my top 3 tips

ok for all of yours who keep asking the me for tips to pull a burd on ibiza my 3 top tips are

1) if your out in a club always remember the bigger the boobs the smaller the brain

2) always go for girls who are on there last night they are so easy

3) every holes a goal

Wise words my man 8)
This whole thread really makes me laugh.
I love how everyone took the P out of him and he really had no idea. He thought he was being HELPFUL.

i know u are wanting to get inside her knickers yes.
to get inside you must no always play it cool act cool this 1 time i sniffed this burds legs she said can i help i told her no thanx im just sniffing
she was happy by this


i have to say this tactic actually worked for me once, although i cant say i knew what i was doing at the time. i was at the side of the dancefloor sparkled and stroking a girls toe through the railings unaware of what i was actually doing. ended up going out with her for about 4 months.
ok for all of yours who keep asking the me for tips to pull a burd on ibiza my 3 top tips are

1) if your out in a club always remember the bigger the boobs the smaller the brain

2) always go for girls who are on there last night they are so easy

3) every holes a goal

Invalueable advice there me auld flower i cannot thank you enough,ladies here i cum :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
About wayne18uk

Location dno most of the time
Interests drinkin ..."

Somebody told me once:

"If she's nice on the phone, add 2 stone"

"If she flirts on the pc, add another 3"

A tip I got from some 80's soft rock bands who were allways dripping in fanny, is to stuff some veg down your Speedos when your on the beach. My personal Fav and the one I ve had most sucess with has been Brocoli, everyone goes for cucumber, but I find brocoli has a better shape and keeps longer. I fact you can still use it afterwards. Try doing that with a cucumber.
A tip I got from some 80's soft rock bands who were allways dripping in fanny, is to stuff some veg down your Speedos when your on the beach. My personal Fav and the one I ve had most sucess with has been Brocoli, everyone goes for cucumber, but I find brocoli has a better shape and keeps longer. I fact you can still use it afterwards. Try doing that with a cucumber.
thanks, will try the cucumber at the gran hotel´s poolarea.
I'ved noticed how different my posts were then compared to now! back then I was nice, pleasant, keen to get on with im just a cnut!!! :lol:
I would like to know how the boob size is relevant to brain size? I haven't ever noticed any connection here.

Why would people who go to the same place all over again are easy? I just cannot follow this logic.

Every hole is not a goal. Go after those that you find worthy of your time.

How to meet people:

- Pretend you are lost
- Pretend that you are a travel guide
- Stare at people (works fine on London underground, so why not in ibiza)