will stop the jellyfish coming too near the shore, or the setting up of nets.