London riots

I just think the Christianised idea of the family unit (often at the expense of community) is pretty flawed as a concept.

Whats wrong with having a Mum and a Dad (or in some cases 2 Dads, or 2 Mums)?

Dont you think families are PART of a wider community?

or would you rather people breed and have someone up the road look after your offspring, while you go off up some mountain to meet some spiritual Yogi? :lol::spank:
Whats wrong with having a Mum and a Dad (or in some cases 2 Dads, or 2 Mums)?

Dont you think families are PART of a wider community?

or would you rather people breed and have someone up the road look after your offspring, while you go off up some mountain to meet some spiritual Yogi? :lol::spank:

There's nothing wrong with either of the two scenarios.

...and yes of course I do.

Unless they breed playground bully types with small (ock syndrome desperate to get one over.
(2) Create a "shame culture" around crime, where neighbours are informed of residents who have committed anti social crimes.

a slight problem with the 'Human Rights' issue... whoever signed up for that well meaning (but ultimately **** bit of EU legislation), should be ashamed of themselves.
(2) Create a "shame culture" around crime, where neighbours are informed of residents who have committed anti social crimes.

Daz - You is no proppa geeza, bruvva .. your name's not on da score list

Gaz - Wot you talkin' about, faggot - I got more ASBOs than your muvva
My Manifesto:


Create Opportunities for the Young:

(1) Businesses employing 50+ staff should be required by law to take on at least one modern apprentice a year. Per every 50 employees. (cheap labour for the company, great development for the school leaver)

(2) Free higher education for all, including Universities. But RAISE the academic qualifying criteria so only those who work hard get the opportunity for a free pass.


Create Significant Deterrent

(1) Mandatory minimum 3 year sentence for looting. No early release.

(2) Create a "shame culture" around crime, where neighbours are informed of residents who have committed anti social crimes.

Not a bad start. 8)
There isn't a problem - it works in many cases.

...but fails many people too. There are other ways to work a society and one isn't at the expense of the other.

"what are the parents doing?"

errr - some people have crap parents.

What? A good strong family unit where people respect one another "fails many people"?

This is something you think is a big concern for society? People trying to maintain a good healthy family life?

Because i'll tell you something, it's one of the hardest things to achieve in today's world.

Yeah it's not the only solution but it's a ****ing good start given that the absence of these values creates the vacuum where the trouble starts.

Anyway what other alternatives do you propose to the family unit? enforced kibbutz for under 5's?

Yeah i can see that taking off in Peckham. ****s sake.
out of all the outraged/sickened/whats wrong wiv da yoof/where are the parents/i would do this etc comments on Facebook , this made me laugh....

What? A good strong family unit where people respect one another "fails many people"?

This is something you think is a big concern for society? People trying to maintain a good healthy family life?

Because i'll tell you something, it's one of the hardest things to achieve in today's world.

Yeah it's not the only solution but it's a ****ing good start given that the absence of these values creates the vacuum where the trouble starts.

Anyway what other alternatives do you propose to the family unit? enforced kibbutz for under 5's?

Yeah i can see that taking off in Peckham. ****s sake.

No you're missing my point completely...and it was such a ridiculously small one it didn't even require debate let alone a sensationalist rant like the above.

Can't beleive I even need to say this but here goes:

A good strong healthy family unit is a great thing for all involved.

was thinking kibbutz for the over 16s, actually - you never know a bunch of them might take to it .. sure beats roaming around Peckham all day wondering what to do with yourself.
Criminals commit crimes plain and simple. Arrest the lot and come down hard.:spank::spank:

:lol: - my gut instinct too, djjaycool, and what I thought before I lived here. UK prisons are not like in the US, mate - you can come down as hard as you like but there's no real downside and no room left in the prisons here.

These guys are genuinely amoral - they don't understand what they are doing is wrong. When things get to that stage it's time to go back to the drawing board and start again. History has plenty to teach us. Just got to face it, the Western "model" hasn't worked here !!! ;)
Like i've already mentioned on this thread before:

As a punishment instead of ten weeks jail i think the scum who took part in the rioting should be put in the Army.
If they like to fight in groups then why not send this **** over to Iraq or Afghanistan then we'll see how just how tough and hard they are. I bet they'd **** their pants and cry like babies:cry: when some REAL THUGS get their hands on them.:lol:

Ofcourse some of you will say that such a comment is too extreme but so what as we all have a right for a opinion.
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Like i've already mentioned on this thread before:

As a punishment instead of ten weeks jail i think the scum who took part in the rioting should be put in the Army.
If they like to fight in groups then why not send this **** over to Iraq or Afghanistan then we'll see how just how tough and hard they are. I bet they'd **** their pants and cry like babies:cry: when some REAL THUGS get their hands on them.:lol:

Ofcourse some of you will say that such a comment is too extreme but so what as we all have a right for a opinion.

give them vest and have them rebuild clean up the mess they made
Jeezes... what Cool Aid have you been drinking?!?
That's fiscal suicide. Any intelligent person would leave the country in a minute!


As above. I've not really thought this through, just trying to move the debate to a more constructive what do we do now.


As above. I've not really thought this through, just trying to move the debate to a more constructive what do we do now.

Sorry for the outburst, but coming from a country with a top bracket of 35% and living in a country with a flat tax rate of 13%, I just can't see a 70% rate ever working!

At that rate, you might as well just not work... or at least you'd better be very good at hiding income offshore. It would breed more lawlessness (albeit white collar crime) than it would solve.

Social justice is about giving the poor opportunities, not about taking everything you can from the rich.
No you're missing my point completely...and it was such a ridiculously small one it didn't even require debate let alone a sensationalist rant like the above.

Can't beleive I even need to say this but here goes:

A good strong healthy family unit is a great thing for all involved.


Sorry, it wasn't meant to sound as much of a rant as it did! 8):lol:
At last some light heartedness....:lol::lol::lol:

Philip Winder's son Wesley pulled out all the stops to defend the family's carpet business in Salford.