my top 3 tips

look jamesthemunkehg?

i know u are wanting to get inside her knickers yes.
to get inside you must no what u are doing by the her a drink get her a strong drink or 10 when your paying shes happy and if shes happy you will b a happy u no ... dont go in for the kill str8 way and pinch the her ass or u willl only get a slap if she is a real slut then go in for the kill str8 away or some 1 the else will have hers b4 u she will like u for that and u no shes easy and u have scored.. always play it cool act cool this 1 time i sniffed this burds legs she said can i help i told her no thanx im just sniffing
she was happy by this
So buying girls drinks and sniffing their legs are the way to go?
What if I can't afford to buy girls drinks...some of the clubs in Ibiza are rather expensive?
wayne18uk said:
look jamesthemunkehg?
.. always play it cool act cool this 1 time i sniffed this burds legs she said can i help i told her no thanx im just sniffing
she was happy by this

LMAO :lol:
Oh yes...
A guy sniffing my legs gets me every time!!! I suddenly become this mad crazed sex addict!!
Can't believe that you use that!

LOL....I really do not believe it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nadia said:
Oh yes...
A guy sniffing my legs gets me every time!!! I suddenly become this mad crazed sex addict!!
Can't believe that you use that!

Works apparently. Gets me every time. Where does Wayne get this wisdom?
wayne18uk said:
look jamesthemunkehg?

i know u are wanting to get inside her knickers yes.
to get inside you must no what u are doing by the her a drink get her a strong drink or 10 when your paying shes happy and if shes happy you will b a happy u no ... dont go in for the kill str8 way and pinch the her ass or u willl only get a slap if she is a real slut then go in for the kill str8 away or some 1 the else will have hers b4 u she will like u for that and u no shes easy and u have scored.. always play it cool act cool this 1 time i sniffed this burds legs she said can i help i told her no thanx im just sniffing
she was happy by this

no grammar, no spelling, no class...i mean honestly...HOW DO THE LADEEZ STAY OFF OF U MAN??? heh :eek: :lol: :twisted:

str8 from Canada baby!! said:
wayne18uk said:
look jamesthemunkehg?

i know u are wanting to get inside her knickers yes.
to get inside you must no what u are doing by the her a drink get her a strong drink or 10 when your paying shes happy and if shes happy you will b a happy u no ... dont go in for the kill str8 way and pinch the her ass or u willl only get a slap if she is a real slut then go in for the kill str8 away or some 1 the else will have hers b4 u she will like u for that and u no shes easy and u have scored.. always play it cool act cool this 1 time i sniffed this burds legs she said can i help i told her no thanx im just sniffing
she was happy by this

no grammar, no spelling, no class...i mean honestly...HOW DO THE LADEEZ STAY OFF OF U MAN??? heh :eek: :lol: :twisted:


You dont know the real wayne do you !
Barbie said:
Now where can I get one of those Barbie the Slut t-shirts from :eek: :lol:

ohhhhh barbie, you can't mean that! don't break
my "almost madonna" picture of you (virgin
madonna, that is)...

### barx
Robo said:
Barbie said:
McRackin said:
<--- :lol:
(west end)

Now where can I get one of those Barbie the Slut t-shirts from :eek: :lol:

the girl in white top is pretty attractive, actually.

id smoke it