London riots

I've just listened to some human rights activist bleeting on about how the sentences are too harsh that are being dished out for these clowns in particluar two halfwits who tried to incite a riot via facebook.. They got 4 years apiece which in fairness is severe but this dickhead said the punishment doesn't fit the crime as no body replied..:rolleyes:
Justice shouldn't be used as a political tool or 'to make an example' beyond what it normally would. Comparable crimes should get comparable sentences. 4 years for writing something on FB... would a paedo or someone who'd committed an actual assault get that?
A valid point sir and i agree the sentences should fit the crime, peados rapists and murderers should receive a lot more than they do thats what makes this look so severe. Let me ask you this, if you or i rang the police with a bomb hoax in a shopping centre what do you think would happen to us?? I doubt wether someone would be fighting our corner with the excuse the bomb never went off... 10 years each..
I remember the riots in the early 80's (showing me age now!). My brother and I used to watch the big orange glow over Moss Side from the back bedroom window. And that for me is the difference. They weren't heading for shopping centres to see what they could rob, they were rioting about the appalling living conditions on the estates where they lived. Their protest had genuine political emphasis and aims. Black people were routinely stopped and searched going about their daily business (when random stop and searches were illegal), and the police got away with much more than they can now because no-one had camera phones to expose their thuggery. Some people might remember the miners strike (particularly the 'Battle of Orgreave Colliery') or the 'Battle of the Beanfield'. Some police back then saw their uniform as a licence to beat the snot out of anyone they wanted to. Policing has improved because it had to. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the little scrotes using the shooting of an armed man as an excuse to riot were really just using it as an excuse to go thieving and intimidate ordinary law-abiding folk. Nothing more.
I feel it sums this country uo when our "justice system" will put away youths for trying to plan a riot on facebook but when 500 arabs stand the streets of london chanting anti english/white/christian whatever bull **** they are left to get on with it. There was a group of english trying to pay respects in london on 9/11 and at the same time as some arabs had started a protest about the yanks and started burning the USA flag the english were told to move on!!!! :eek: The copper actually said they had to move on or be arrested under the public order act for trying to lay a wreath ffs while these dick heads are chanting anti western stuff in front of the police while they just look the other way :rolleyes:
This country is ****ed, no turning back now either, successive governments have let it deteriorate in to its current state. Cant wait to move away so my kids dont have to live in what can only end up an even worse place to live. We are treated like the minority on our land :evil:
I feel it sums this country uo when our "justice system" will put away youths for trying to plan a riot on facebook but when 500 arabs stand the streets of london chanting anti english/white/christian whatever bull **** they are left to get on with it. There was a group of english trying to pay respects in london on 9/11 and at the same time as some arabs had started a protest about the yanks and started burning the USA flag the english were told to move on!!!! :eek: The copper actually said they had to move on or be arrested under the public order act for trying to lay a wreath ffs while these dick heads are chanting anti western stuff in front of the police while they just look the other way :rolleyes:
This country is ****ed, no turning back now either, successive governments have let it deteriorate in to its current state. Cant wait to move away so my kids dont have to live in what can only end up an even worse place to live. We are treated like the minority on our land :evil:


I feel it sums this country uo when our "justice system" will put away youths for trying to plan a riot on facebook but when 500 arabs stand the streets of london chanting anti english/white/christian whatever bull **** they are left to get on with it. There was a group of english trying to pay respects in london on 9/11 and at the same time as some arabs had started a protest about the yanks and started burning the USA flag the english were told to move on!!!! :eek: The copper actually said they had to move on or be arrested under the public order act for trying to lay a wreath ffs while these dick heads are chanting anti western stuff in front of the police while they just look the other way :rolleyes:
This country is ****ed, no turning back now either, successive governments have let it deteriorate in to its current state. Cant wait to move away so my kids dont have to live in what can only end up an even worse place to live. We are treated like the minority on our land :evil:

Is that you Morrissey? :lol:
We are treated like the minority on our land :evil:

Have to agree with Buckers here, I have never once in my life felt like I was being treated like a minority.

As for the original question, the punishments are crazy when compared to the punishments given to many other more vile/ obscene criminal acts.