London riots

There was a candle light Vigil last night for the guy in Birmingham who ras run over and killed in the riots.

Bit dangerous having it at a petrol station though !!!

Excuses, excuses :rolleyes:

Here's a real hero. Father of one of the three killed in Birmingham.

Opinions, opinions...flying around everywhere at the mo - it's just exhausting.

That's why I posted the vid without expressing a viewpoint.

It's hard to have an opinion without someone putting you in a box and going off on a tirade based around a different agenda (not you Morbs - just a general comment). :lol: ;)

Fact is, there's lots of angry people around at the mo and there's no safe spaces for discussion - especially in London right now.

...There are lots of right and wrong answers and everybody is entitled to their own.


"what??? so you're saying rioters deserve an opinion too?"

NO I'M FECKIN' NOT OK??? :lol:

(just in anticipation of getting jumped by someone else looking to earth their misdirected rage)
Only for them to be spat back out into a society that doesn't care.

Also just saying. :lol:

There has to be an understanding of the merit of responsibility and personal development and it is the seeming lack of such an understanding that has been so acutely highlighted by recent events. It is the responsibility of everyone who has such an understanding to put aside their anger and look for ways in which they can play their own small part in addressing this fatal shortcoming in others. With a commitment to such a goal the conditions may at least start to emerge in which the problems which lie beneath all this can be addressed for ourselves and for the next generation.