my top 3 tips

funniest thread ive read in a long time, girls in office now looking over at me strangely from my belly laugh :eek:

But hey, those girls in the Barbie the Slut tops?

I would! I dont understand why people go to nights like that school disco in Ibiza? Any student Union worth their salt has a weekly one surely? Whats the point in going on one on holiday? Bring back Wayne, where the hell did he go??

How could I have missed this guy for so long :lol:

Wayne, your pearls of wisdom are f***ing priceless mate
McRackin said:
how about these classy burds? 8)


(eden 2002)


The girl on the right as you look at it looks like that rough 'un from Hollyoaks, non?
A Wayne thread that hasn't been revived for a year and half????? Sorry folks, I've obviously been slacking!
That man tells it like it is!
Any news of his talk show? Word has it Jeremy Kyle is shi**ing himself!