my top 3 tips

<--- hey!! :eek:
wayne18uk said:
ok for all of yours who keep asking the me for tips to pull a burd on ibiza my 3 top tips are

1) if your out in a club always remember the bigger the boobs the smaller the brain

2) always go for girls who are on there last night they are so easy

3) every holes a goal

post of the decade :D :D :D
I've been struggling to pull for the last month or two, hopefully this should help, but should I buy them drinks or just grab their bun?
wayne could have his own section to answer our questions about burds - ask wayne or something like that!! :lol:

<--- coo-coo!! :p
i think i need wayne18uk to teach me some lessons!! ;)

havent pulled for monnnntthhhs! its all good though!! dancing is good enough for me! havin a mental night :D :eek: ;) :lol:
I think we should all make a virtual cash box where each and every one of us will donate a few pounds/dollars/euros/whatever to it everytime we manage to pull a burd when using wayne18uk's advice :p

wayne18uk - thanks for showing us the light! :eek:
whens the book coming out wayne? ahahahahhahahahahha :lol: :lol:

oh...and when it comes out, u should pair it wif an STD encyclopedia or somefin, that way, when one of the gringos who follow ur steps actually manage to stick their pole in ANY hole, they can find out what STD they have afterwards...heh

The release date for his book is the 25th June.
Wayne will be availible to meet at a signiture sign-in on the 25th June - 3rd July In San An Bay @ Hotel Rosoma .

For an extra £20 Euro you can have a signed copy of his book !!!!

(Book Title)

" How To The Pull The Burd "

As Waynes manager i suggest you pm me for more info !!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
My Top 3 Tips

Azertyuiop in the 3.20pm at Cheltenham
Emotional Moment in the 4.00pm at Cheltenham
Fondmort in the 5.10pm at Cheltenham

Are'nt we talking about horses here?
My Top 3 Tips

1) take a good shampoo on hols and use it wash your clothes (if need be - it was v sweaty last year) that way even if u dont get all the soap out it wont mess with your skin but just make u smell nice

2) if dont think you can see then you probably cant

3) if u r really mashed and u meet a fit bird in the loo then she is probably a man!

thats my lot