London riots

well the man who confronted the yobs in ealing has died....:(

sad. they don't have a good Samaritan law in the UK? I would stick my nose in as long as a gun is not involved, a quick call to the police out of the line of fire and eye sight of the yobs.
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I reading a lot around the net about the average person's veneer of liberalism disappearing pretty quickly and everyone listing to the right, as a result of the riots.

Does anyone else see it like that? I have to admit that my reaction to the rioters was 'bang them in jail' one and all, but I don't really see it as any attack on disaffected working class youth.

I see people that set fire to homes and also people that got involved at all, as guilty of fairly grave crimes. Am I wrong, is it in fact reasonable to say 'I didn't set light to anything, I just grabbed a pack of jaffa cakes because others had broken the windows already'?

Although now, I'm not sure. One guy on this list is a homeless guy, remamnded in custody for stealing some cakes:
I reading a lot around the net about the average person's veneer of liberalism disappearing pretty quickly and everyone listing to the right, as a result of the riots.

i'd say the majority of the public's patience with liberalism has worn thin, especially when it comes to Crime, and seeing what criminals 'get away'.

the Crims know this.

There has to be a balance between liberty and law.
sad. they don't have a good Samaritan law in the UK? I would stick my nose in as long as a gun is not involved, a quick call to the police out of the line of fire and eye sight of the yobs.

When I was about 15, I working on the gas in Central London, near Carnaby Street. I was down a trench with the guy I was working with and he saw a bloke distract a Japanese tourist while another ran from behind and grabbed the tourist's camera. As they ran alondside the trench, my mate jumped out and swung his shovel, flat side staight in the bloke's face. As he hit the deck, nose now flat to his face, plain clothes police came from everywhere and dived on him. They'd probably been watching them at it.

My mate was congratulated by the police and various passers-by. These days he'd probably go down.
Buckers my take on the rioters is this if you beat or burned something or someone you should be banged up. The punishment should fit the crime. Some should get probation other that committed more serious crime should have a jail sentence. The sending to jail of someone who stole cakes or water is just a public relations ploy to say to the public look we are doing something that is it. IMHO
I reading a lot around the net about the average person's veneer of liberalism disappearing pretty quickly and everyone listing to the right, as a result of the riots.

I really don't see a lot of liberalism on the net these days. I'm proud to admit I'm a liberal (on most issues). I think you need to look at the 'bigger picture' with these things.
Buckers my take on the rioters is this if you beat or burned something or someone you should be banged up. The punishment should fit the crime. Some should get probation other that committed more serious crime should have a jail sentence. The sending to jail of someone who stole cakes or water is just a public relations ploy to say to the public look we are doing something that is it. IMHO

Once it was obvious how serious it was, could anyone claim to be just stealing cakes. That they weren't part of the whole thing, making the mob bigger, stretching police resources meaning fires were lit and mugging and beating. At what point can you genuinely claim to have no idea of the context you were operating in?
Once it was obvious how serious it was, could anyone claim to be just stealing cakes. That they weren't part of the whole thing, making the mob bigger, stretching police resources meaning fires were lit and mugging and beating. At what point can you genuinely claim to have no idea of the context you were operating in?

This is an interesting question!

The thought of a wholescale breakdown in law and order terrifies people and these situations, thankfully rare, shows the ugly side in many which is just below the surface.

To me these recent events show the frightening ability to throw off the thin veneer of civilisation that many people have, at a moments notice, because they think they can get away with it.

God help us if there were actually food shortages or anything serious. we'd probably have cannabilism in a fortnight :lol:.

My point is, i guess, that we should not allow or accept any defense or mitigation from those involved regardless of how they became involved, because it's the line we can't allow people to cross as a society.

I also guess you're right about the "suspension of liberalism" thing too.

But I think that liberalism can only exist within the framework of a functioning society so we may feel inclined to suspend our more liberal views to ensure our actual society is protected from those who want to rip it apart?
MarkB and Buckers you are both correct. It does not take much to break down society. Loss of power, shortage of food or water. The mob mentality will take over and the strong will rule over the weak.